英语写作中的过渡词 篇一
首先,让我们来看看表示顺序的过渡词。例如,"firstly"、"secondly"、"finally"等词语可以帮助我们表达事物发生的顺序。例如,"Firstly, I will introduce the main characters in the story. Secondly, I will discuss the plot. Finally, I will analyze the theme of the novel."
其次,表示对比的过渡词也是非常常用的。比如,"however"、"on the other hand"、"in contrast"等词语可以用来对比两个不同的观点或情况。例如,"The weather was hot. However, we still decided to go hiking in the mountains."
此外,表示因果关系的过渡词也是写作中常见的。比如,"because"、"therefore"、"consequently"等词语可以帮助我们表达一个事物因为另一个事物而发生的关系。例如,"I didn't study for the test, so I failed."
最后,表示总结的过渡词也是非常重要的。比如,"in conclusion"、"to sum up"、"in summary"等词语可以帮助我们总结文章的主要内容。例如,"In conclusion, the Internet has greatly changed our lives in many ways."
英语写作中的过渡词 篇二
首先,表示递进关系的过渡词是非常常用的。比如,"furthermore"、"moreover"、"in addition"等词语可以用来表示一个观点的进一步加强或举例。例如,"I enjoy reading. Furthermore, I believe that reading can broaden our horizons."
其次,表示转折关系的过渡词也是非常重要的。比如,"however"、"nevertheless"、"on the contrary"等词语可以用来表达一个观点的相反或对比。例如,"He is very talented. However, he lacks motivation."
除此之外,表示比较关系的过渡词也是英语写作中常用的。比如,"similarly"、"likewise"、"in the same way"等词语可以帮助我们表达两个事物的相似之处。例如,"The two novels are written by the same author. Similarly, they both explore themes of love and loss."
最后,表示让步关系的过渡词也是非常重要的。比如,"although"、"despite"、"regardless of"等词语可以用来表达一种情况或观点的存在,尽管有其他因素或情况。例如,"Although it was raining, we still went for a walk."
英语写作中的过渡词 篇三
常用的表示举例的过渡词语有:for example 举例,namely(等于“that is”)即,这就是说,for instance 举例,a case in point恰当的例子。例如:
① The means of production, namely, factories, mines and landshould be improved.
② A lot of people here, like Tom for example, would rather stay athome watching TV.
③ A case in point is the water control project along the YangtzeRiver.
As has been noted 如前所述,As I have said 如我所述,In brief简言之,In conclusion 总之,In s
① In conclusion, let us encourage the exchange of ideas andopinions by means of debates.
② In short/In brief/To sum up/In summary, I think that time hascome for the introduction of strict measures to protect ourenvironment.
③ As has been noted/As I have said, country life is morebeneficial than city life.
… Attribute to … (原因) [形容词短语](原因)… which in turn (结果)
Account for … (原因)
(结果) lie in the fact that (原因)
(结果) result from (原因)
It is precisely because… (原因) that (结果)… [强调结构](原因) be responsible for (结果)
It’s well known to us that ...
As is known to us, ...
This is a topic that is being widely talked about.
From the graph (table, chart) listed above, it can be seen that ...
① They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throwsoriginal businesses into a commercial panic.
② As is well known to us, it is important for the students to knowthe world outside campus.
③ The reason for this is obvious. Nowadays. the society ischanging and developing rapidly. and the campus is no longeran “ivory tower”. As college students. we must get in touch withthe world outside the campus. Only in this way can we adaptourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.
诸如此类的结构还有很多,比如表达数量、优点、缺点、重要、必要、困难、方便、可能、措施、变化、事实、现状、比较、看法、结论,如As the proverb says… 正如谚语所言,Everybodyknows that… 每个人都知道,Generally speaking, … 一般说来,It isknown to us that… 众所周知,It is true that… 的确,Many people aremuch interested in the question that… 许多人都对……感兴趣,Thereis no doubt that… 毫无疑问,等等。总之,过渡词纷繁复杂,只有在学习中慢慢摸索,慢慢积累,才能切实地提高英语写作水平。