上半年英语六级高频词汇精讲 篇一
1. Comprehend - 理解
- I have read many books about climate change, so I comprehend the seriousness of the issue.
- The professor's lecture was so complicated that I couldn't comprehend most of it.
2. Analyze - 分析
- The researcher analyzed the data and found a strong correlation between the two variables.
- It is important to analyze the causes of poverty in order to find effective solutions.
3. Evaluate - 评估
- The teacher evaluated the students' essays based on their organization and clarity of ideas.
- It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons of a decision before making a final choice.
4. Examine - 检查,审查
- The doctor examined the patient thoroughly to determine the cause of his symptoms.
- The lawyer examined the witness's testimony to find any inconsistencies.
5. Discuss - 讨论
- The students gathered in groups to discuss the implications of the research findings.
- The panel of experts discussed the potential impact of the new policy.
上半年英语六级高频词汇精讲 篇二
1. Persuade - 说服
- The salesman tried to persuade me to buy the new product by highlighting its features and benefits.
- The politician delivered a powerful speech to persuade the audience to support his campaign.
2. Convince - 使相信
- The scientist presented strong evidence to convince the skeptics of the validity of his theory.
- The teacher used logical arguments to convince the students that hard work leads to success.
3. Illustrate - 举例说明
- The professor used a real-life example to illustrate the concept of supply and demand.
- The author included several case studies to illustrate the impact of climate change on wildlife.
4. Contrast - 对比
- The second paragraph contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources.
- The two paintings in the museum exhibit contrast different styles and techniques.
5. Emphasize - 强调
- The speaker emphasized the importance of education in reducing poverty.
- The author used bold font to emphasize key points in the text.
上半年英语六级高频词汇精讲 篇三
a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017上半年英语六级高频词汇精讲,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
plea 恳请,请求‘借口,托词;抗辩,答辩,辩护
plead (pleaded/pled;peaded/pled)恳求,请求;为…辩护;以…为理由
pop① 入口;
pop② (发出)砰的一声;发出短促清脆的爆破声
pop③ 流行音乐(的);通俗(的)
possess 占有,拥有
practically 实际上;几乎,简直
presentation 提出,呈交;展示(会);上演,表演;陈述
prevail 流行,盛行;取胜,占优势
prevalent 流行的,普遍的
prior 在前的,优先的
profitable 赚钱的`,有利可图的;有益的(= beneficial)
profound 意义深远的,深刻的;造诣深的,渊博的;深邃的
prohibit 禁止,不准;阻止
prolong 延长,拉长
proof 证据,证明;校样,样张
provoke 对…挑衅,激怒;引起
quota 定额,配额,限额
radical (变革等)重大的;激进的,极端的;根本的,基本的;激进分子
rash 轻率的,鲁莽的;(常sing.)疹,皮疹;(短时期内)爆发的一连串
react (to)做出反应,回应;(against)反抗,反对,反动
reassure 使放心,使安心;使消除疑虑或恐惧
reception 接待,接见;接待处,接待会;接受,接收
rectify 纠正,矫正,整顿(正式用语)
reference 提及,涉及;参考(书目);证明书(或人),介绍(人)
refute 驳斥,反驳
register 登记,注册;把(邮件)挂号
remedy (for)治疗措施;药品;纠正,补救
representative 代表,代理人;有代表性的,典型的(=typical)