
《苔丝》的英文读后感 篇一






《苔丝》的英文读后感 篇二







《苔丝》的英文读后感 篇三


  The book, Tess of the d" Urbervilles, is a tragic of a pure and poor girl. When I put down this book, I was in tears. I just wanted to ask, Angel, why did you treat her like this?

  I could imagine such a terrible night when Tess lost her way in a dark and silent wood. The What she faced was a b man and she hadn" t known how dangerous the man could be. She was so weak that she was unable to resist him. No one could come up in time to help her. Eventually, beauty was damaged by ugliness. Why did the wrong

man take the wrong woman? Angel, it was the time you saved her but where were you at that time? The Maybe as the old saying said It was to be. The Then it was the start of Tess’s tragic.

  The social rule made her feel guilty and want to die. Unfortunately, her father just thought that she brought shame upon his noble name. No one could comfort her broken heart except herself. She kept all the people out her house and stayed alone and wanted to do heavy things to forget her past. The I was very happy to see that she knew such a thing shouldn’t prevent her from living an useful life. It was previous for her to have the courage to continue her life.

  When Tess fell in love with Angel, the she tried to hide her love because she thought she hadn" t had the right to get true love. But Angel, the man who loved her deeply, conquered her. However, when Tess told him her dismal past with great care, he couldn’t understand her and at last, he left her. So poor was Tess that when she wanted to be understood and forgave , she was pushed to abysm by the person she loved deeply .It was like adding more salt to the hurts of a broken heart. She was pious to everything about Angel. she could remember every sentence he said, and she learned to sing the songs he was fond of. Even when she was hurt by him, she didn’t hate him. When Angel was walking in sleep, she could choose to fall into the river to die with him but she didn’t do that because she knew she had no right to take his life. You can image how kind a girl she was.

  Her love was great, unselfish and pure .The real purity came from her mind, not her appearance .Even if she was a ordinary and plain girl ,I thought Angel would love her as well. When Angel was reminded that Tess would have laid down her life for you,he suddenly realized his prejudice and narrowness .But it was too late. Tess was already in deep desperation and became Alec’s wife. When she realized she was cheated by Alec again, she was full of anger. She came to the end of her endurance so she killed Alec d’Urberville, the person who damaged her happiness for life.

  They spent the last five day together .It was the most previous period during their life because Tess was going to be sentenced to death several days later. If Angel were brave enough to accept Tess’s past, they would live a happy life now. But he didn’t cherish Tess’s true love until he lost it forever. It was already useless for him to regret. Late, too late!

  If you love a person deeply,then to accept his or her past, or you ’ll lose your true love for life. That’s the experience I learnt from the book.



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