保险行业常用到的英语 篇一
1. 保险类型:
- Life insurance 寿险
- Health insurance 健康保险
- Property insurance 财产保险
- Liability insurance 责任保险
- Car insurance 汽车保险
- Home insurance 家庭保险
2. 保险术语:
- Policy 保单
- Premium 保费
- Deductible 免赔额
- Claim 索赔
- Underwriting 核保
- Insured 被保险人
- Insurer 保险公司
- Coverage 保险范围
- Exclusion 排除条款
- Endorsement 批单
3. 保险流程:
- Application process 申请流程
- Policy issuance 保单签发
- Premium payment 保费支付
- Claim investigation 索赔调查
- Claim settlement 索赔结算
- Renewal 续保
4. 客户服务:
- Customer inquiry 客户咨询
- Policy explanation 保单解释
- Policy cancellation 保单取消
- Policy amendment 保单修改
- Customer satisfaction 客户满意度
5. 保险报告和文件:
- Claim report 索赔报告
- Loss report 损失报告
- Insurance contract 保险合同
- Insurance policy 保险单
- Insurance certificate 保险证明
6. 保险法规和监管:
- Insurance regulation 保险法规
- Insurance commissioner 保险监察员
- Compliance 合规性
- Risk assessment 风险评估
- Solvency 偿付能力
7. 其他相关词汇:
- Actuary 精算师
- Broker 经纪人
- Reinsurance 再保险
- Adjuster 理赔员
- Policyholder 保单持有人
保险行业常用到的英语 篇二
1. 保险产品:
- Term life insurance 定期寿险
- Whole life insurance 终身寿险
- Group health insurance 团体健康保险
- Commercial property insurance 商业财产保险
- Professional liability insurance 专业责任保险
- Marine insurance 海上保险
2. 保险合同和政策:
- Policyholder's rights and responsibilities 保险人的权利和责任
- Policy limits 保单限额
- Policy exclusions 保单排除条款
- Policy conditions 保单条件
- Policy provisions 保单约定
3. 理赔与索赔处理:
- Claims adjuster 理赔员
- Claims settlement 理赔结算
- Claims investigation 索赔调查
- Claims negotiation 索赔谈判
- Claims payment 索赔支付
4. 保险销售和营销:
- Insurance agent 保险代理人
- Insurance broker 保险经纪人
- Sales pitch 销售陈述
- Marketing strategy 营销策略
- Customer retention 客户保留
5. 保险风险管理:
- Risk assessment 风险评估
- Risk mitigation 风险缓解
- Risk transfer 风险转移
- Risk retention 风险留存
- Risk financing 风险融资
6. 保险金融和投资:
- Insurance underwriting 保险核保
- Reinsurance 再保险
- Investment portfolio 投资组合
- Asset-liability management 资产负债管理
- Actuarial analysis 精算分析
7. 保险监管和法规:
- Insurance regulatory authority 保险监管机构
- Insurance compliance 保险合规性
- Insurance fraud 保险欺诈
- Anti-money laundering (AML) 反洗钱
- Know Your Customer (KYC) 了解您的客户
保险行业常用到的英语 篇三
1).insure v.投保,给……保险
I would like to insure this building against fire
2).life insurance 人寿保险
Can you explain something about the life insurance to me?
3).loss n.损失
Due to great loss of blood, he is unconscious at this moment
4).probability n.可能性,概率
The probability of getting his instruction will increase if you visit him in person
5).possibility n.可能,可能性
Is there any possibility that I will go shopping together with you this weekend?
6).assess v.评价,估算
If you assess the market value of your house,I think you can sell it at a good price.
7).assure v.确保,使确定
Only if you can assure me that you will return my car in two days,I will lend it to you.
8).assurance n.人寿保险,把握,信心
l will give you an assurance that I will be back within two days
9).safe adj.安全的
I suggest you to put It in a safe place in case of theft
10).surety n.担保人,保证金
Do you want to make this golden necklace as surety?
11).relieve n.缓和,接触,使安心
In order to relieve your pain,I advise you to take some painkillers.
12).risk n.风险,冒险;v.冒险
He told me that he would have a try at all risks.
13).property n.财产,所有物
According to the law in our country, legal personal property should be protected
14).adjuster n.理赔人
In this situation, you sh
15).policy n.保险单,政策
What do you think of the foreign policy of our country?
16).agent n.经纪人,代理人
You had better find a travel agent to consult about your travel things.