电影的英语单词 篇一
Movies, also known as films, have become a significant part of our lives. They provide entertainment, inspiration, and often reflect the society we live in. In this article, we will explore some common English words related to movies.
1. Film: This word refers to the material on which movies are recorded. It can also be used to describe the art of making movies. For example, "I watched a great film last night" or "She studied film production in college."
2. Director: The director is the person responsible for overseeing the entire movie-making process. They guide the actors, make creative decisions, and bring the script to life. Some famous directors include Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino.
3. Actor/Actress: These are the individuals who portray the characters in a movie. Actors are male, while actresses are female. They bring the script to life and make the characters relatable. Examples of famous actors/actresses are Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep.
4. Script: The script is the written text that contains the dialogue, actions, and directions for the actors. It serves as a blueprint for the movie and guides the actors and production team. A well-written script is crucial for a successful movie.
5. Plot: The plot refers to the storyline or sequence of events in a movie. It includes the conflicts, challenges, and resolutions that the characters go through. A well-developed plot keeps the audience engaged and interested.
6. Genre: Genre refers to the category or type of movie. There are many genres, including action, comedy, romance, horror, and drama. Different genres appeal to different audiences and have their unique characteristics.
7. Cinematography: This term refers to the art of capturing moving images on film or digitally. It involves camera angles, lighting, composition, and other visual elements that contribute to the overall look and feel of the movie.
8. Soundtrack: The soundtrack is the music and sound effects used in a movie. It enhances the emotions, adds depth to the scenes, and creates a more immersive experience for the audience. A memorable soundtrack can make a movie unforgettable.
9. Box Office: Box office refers to the commercial success of a movie. It represents the amount of money earned from ticket sales. A movie's box office performance is often used to measure its popularity and success.
10. Sequel: A sequel is a movie that continues the story of a previous film. It picks up where the previous movie left off and often features the same characters. Sequels are common in franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter.
In conclusion, movies have a rich vocabulary associated with them. From the film itself to the people involved and the elements that make a movie successful, these English words are essential for anyone interested in the world of cinema.
电影的英语单词 篇二
Movies, with their captivating stories and stunning visuals, have the power to transport us to different worlds and evoke various emotions. In this article, we will explore another set of English words related to movies.
1. Premiere: The premiere is the first public showing of a movie. It is usually a grand event attended by the cast, crew, and other celebrities. The premiere allows the audience to experience the movie for the first time and generates buzz around it.
2. Trailer: A trailer is a short video advertisement for a movie. It provides a sneak peek into the movie's plot, characters, and visual effects. Trailers are often released before the movie's premiere to generate interest and excitement.
3. Oscar: The Oscar, formally known as the Academy Award, is one of the most prestigious awards in the movie industry. It recognizes excellence in various categories, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director. Winning an Oscar is a significant achievement for any movie or individual.
4. Blockbuster: A blockbuster is a highly successful and popular movie that attracts a large audience and generates substantial revenue. Blockbusters often have high production budgets, extensive marketing campaigns, and big-name actors.
5. Special Effects: Special effects, often abbreviated as SFX, are visual or audio enhancements used in movies to create realistic or fantastical elements. They include computer-generated imagery (CGI), makeup, prosthetics, and sound effects.
6. Dialogue: Dialogue refers to the spoken words between characters in a movie. It is an essential element of storytelling and helps develop the characters, advance the plot, and convey emotions. Well-written dialogue can make a movie memorable.
7. Cast: The cast is the group of actors who portray the characters in a movie. It includes the main cast, supporting cast, and extras. The cast plays a crucial role in bringing the script to life and creating believable characters.
8. Rating: Movie ratings provide guidance to the audience regarding the suitability of a movie for different age groups. Common ratings include G (General Audience), PG (Parental Guidance), PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned), and R (Restricted).
9. Cinematic: Cinematic refers to something that is related to or characteristic of movies. It can describe the visual style, storytelling techniques, or overall atmosphere of a movie. For example, "The movie had a cinematic feel with its sweeping landscapes and stunning cinematography."
10. Critic: A movie critic is a person who professionally analyzes and evaluates movies. They provide reviews and ratings, offering insights into the quality, storytelling, performances, and other aspects of a movie. Critics' opinions can influence the public's perception of a movie.
Movies are a fascinating art form that encompasses various elements and industries. Understanding the vocabulary associated with movies can deepen our appreciation for the craft and enhance our movie-watching experience.
电影的英语单词 篇三
1、ilm industry 电影工业
2、cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机
3、cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)
4、first-run cinema 首轮影院
5、second-run cinema 二轮影院
6、art theatre 艺术影院
7、continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院
9、film library 电影资料馆
10、premiere 首映式
11、film festival 电影节
12、distributor 发行人
13、Board of Censors 审查署
14、shooting schedule 摄制计划
15、censor's certificate 审查级别
16、release 准予上映
17、banned film 禁映影片
18、A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)
19、U-certificate U级
20、X-certificate X级(成人级)
21、direction 导演
22、production 制片
1. 首先“inception”,电影以这个词命名,“inception”直译是指“注入生成”,其字典上面的意思是通常指开端、某事态刚刚开始的阶段;比如 “we've come up with an idea and a plan for how to carry it out, so for us, that's the inception of the project right there”(我们有了一个想法以及如何来实现/实施该想法的计划,所以对于我们来说,这个项目就在这时产生了)。那 么我们第一次听到片名时可能还会互相问一下:“what comes to mind when you hear the word inception?”(对于你来说,在听到“生成、纳入”这一词的时候,你的脑海里第一浮现的印象是什么?)
2. 再来,这是一个科幻动作片,英文称为“sci-fi action film”,并且还是“much-anticipated summer blockbuster”(备受期待的夏季大片);影片剧情类型是“variant of the heist genre”(与传统偷盗大片稍所不同)。然后就是提一下有关“basic facts/information about the film”(电影的一些最基本的一些信息)。例如:“directed and written by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, etc”(Christopher Nolan是编剧兼导演,主演演员有莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥、渡边谦、约瑟芬? 戈登-罗维特等)。
3. 这是一部讨论有关人类潜意识(subconsciousness)的影片,而最好能够体现我们潜意识活动的就是“做梦”时咱们的认知状态(our thoughts and ideas in a dream state)。我们都知道咱们在做梦时一般是没有主动意识可以改变梦境的( normally we can't consciously make changes with what we're dreaming),但也有些时候,通过做一些努力,比如咱们正在做一场好梦 不愿意醒来时(when we're in a good dream that we didn't want to wake up on),或是希望记得刚才所梦到的情景时就可能下意识地“引导”咱们的`梦境往某希望方向发展( focus consciously on wanting to continue the dream or a certain aspect of the dream)——这种情况就称为“dream incubation”(下意识培育某种梦境);另外一个情况是当你在做梦状 态下意识到自己是“正在做梦”,那么这个现象就称之为“lucid dreaming”(有主观意识的做梦状态)。
4. Nolan在影片中希望传递给观众的就是这么一个潜意识体验,然后再结合了科幻 片色彩,即假设我们有科技能力得以侵入他人的梦境(他人的潜意识),不仅能够 “extract or steal the dreams”(抽出,或是盗走人们的梦境),并且还试图“plant an idea or begin an inception” (植入某想法或是使得这种新想法被纳入)到他人潜意识/梦境。迪卡普里奥所饰 演的Dom Cobb就是这个盗梦天才,他必须挑战完成被委托将某新想法植入到“a corporate target's mind”(一个商界目标人物的头脑中)。