英语教学优质教案范本5篇 篇一
标题:Using Technology to Enhance English Language Learning
This lesson plan focuses on incorporating technology into English language learning to enhance students' engagement and improve their language skills. The lesson is designed for intermediate-level students and is divided into two parts: vocabulary building and speaking practice.
1. To expand students' vocabulary related to technology.
2. To improve students' speaking skills through discussions about technology.
3. To encourage students' critical thinking and creativity.
1. Computers or tablets with internet access.
2. Worksheets with vocabulary exercises.
3. Projector or interactive whiteboard.
1. Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Show students a picture of different technological devices and ask them to name as many as they can.
- Discuss as a class the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in daily life.
2. Vocabulary Building (20 minutes):
- Give each student a worksheet with vocabulary exercises related to technology.
- Instruct students to complete the exercises individually.
- Review the answers as a class, clarifying any misunderstandings.
3. Technology Discussion (25 minutes):
- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
- Assign each group a specific technology-related topic (e.g. smartphones, social media, online shopping).
- Instruct students to discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and impact of their assigned topic on society and individuals.
- Monitor and provide guidance as needed.
- Have each group present their findings to the class.
4. Technology Project (30 minutes):
- In pairs or small groups, have students brainstorm and design a new technological invention that could benefit society.
- Encourage creativity and critical thinking.
- Each group should create a presentation to showcase their invention, including its purpose, features, and potential impact.
- Allow time for each group to present their project to the class.
5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):
- Lead a class discussion on the importance of technology in language learning.
- Encourage students to reflect on how technology can be used to enhance their English language skills outside the classroom.
Extension Activities:
1. Have students write a short essay or blog post about their favorite technological device and its impact on their lives.
2. Assign a research task for students to investigate how technology is used in different professional fields.
By incorporating technology into English language learning, this lesson plan aims to engage students, expand their vocabulary, improve their speaking skills, and foster critical thinking and creativity. The use of technology not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the digital age.
英语教学优质教案范本5篇 篇二
标题:Using Authentic Materials to Develop Reading Skills
This lesson plan focuses on using authentic materials to develop students' reading skills in English. The lesson is designed for intermediate-level students and aims to expose them to real-world texts and improve their reading comprehension abilities.
1. To expose students to a variety of authentic texts.
2. To develop students' reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, and inferencing.
3. To improve students' vocabulary and understanding of idiomatic expressions.
1. Authentic reading materials, such as newspaper articles, magazine extracts, or online blogs.
2. Worksheets with comprehension questions.
3. Vocabulary lists or dictionaries.
1. Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Show students a headline from a newspaper article or a picture from a magazine.
- Ask students to predict what the text might be about based on the given information.
- Encourage students to share their predictions with the class.
2. Pre-reading Activities (15 minutes):
- Introduce key vocabulary or idiomatic expressions that may appear in the reading.
- Have students work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm meanings or context for the given vocabulary.
- Discuss the vocabulary as a class, clarifying any misunderstandings.
3. Reading Comprehension (25 minutes):
- Distribute the authentic reading materials to students.
- Instruct students to read the text individually and underline any unfamiliar words or phrases.
- Provide students with a set of comprehension questions related to the text.
- Students should answer the questions individually or in pairs.
- Review the answers as a class, discussing any challenging parts of the text.
4. Post-reading Activities (20 minutes):
- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different topic related to the reading.
- Instruct students to discuss and share their opinions on the given topic, using examples or evidence from the text.
- Monitor and provide guidance as needed.
- Have each group present their findings and engage in a class discussion.
5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):
- Lead a reflection session on the importance of using authentic materials in language learning.
- Encourage students to share their thoughts on the challenges and benefits of reading real-world texts.
Extension Activities:
1. Assign students to find and bring in their own authentic reading materials to share with the class.
2. Have students write a summary or reaction paper to a chosen authentic text.
By using authentic materials, this lesson plan aims to expose students to real-world texts, improve their reading comprehension skills, expand their vocabulary, and enhance their understanding of idiomatic expressions. The use of authentic materials provides students with valuable exposure to different writing styles, topics, and perspectives, preparing them for real-life reading situations.
英语教学优质教案范本5篇 篇三
1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.
2. Get students to read the letter.
3. Let students learn the prohibition, warning and permission.
1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.
2. Enable student s to understand how to give advice.
1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting this play.
2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.
1.state the main idea of each paragraph in own words
2.ways to become addicted to cigarettes
3.the harmful effects of smoking
4. suggestions to quit smoking
1. sorting out major idea and minor idea
2. master key words in key sentence
→Step 1 Warming up
Show some proverbs on health
1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
→Step 2 Skimming
1How many parts does the reading text consist of?
2. Who wrote the letter to whom?
3. How many ways can a man become addicted to smoking?
→Step 3 Scanning
1. The first sentence of the letter shows James granddad______ .
A. lives a healthy life B. is addicted to sitting in the garden
C. has nothing to do at home D. is tired when cycling 20 kilometers
2. From the second paragraph, we can know granddad ______________.
A . never smoked B. likes smoking
C. used to smoke heavily D. still smokes now
→Step 4 Detailed reading
Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs.(让学生分组讨论,形成书面形式)
1.Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes.
2. Harmful effects for smokers
3.ways to quit smoking
→Step 5 Post reading
Write some advice to persuade smokers to quit smoking
→Step6 Discussion
How to live a healthy life?
→Step 7 Homework
1. write down the suggestions given by granddad
2. try to persuade one to give up smoking
本课是快乐英语第三册Unit Three, Lesson 3,歌曲教学课。通过前两课认读表示学校各类教室及设施的单词及句型This is our school. Welcome to our school! 的学习,第三课运用歌曲形式复习巩固本单元重点内容的同时,增加学习单词art room ,sing , draw and study .和句型We all love it .We are happy.
在教学方面上,注重学生的体验、实践、参与和创造性思维的发展。教学可以根据实际进行调整,听说表演的要求分层设定目标。教学中应当遵循全语言教学的原则。对于词汇教学中识记词汇的处理,避免机械、无意义地操练,低年级歌曲教学的要求,如何继续保持学生学习英语的兴趣, TPR与歌曲结合,注重学生心理年龄的特点,创造性的活动。能够通过辨别、指认校园和教师的有关图片等活动发展空间思维能力。能够通过观察,辨认等活动发展空间思维能力。
1.知识目标:1)复习本单元所学习的表示学校各类教室及设施的5个单词,学生通过参与课堂活动,操练This is our school. Welcome to our school! 句式。
2)学习新单词art room , studyand sing . 句子:We all love it. Study and sing , draw and play. We are happy. 能够灵活地在生活中应用所学语言。
2. 能力目标:通过模仿、操练应用等活动,能够运用所学知识去交际。
1. 复习学校各教室名称,学习新名称art room ,动词study ,sing , and draw 及句子:This is our school . We all love it. Study and sing , draw and play. We are happy.
2. 学唱歌曲
Step 1.warm-up
老师说:Good morning , boys and girls. Welcome to our class. 老师指向后面的听课老师说:There are some new teachers in our class . Let’s welcome .学生一起说:Welcome to our school. 这是对上一节课的复习,也是在潜移默化地进行有礼貌的教育。
Step 2 . Revise the songs and chant
1.老师表扬学生Good. 然后老师说:Let’s sing the songs and chant for the new teachers .
Sing the songs (Unit 1-2)
Say the chant (3)分组做歌曲和歌谣的表演。小组表演完后老师一边鼓掌一边对他们说:Good,或是Super . We are happy .做一个happy 的表情。 然后老师问学生:Are you happy ? 学生回答:Yes, we are happy . (这句是本课的一个重点句,也可以说是一句课堂用语,所以在平时的教学中经常用到)
2. 新课导入(Presentation)
歌曲歌谣展示的非常好,老师想和同学一起做游戏,老师对同学说:Shall we play a game ? OK? 学生这时肯定很高兴,会大声喊道:OK!或者有同学会说:Great ! Super !老师交代游戏规则,
1)Do after me .跟我做
Run, run, run.Walk . walk , walk.
swim . swim, swim . Skate , skate , skate .
Sing ,sing, sing.Dance ,dance ,dance.
Play ,play, play.Study , study , study.
Sing , play 是歌曲中的新单词,但是通过老师的肢体语言和声音语言,学生综合运用自己的知觉,视觉,听觉,很容易就理解了。单词的复习和学习为学唱歌曲打基础。
2)I say , you do .我说你做
第二个游戏是我说你做,在第一个游戏的基础上进一步巩固所学单词。老师说This time I say you do . 问同学:Ready ? 学生答Yes. 老师说:Let’s begin.
Play ,play ,play . Sing , sing ,sing.
Draw, draw,draw. Study,study,study.
Study and sing , Study and sing .
Draw and play .,draw and play .
做完这组活动后,老师说:You study well, very good.
3)Simon says . 做相反动作。
老师说一个动作,同学做相反的动作。如:Run – jump , sing –dance , draw – sleep ,study – play.
老师问同学:Are you happy ?
S: Yes.
T : We are happy . (通过TPR活动,运用以旧带薪的方式复习学习知识,学生在活动中操练,在练习中拓展,提高学生应用英语的能力,突破一个又一个难点。)
Step ThreeSentence to learn
老师这时说:We are happy in our school . Our school is nice and beautiful . Today let’s introduce our school and our happy life to the new teacher . OK? (在学校我们非常快乐.我们学校非常美丽.咱们把我们学校和我们的快乐生活介绍给新老师,好吗?)
S: OK.
A) 老师指着图片问:What’s this ? 学生答到:It’s a classroom.板书: classroom ,老师问其他同学,然后老师说:We love our classroom . We love it . We all love it. (做动作) We sing and dance . we read and study .Are you happy ? S: Yes, we are happy.
老师重复:read and study , we are happy.
B) 用同样的方法复习单词:library , music room , gym , school .
C) 最后重点学习artroom (art room是本课歌曲中初次出现的单词)
D) Let’s say our school .(按照书上歌曲的顺序说图片.)用幻灯展示我们的学校,在真实的语境中灵活运用语言。老师问:Are you happy ? Yes. We are happy . Tiantian , Jinjin and Coco are happy .And they love their school . They say : We love our school .
E) Let’s open our books and turn to Page 17.
Listen to the song.
Sing the song two times .
Do and sing the song .
Sing the song in groups.
Homework :
A:listen to the tape and sing the song to your parents.
B:Draw our beautiful school and make a new song.
本单元的重点学习内容之一是12个月份的名称,包括了听说认读。学生听说问题不大,但是要认,甚至是缩写,对中下生还是存在比较大的困难。本教案从有趣的“Let us chant”引出12个月份的名称,通过背诵、默写,使学生轻松掌握。本单元的主题句:When is your birthday? 因为是学生比较感兴趣的话题,相当于日常口语,学生比较容易掌握。但本课时拓展至“When is Grandmas birthday?"涉及到询问别人的生日,家人的生日,为家人制造生日表格等,是学生比较难掌握的内容。同时,掌握一些简单的阅读方法,为以后的阅读打好牢固基础也是本课时的教学重点。
(1)能够听、说、读、写句子:When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.
(3)能够掌握询问他人生日的方法:When is __s birthday?并能流利回答:His/ Her birthday is in ...
(1)本课时重点掌握如何询问别人的生日:When is your birthday? Its in...
Step1. Pre-reading
1. Lets chant:(课本P26)
2. Read the words and write down the words.
3. Revise:
When is your birthday ?
When is your motherbirthday ?
When is your fatherbirthday ?
【设计意图】:通过一个节奏感强烈的Chant 复习学过的单词,避免了枯燥,也增强了学生的学习兴趣。由单词过渡到句子的训练,符合学生的认知规律,也不偏离本节课的教学内容,为下面的学习内容做好了铺垫!)
Step2. While-reading
1. Skimming.
T :(PPT 出现本课主角:John.) Who is the boy ? Ss: He is John.
T:Who is the woman ?
Ss:She is Johns Grandma.
T: What is John doing ?
Ss: He is making a birthday chart.
T: Do you know when his birthday is? Open your book. Read and circle the date.
When is John’s birthday? (read and circle)
Learning tip ①(学习方法小提示):在阅读短文时我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信息快速浏览,获取关键信息。
2. Scanning.
(1)Read and underline
How many people are there in John,s family ?
Who are they ?
( 2 )PPT出现John 的一家,教学Uncle Bill Aunt Mary Cousin Alice
Learning tip ②(学习方法小提示):
( 3 )小组合作填写Birthday chart
3. Listen and read
The Ss listen to the tape, and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step3. Post-reading
1. 分角色读
2. 试着背诵深颜色句型,小组检查
3. My family(这是本课的拓展练习,试学生的掌握情况而定) I have a happy family! There are 3 people in my family. They are my dad, my mom and me.
My father’s birthday is in March.
My mother’s birthday is in June. My birthday is in July .
I love my family!
Step 4. Homework
1.copy the sentences three times.
2.Make a family birthday chart of your own, and remember the birthday of your family.(给自己的家人做一张生日表,并牢记每一位亲人的生日)
1、掌握并运用新单词basketball , football. Table tennis.
2、理解句型I like…及I don’t like….
1 、要求学生能运用真实情感表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的事物.
1、句型I like ….和I don’t like ….的运用.单词basketball , morning exercises 的发音.
材料准备: 图片 实物 表情卡片
Language : I like …. I don’t like….
Vocabulary: football、basketball、table tennis
一、Warm up :
Morning exercises (预备环节 活跃气氛 复习单词 exercises)
Clap your hands , tap your feet , shake your hand .
T: On the board draw a ball. “ What’s this ?”
S: It’s a ball. (本环节是共同的基础,引出新课)
Then show the picture of football.
Practice: read after the teacher. (分男女生进行比赛练习,单词练习)
三、Game: This is football.
老师用投篮的动作引出basketball , 辅助图片加深印象.
T: What’s this ?
S: This is a basketball.
Line by line : This is a basketball.
Language : I like ….
用Do you like basketball ?老师将一个happy face 放在football的图片下,引出 I like football .
同理练习 I like basketball. (跟读,比赛练习巩固)
Game: What did teacher says ? (用实物以加深认识)
Vacabulary :
用实物呈现table tennis. 待学生熟悉单词后加入句子练习“I like table tennis.”
Teacher play the table tennis : Look, oh no , I don’t like table tennis.同时,将sad face放在table tennis 的图片下.
T: Don’t. I don’t like table tennis.
分别用happy face 和sad face 进行说话练习.(能力练习,加强孩子的语言组织能力)
Extra activities:
(Children all stand up then walk in a circle.)
T: Let’s play basketball / football / table tennis .
S: ( Repeat and do the actions.) (此环节是对下面内容的铺垫)
T : Let’s play football. Ok?
S: Ok, I like football.
Make a dialogue. (更高一层的要求,培养孩子的综合能力)
S1: Let’s play football . Ok ?
S2: No. I don’t like football.
S1: Let’s play basketball.
S2: Ok. I like basketball.