税务的基本英语用语 篇一
1. Taxation 税收
Taxation refers to the system of levying taxes by the government on individuals and businesses.
2. Taxpayer 纳税人
A taxpayer is an individual or business entity that is required by law to pay taxes to the government.
3. Tax return 纳税申报表
A tax return is a form filed by taxpayers to report their income, expenses, and other relevant information to calculate their tax liability.
4. Tax deduction 税务扣除
A tax deduction is an expense that can be subtracted from a taxpayer's income to reduce their taxable income and, consequently, the amount of tax they owe.
5. Tax credit 税务抵免
A tax credit is an amount of money that taxpayers can subtract from the tax they owe to the government. It is often used to encourage certain behaviors, such as investing in renewable energy or adopting children.
6. Tax evasion 税务逃避
Tax evasion refers to the illegal act of intentionally avoiding paying taxes by misrepresenting income, inflating deductions, or hiding assets.
7. Tax audit 税务审计
A tax audit is an examination of a taxpayer's financial records by the tax authorities to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.
8. Tax treaty 税收协定
A tax treaty is an agreement between two or more countries to eliminate or reduce double taxation on individuals or businesses that operate in both countries.
9. Tax haven 避税天堂
A tax haven is a country or jurisdiction that offers favorable tax rates and regulations to individuals and businesses to attract their financial activities.
10. Value-added tax (VAT) 增值税
Value-added tax is a type of consumption tax imposed on the value added at each stage of the production and distribution process. It is commonly used in many countries around the world.
税务的基本英语用语 篇二
1. Gather necessary documents 收集必要文件
Before filing a tax return, taxpayers need to gather all the necessary documents, such as income statements (W-2, 1099), expense receipts, and records of any deductions or credits they plan to claim.
2. Determine filing status 确定申报身份
Taxpayers need to determine their filing status, which can be single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household, or qualifying widow(er) with dependent child. Different filing statuses have different tax rates and eligibility for certain deductions.
3. Calculate taxable income 计算应纳税所得额
Taxable income is the amount of income subject to tax after deducting allowable expenses and deductions. Taxpayers need to calculate their taxable income using the appropriate tax forms and schedules.
4. Choose the correct tax form 选择正确的税务表格
There are various tax forms available for different types of taxpayers, such as Form 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ. Taxpayers need to choose the correct form that matches their filing status and income level.
5. Report income and deductions 报告收入和扣除
Taxpayers need to accurately report their income from all sources, including wages, self-employment income, investments, and any other taxable income. They also need to report any deductions or credits they are eligible for.
6. Check for errors and omissions 检查错误和遗漏
Before submitting the tax return, taxpayers should carefully review the information they provided to ensure accuracy. They should double-check calculations, verify that all necessary forms and schedules are included, and make sure they have signed and dated the return.
7. File electronically or by mail 电子申报或邮寄
Taxpayers can choose to file their tax return electronically using tax software or by mail. Electronic filing is generally faster and more convenient, while mailing a paper return requires sending it to the appropriate tax office.
8. Pay any taxes owed 缴纳应纳税款
If taxpayers owe taxes after filing their return, they need to pay the amount owed by the tax deadline to avoid penalties and interest. Payment options include electronic payment, check, money order, or credit card.
税务的基本英语用语 篇三
1).tax n.税务
He was sentenced to three years in prison because of tax evasion
2).corporation tax 公司税
He was detained because he didn't pay any corporation tax all last year
3).income tax 所得税
If l win 5 million in a lottery,l would like to pay l million for my personal tax.
4).duty n.税
Usually the duty on cigarettes is very high
5).tax dodge 规避纳税
It is said that the flim star is punished because of tax dodge
6).evade v.逃避,规避
1 didn't know why he kept on evading the issue
7).tax-exempt adj.免税的
As far as I know, the camera is tax-exempt
8).fine n.罚金,罚款
Tim paid an eighty-dollar fine for tax evasion
9).receipt n.收据,收条
Don't forget to ask tor a receipt from the shop owner
10).revenue n.税收收入
Revenue is the principal source of national income
11).levy v.征税;n.征收额
l think it is necessary to levy a tax on tabacco
12).deduction n.扣除额
They are ta|king about tax deduction at the moment
13).exempt v.免除,豁免
Nobody can exempt himself from paying taxes
State Administration for Taxation 国家税务总局 Local Taxation bureau 地方税务局
Business Tax 营业税
Inpidual Income Tax 个人所得税
Income Tax for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 tax returns filing 纳税申报
taxes payable 应交税金
the assessable period for tax payment 纳税期限
the timing of tax liability arising 纳税义务发生时间 consolidate reporting 合并申报
the local competent tax authority 当地主管税务机关 the outbound business activity 外出经营活动 Tax Inspection Report 纳税检查报告
tax avoidance 逃税
tax evasion 避税
tax base 税基
refund after collection 先征后退
withhold and remit tax 代扣代缴
collect and remit tax 代收代缴
income from author's remuneration 稿酬所得
income from remuneration for personal service 劳务报酬所得