高中英语常考词组的短语 篇一
1. Break the ice:打破僵局
例句:He told a joke to break the ice at the beginning of the meeting.
2. Put off:推迟
例句:The concert has been put off until next week due to bad weather.
3. Take advantage of:利用
例句:She took advantage of the opportunity to study abroad.
4. Turn a blind eye to:对...睁一只眼闭一只眼
例句:The teacher turned a blind eye to the student's cheating.
5. Make a difference:产生影响
例句:Your words of encouragement make a difference to me.
6. Get on someone's nerves:惹某人烦恼
例句:Her constant complaining really gets on my nerves.
7. By all means:务必
例句:You can borrow my car by all means if you need it.
8. In the long run:从长远来看
例句:In the long run, hard work always pays off.
9. Keep one's fingers crossed:祈求好运
例句:I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to pass the exam.
10. Put oneself in someone's shoes:设身处地为他人着想
例句:Before judging others, we should put ourselves in their shoes.
高中英语常考词组的短语 篇二
1. Break the ice:打破僵局
例句:The new student told a joke to break the ice and make friends with classmates.
2. Put off:推迟
例句:The meeting was put off until next week due to the unexpected delay of the guest speaker.
3. Take advantage of:利用
例句:He took advantage of the summer vacation to improve his English skills.
4. Turn a blind eye to:对...睁一只眼闭一只眼
例句:The teacher turned a blind eye to the student's late arrival because of the heavy traffic.
5. Make a difference:产生影响
例句:Your words of encouragement make a difference to me, and I feel more confident now.
6. Get on someone's nerves:惹某人烦恼
例句:His constant complaining and whining really get on my nerves.
7. By all means:务必
例句:You can use my computer by all means if you need to finish your assignment.
8. In the long run:从长远来看
例句:In the long run, hard work and perseverance will lead to success.
9. Keep one's fingers crossed:祈求好运
例句:I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to pass the driving test.
10. Put oneself in someone's shoes:设身处地为他人着想
例句:Before making any judgment, we should put ourselves in other people's shoes and try to understand their perspective.
高中英语常考词组的短语 篇三
dance to 按音乐节拍跳舞
date back to 追溯到,起源于
date from 起始于;追溯到
day after day 日复一日地
day and night 夜以继日, 日日夜夜, 日夜
day by day 一天天地
deal with关于,论及,论述; 处理;对付,对待
decide on/upon 就作出决定,决定要,打定主意
decide to do sth. 决定做某事
defend against 保卫免受危害; 抵御
depart from 离开,起程;开出
depend on 依赖,依靠,取决于,随而定
develop a friendship with 和建立起了友谊
develop healthy eating habits 养成健康的饮食习惯
devote ones life/time to 把用于, 毕生从事, 全身心地致力于
devote oneself to 把献于; 把用于
die away(声音)逐渐微弱直到听不到
die down 逐渐平静下来,直至平息(常指骚乱、火、心情的一阵波动等)
die for 为而死,因而死, 渴望,切望
die of 死于(内因)
die off绝种,相继死亡, 先后死去
die out(1)熄灭;(2)绝种;消失,灭绝;(3)成为过去(常指风俗、种族、动物品种等)