英语常用的容器类量词 篇一
1. A bottle of - 一瓶
例句:Can you please pass me a bottle of water?
2. A cup of - 一杯
例句:I would like a cup of coffee, please.
3. A glass of - 一杯/一杯子
例句:Could you pour me a glass of juice?
4. A plate of - 一盘/一碟
例句:She ordered a plate of spaghetti for lunch.
5. A bowl of - 一碗
例句:He always has a bowl of cereal for breakfast.
6. A bag of - 一袋/一包
例句:I bought a bag of chips for the party.
7. A box of - 一盒/一箱
例句:She received a box of chocolates as a gift.
8. A carton of - 一盒/一箱
例句:Could you please bring me a carton of milk from the store?
9. A can of - 一罐
例句:He drank a can of soda with his lunch.
10. A jar of - 一罐/一瓶
例句:She bought a jar of pickles at the grocery store.
英语常用的容器类量词 篇二
1. A bottle of - 一瓶
这个量词通常用于液体类物品,如水、饮料和化妆品。例句:I need to buy a bottle of shampoo.
2. A cup of - 一杯
这个量词用于表示液体的容量。例句:She drank a cup of tea in the morning.
3. A glass of - 一杯/一杯子
这个量词用于表示液体类物品,如果汁、牛奶和酒。例句:He poured himself a glass of orange juice.
4. A plate of - 一盘/一碟
这个量词通常用于表示食物。例句:She served us a plate of spaghetti for dinner.
5. A bowl of - 一碗
这个量词用于表示食物或液体的容量。例句:He had a bowl of soup for lunch.
6. A bag of - 一袋/一包
这个量词通常用于表示小颗粒类物品,如蔬菜、水果和零食。例句:Could you buy me a bag of apples?
7. A box of - 一盒/一箱
这个量词通常用于表示较大的物品或包装。例句:She received a box of chocolates for her birthday.
8. A carton of - 一盒/一箱
这个量词通常用于表示食品或饮料的包装。例句:He bought a carton of eggs at the grocery store.
9. A can of - 一罐
这个量词通常用于表示金属罐装的物品,如饮料和食品。例句:She opened a can of soda.
10. A jar of - 一罐/一瓶
这个量词通常用于表示果酱、蜂蜜等食品。例句:He bought a jar of peanut butter.
英语常用的容器类量词 篇三
■a bag of flour 一袋面粉
■a barrel of beer 一桶啤酒
■a basin of water 一盆水
■a basket of eggs 一篮子鸡蛋
■a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶
■a bowl of rice 一碗米饭
■a box of matches 一盒火柴
■a bucket of milk 一桶牛奶
■a can of beer 一罐啤酒
■a carton of fruit juice 一盒果汁
■a crate of bananas 一箱香蕉
■a cup of tea 一杯茶
■a glass of milk 一杯牛奶
■a jar of jam 一罐果酱
■a jug of fruit juice
■a mug of hot tea 一大杯热茶
■a pack of gum 一小包口香糖
■a packet of sweets 一包糖果
■a plate of soup 一盘汤
■a pot of tea 一壶茶
■a sack of potatoes 一袋土豆
■a spoon of sugar 一勺糖
■a tin of soup 一个汤罐头
■a tub of ice-cream 一小桶冰淇淋
■a tube oftoothpaste 一筒牙膏