
英国小说《苔丝》英文读后感 篇一

After reading the British novel "Tess of the d'Urbervilles," I was deeply moved by the tragic life of the protagonist, Tess. The novel, written by Thomas Hardy, explores themes of fate, gender roles, and societal expectations, presenting a powerful critique of Victorian society.

One aspect of the novel that struck me was Tess's struggle against the constraints of her gender and the expectations placed upon her. Living in a patriarchal society, Tess is constantly subjected to the control and judgment of men. From her encounter with the manipulative Alec d'Urberville to her tragic relationship with Angel Clare, Tess's life is shaped by the actions and decisions of the men around her. Despite her intelligence, strength, and determination, Tess is ultimately unable to escape the limitations imposed upon her as a woman. This portrayal of the injustices faced by women in Victorian society resonated with me and reminded me of the ongoing fight for gender equality in our own times.

Another theme that stood out to me was the role of fate in Tess's life. From the beginning of the novel, it is clear that Tess is destined to face adversity and tragedy. Hardy uses the concept of fate to explore the idea that individuals are often powerless in the face of external forces. Despite her efforts to make a better life for herself, Tess is constantly thwarted by circumstances beyond her control. This exploration of fate and the seemingly predetermined nature of Tess's life left me feeling a sense of melancholy and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human existence.

Finally, the novel's critique of Victorian society was both powerful and thought-provoking. Hardy vividly portrays the hypocrisy and double standards of the time, exposing the flaws and injustices that underpinned the seemingly civilized society. Through Tess's experiences, the novel challenges the rigid class distinctions, the oppressive moral codes, and the narrow-mindedness of Victorian society. It serves as a reminder that societal expectations and conventions can often lead to the destruction of individuals who do not conform.

In conclusion, reading "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" was a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful experience. Thomas Hardy's exploration of themes such as gender roles, fate, and societal expectations made me reflect on the injustices and complexities of both the Victorian era and our own society. Tess's tragic story serves as a reminder of the importance of fighting against societal constraints and the need for empathy and understanding in our interactions with others.

英国小说《苔丝》英文读后感 篇二

"Tess of the d'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy is a novel that left a deep impression on me. Set in Victorian England, the story follows the life of Tess, a young woman who faces numerous challenges and hardships. Through Tess's journey, Hardy explores themes of morality, love, and the destructive power of societal expectations.

One aspect of the novel that resonated with me was its exploration of morality. Tess is portrayed as a morally upright and virtuous character, yet she is constantly judged and condemned by society for her actions. This contradiction highlights the hypocrisy and arbitrary nature of societal morality. It made me question the idea of absolute moral standards and the ways in which society often imposes its own subjective values on individuals. Tess's struggle to reconcile her own sense of morality with the expectations placed upon her by society was both heartbreaking and thought-provoking.

The theme of love is also central to the novel. Tess's relationships with both Alec d'Urberville and Angel Clare reflect the complexities and challenges of love. Her ill-fated affair with Alec is marked by manipulation and abuse, while her marriage to Angel is characterized by misunderstandings and unmet expectations. Through these relationships, Hardy explores the idea that love can be both a source of joy and a destructive force. It made me reflect on the complexities of human emotions and the ways in which love can shape and impact our lives.

Furthermore, the novel's portrayal of the destructive power of societal expectations was particularly striking. Tess is constantly judged and condemned by those around her, and these judgments ultimately lead to her downfall. This critique of societal pressure and the damaging effects of conformity resonated with me. It served as a reminder of the importance of individual agency and the need to challenge societal norms and expectations.

In conclusion, "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a profoundly moving novel that explores themes of morality, love, and societal expectations. Thomas Hardy's vivid portrayal of Tess's struggles and hardships left a lasting impression on me. It made me reflect on the complexities of human existence and the ways in which societal pressures can shape and impact our lives. Overall, reading this novel was a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful experience.

英国小说《苔丝》英文读后感 篇三


  TESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d’Urberwilles. She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather

happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven not as she thought she was. The woman pays.Without Angel’s love nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late! Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!







她,用鼻尖敲响生活的乐章,用微笑面对残酷的生活,她虽然被无情的病魔折断腾飞的翅膀,但她还说认真地面对每一天。 她,就是赵晨飞,那个用平凡的残弱的躯体创造出生命奇迹的...





