与“买卖”相关的英语单词总结 篇一
1. Buy(购买)- 买入商品或服务的行为。例如:“I want to buy a new car.”
2. Sell(销售)- 出售商品或服务的行为。例如:“He sells clothes online.”
3. Purchase(购买)- 购买商品或服务的行为。例如:“I made a purchase at the store today.”
4. Sale(销售)- 出售商品或服务的行为。例如:“The store is having a big sale this weekend.”
5. Bargain(讨价还价)- 进行价格谈判以获得更好的价格或交易。例如:“We were able to bargain the price down.”
6. Negotiate(谈判)- 双方商讨达成协议的过程。例如:“They are negotiating the terms of the contract.”
7. Price(价格)- 商品或服务的货币价值。例如:“What is the price of this shirt?”
8. Cost(成本)- 制造、购买或使用商品或服务的费用。例如:“The cost of living in this city is high.”
9. Invoice(发票)- 销售商给买方提供的有关购买商品或服务的详细账单。例如:“Please send me an invoice for the products I ordered.”
10. Receipt(收据)- 证明购买或支付的文件。例如:“Make sure to keep the receipt in case you need to return the item.”
11. Payment(付款)- 购买商品或服务时的付款行为。例如:“I made the payment online.”
12. Discount(折扣)- 降低商品价格的优惠。例如:“They are offering a 20% discount on all items.”
13. Refund(退款)- 将购买款项返还给买方的行为。例如:“I returned the product and received a refund.”
14. Contract(合同)- 双方就交易条件达成的书面协议。例如:“We signed a contract with the supplier.”
15. Supplier(供应商)- 提供商品或服务的公司或个人。例如:“We have a new supplier for our office supplies.”
与“买卖”相关的英语单词总结 篇二
1. Market(市场)- 购买和销售商品或服务的地点或方式。例如:“The company is expanding into new markets.”
2. Consumer(消费者)- 购买商品或服务的个人或组织。例如:“The new product is targeted at young consumers.”
3. Supplier(供应商)- 提供商品或服务的公司或个人。例如:“We have a new supplier for our office supplies.”
4. Retail(零售)- 销售给最终消费者的商品或服务。例如:“I prefer to shop at retail stores.”
5. Wholesale(批发)- 将商品或服务以较低价格大量销售给零售商或其他中间商。例如:“They buy products in bulk from wholesale suppliers.”
6. Inventory(库存)- 公司所拥有的可出售的商品或服务的数量。例如:“We need to update our inventory list.”
7. Profit(利润)- 从销售商品或服务中获得的剩余金额。例如:“The company made a significant profit last year.”
8. Loss(亏损)- 从销售商品或服务中损失的金额。例如:“The business is experiencing financial losses.”
9. Customer(顾客)- 购买商品或服务的个人或组织。例如:“We have loyal customers who always come back.”
10. Supplier(供应商)- 提供商品或服务的公司或个人。例如:“We have a new supplier for our office supplies.”
11. Demand(需求)- 消费者对特定商品或服务的需求。例如:“The demand for the new product is high.”
12. Supply(供应)- 可用于购买的特定商品或服务的数量。例如:“The supply of the product is limited.”
13. Import(进口)- 从其他国家购买商品或服务。例如:“The company imports goods from China.”
14. Export(出口)- 将商品或服务销售给其他国家。例如:“The country exports agricultural products to Europe.”
15. E-commerce(电子商务)- 在互联网上进行购买和销售的商业活动。例如:“Online shopping has become increasingly popular due to the growth of e-commerce.”
与“买卖”相关的英语单词总结 篇三
pend, pens=to hang,to weight
depend vi.依靠,依赖;信赖,相信;决定于,视而定
dependent a.依靠的,依赖的;取决于的
independent a.独立的,自主的,自立的;无偏见的,中立的';不相关联的,无关的
pension n.养老金vt.发给养老金(或退休金等)
expend v.花费
expense n.价钱,花费,费;开支,业务费用
suspend vt.停止,中止;悬,挂,吊
spend vt.花费,用(钱);花(时间等),度过,消磨
sume,sumpt=to take
resume vt.重新开始,继续,恢复n.摘要,概要;简历
asume vt.假定,假设,臆断;担任,承担,就职;呈现,具有,采取
consumption n.消耗量,消费量;消耗,消费,挥霍,与商品交易相关的单词
slae n.卖,出售;廉价出售;销售额
sell v.卖,出售,推销
seller n.卖者,行销货
grocery n.食品杂货店