
圣诞的英语词汇 篇一

Christmas Vocabulary

Christmas is a holiday celebrated by millions of people around the world. It is a time for family gatherings, gift-giving, and spreading joy and cheer. In this article, we will explore some common English vocabulary associated with Christmas.

1. Santa Claus - The jolly old man with a white beard and red suit who brings gifts to children on Christmas Eve.

2. Christmas tree - A decorated evergreen tree that is traditionally put up and adorned with lights, ornaments, and tinsel.

3. Presents - Gifts that are given to loved ones during the Christmas season.

4. Reindeer - Santa's trusty companions who help him deliver presents. The most famous reindeer is Rudolph, known for his red nose.

5. Stockings - Large socks or fabric bags hung by the fireplace for Santa to fill with small gifts and treats.

6. Mistletoe - A plant often hung above doorways during Christmas. It is a tradition to kiss under the mistletoe.

7. Carols - Traditional songs sung during Christmas, often accompanied by instruments such as the piano or guitar.

8. Nativity - A scene depicting the birth of Jesus Christ, usually including figures such as Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, and the three wise men.

9. Gingerbread - A type of cookie or cake made with ginger, typically in the shape of people or houses and decorated with icing.

10. Snow - The white, fluffy precipitation that often falls during the winter months. Many people dream of a white Christmas.

11. Candy cane - A sweet treat shaped like a cane, often red and white striped, and traditionally hung on Christmas trees.

12. Wreath - A circular arrangement of flowers, leaves, or other materials, often hung on doors or walls as a decoration.

13. Fireplace - A place in the home where a fire is lit, often used during Christmas to create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

14. Ornaments - Decorative objects, such as balls or figurines, that are hung on the Christmas tree.

15. Joy - A feeling of great happiness and excitement, often associated with the Christmas season.

These are just a few examples of the many words and phrases associated with Christmas in the English language. As you celebrate this festive season, remember to spread joy and cheer to those around you.

圣诞的英语词汇 篇二

The History of Christmas Vocabulary

Christmas is a holiday that has been celebrated for centuries, and with it comes a rich vocabulary that has evolved over time. In this article, we will delve into the history of some common English words and phrases associated with Christmas.

1. Christmas - The word "Christmas" originates from the Old English phrase "Cristes m?sse," which means "Christ's Mass." It refers to the religious celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

2. Santa Claus - The name "Santa Claus" is derived from the Dutch name "Sinterklaas," which is a contraction of "Sint Nicolaas" (Saint Nicholas). Saint Nicholas was a fourth-century bishop known for his generosity and gift-giving.

3. Christmas tree - The tradition of decorating trees during the Christmas season can be traced back to the ancient Romans, who would decorate trees with small metal ornaments. The modern Christmas tree as we know it today originated in Germany in the 16th century.

4. Presents - The act of giving and receiving presents during Christmas stems from the biblical story of the three wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus. The tradition of exchanging gifts has since become synonymous with the holiday season.

5. Reindeer - The association of reindeer with Christmas can be traced back to Clement Clarke Moore's poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas." The poem describes Santa Claus and his reindeer flying through the sky to deliver presents.

6. Mistletoe - The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe dates back to ancient Druid and Norse customs. Mistletoe was believed to have magical properties and was associated with fertility and love.

7. Carols - The word "carol" originally referred to a festive song or dance. During the Middle Ages, carols were often sung during celebrations such as Christmas and were accompanied by lively dancing.

8. Nativity - The word "nativity" comes from the Latin word "natalis," which means "birth." The nativity scene, depicting the birth of Jesus Christ, has been a popular Christmas tradition since the 13th century.

9. Gingerbread - The tradition of making gingerbread dates back to ancient Greece and Egypt. Gingerbread cookies were often shaped into figures, and they became associated with Christmas during the Middle Ages.

10. Snow - The association of snow with Christmas comes from the fact that Christmas falls during the winter season in many parts of the world. Snow is often depicted as a symbol of purity and beauty during the holiday season.

11. Candy cane - The origin of the candy cane is uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in Germany in the 17th century. The original candy canes were straight and white, symbolizing the purity of Christ, and later, red stripes were added.

12. Wreath - Wreaths have been used as decorations since ancient times. The circular shape of the wreath is often associated with eternity and the cycle of life.

13. Fireplace - The tradition of lighting fires in fireplaces during Christmas can be traced back to ancient times when people would gather around fires for warmth and light during the winter months.

14. Ornaments - The tradition of hanging ornaments on Christmas trees can be traced back to 16th-century Germany. The first ornaments were often fruit, nuts, or small toys.

15. Joy - The word "joy" is derived from the Old French word "joie" and the Latin word "gaudium." It has long been associated with the Christmas season, symbolizing the happiness and excitement that comes with celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

As you can see, many of the words and phrases associated with Christmas have deep historical roots. Understanding the history behind these words can deepen your appreciation for the traditions and customs associated with the holiday season.

圣诞的英语词汇 篇三



  Chimney - 烟囱

  Reindeer - 驯鹿

  Christmas Day - 圣诞节

  Xmas - Christmas的缩写

  Christmas Eve - 圣诞前夜

  Christmas wishes -圣诞祝福

  Christmas present - 圣诞礼物

  Christmas tree - 圣诞树

  Christmas decorations - 圣诞装饰

  White Christmas - 白色圣诞节

  Santa Claus - 圣诞老人

  Sleigh - 圣诞老人乘坐的雪橇

  Fireplace - 壁炉

  Bethlehem - 耶稣出生地

  Tinsel - 金属箔,五颜六色一溜一溜的那种

  Christmas ornaments - 用来装饰圣诞树的小装饰品

  Trimming the tree - 装饰圣诞树

  Christmas lights - 圣诞灯

  Bauble - 装饰圣诞树的'球

  Candlebridge - 蜡台,但是形状跟桥似的

  Garland - 花环,套在圣诞树上的那种由金属箔制成的

  Christmas Stocking - 圣诞袜子,放礼物的,不叫christmas red sock

  Mistletoe - 槲寄生,情侣站在下面要亲吻的,是爱情的象征

  Christmas crakers - 圣诞爆竹,两头拉,拉破了会嘭的响

  Door wreath - 挂门上的花圈

  Turkey - 火鸡

  Cranberry - 蔓越橘

  Eggnog - 蛋酒,圣诞节传统饮料,由奶,蛋和酒调成,每年圣诞


  Christmas cake - 圣诞蛋糕

  Christmas pudding - 圣诞布丁

  Chestnut - 栗

  Candle - 蜡烛

  Stuffing - 放在火鸡肚子里的肉馅,水果之类的填充物

  Suger cane - 圣诞老人拐杖形状的糖果

  Gingerbread cookie姜饼



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