Invitation to Class Reunion
Dear [Name],
We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been quite some time since we last saw each other, and we believe it is time for a long-overdue reunion. We are excited to announce that we are organizing a class reunion for our graduating class of [year].
The reunion will take place on [date] at [venue]. It will be an evening filled with nostalgia, laughter, and reminiscing about our school days. We have planned a variety of activities to make this reunion memorable for everyone. From a delicious buffet dinner to a live band playing our favorite hits from that era, we aim to create an atmosphere that will transport us back to our school days.
We cannot stress enough how important it is for all of us to reconnect and catch up on each other's lives. It will be a great opportunity to see how far we have come since our graduation, as well as to reconnect with old friends and make new memories.
We kindly request you to mark your calendar and join us for this special event. The ticket price for the reunion is [amount], which will cover the cost of the venue, food, and entertainment. Please RSVP by [RSVP date] to confirm your attendance and make the necessary payment. You can reach out to [contact person] at [contact number] for any further queries or to make the payment.
We look forward to seeing you at the reunion and rekindling the bonds that were forged during our school years. Let's make this reunion a truly unforgettable one!
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
Dear [Name],
Time flies, and it's hard to believe that it has been [number of years] since we graduated. We hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness. We are excited to announce that we are organizing a class reunion for our graduating class of [year].
The reunion will be held on [date] at [venue]. It will be an evening filled with laughter, joy, and catching up with old friends. We have planned an array of activities to ensure that this reunion is one to remember. From a cocktail hour to a heartwarming slideshow of our school memories, we have put in a lot of effort to make this event special for everyone.
We believe it is crucial to reconnect and reminisce about our school days. This reunion will provide a perfect opportunity to see how far we have come since our graduation, as well as to strengthen the friendships we formed back then.
We kindly request you to save the date and join us for this memorable event. The ticket price for the reunion is [amount], which will cover the cost of the venue, food, and entertainment. Please RSVP by [RSVP date] to secure your spot and make the necessary payment. For any further inquiries or to make the payment, please contact [contact person] at [contact number].
We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you at the reunion and creating new memories together. Let's make this reunion a night to remember!
Best regards,
[Your Name]
同学聚会英文邀请函的简洁 篇三
亲爱的同学们 :
你们好 !
光阴荏苒 ,岁月如梭 ,逝者如斯夫。转眼间,我们毕业已近二年。二年间世事变迁转瞬间,二年间,人在旅途风雨兼程,二年间,桃花匆匆花开花谢,二年里桂花飘香香去香来......二年间,我们每个人所走的路不尽相同,或春风得意,或平平淡淡,或艰辛坎坷......但是,无论人生如何浮沉,无论贫富贵贱如何,也无论世事如何变迁,我们都没有忘记大学同学间的真挚友情。多少次梦里相聚,多少次心驰神往。
请您在百忙中挤时间来到我们身边, 这里有××多名情系你的老同学,让我们促膝
坐在一起回忆校园的往事, 让我们牵手伴舞找寻过去的影子, 让我们放声同一首歌述说明日的美好未来......
其实, 我们今天的相约是从19××年的那个秋天开始的,尽管××年过去,你我青春不在,可岁月之痕却永远抹不去留给你我的那份温馨。愿你手持这份请柬,如约地来到同学的面前,让我们再回到××年前的花季岁月,让我们开怀畅饮! 让我们今夜无眠!
19 XX年,当我们高唱"再过二十年,我们来相会"的时候,不知您是否想到了今天——三十年后的相聚?"弹指一挥间"的三十年,我们的国家发生了翻天覆地的变化,我们每个同学也许同样经历了几多风雨、几多沧桑,从稚嫩走向了成熟,从成熟走向了辉煌。 感怀昔日的友情,我们常常咏叹出无奈的感伤。高中期间所结下的`友情是最纯洁、最真诚的。同学的牵挂、眷恋,经常萦绕在我们心头。往事如烟,回首似痴,佳期如梦——想见到您!这是我们的共同心愿。再度聚首,叙旧言新;看看各自的模样,谈谈各自的近况;追忆似水流年,展望美好未来。这该是一种多大的精神享受与满足,又该是一种多大的幸福与欣慰!
你是否还记得三十年前和你一起感悟人生、畅想未来、共同嬉戏的老同学?在春意盎然的季节里,你是否翻开了已经发黄的相册,去追忆我们曾经共同度过的美好时光?你的答案是肯定的。那还等什么呢,带上你最好的心情,怀着一份追忆的期待,再次走到一起来吧,去重温那逝去的岁月,来沟通离别后的思念和人生的感悟吧。 你的心情现在好吗?你的一切还算顺利吗?一别三十载,荏苒不惑年,当年同窗,今散四海。但我们相信:无论你回到故里,或远在他乡;无论你事业辉煌,或暂时下岗;也无论你多么闲暇,何等繁忙;