英文字母x的发音规则_单词_例句 篇一
1. [ks] 的发音规则
当字母x在单词中的位置是词首时,通常发音为 [ks]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- box(盒子): The cat is sitting in the box.(猫坐在盒子里。)
- exit(出口): Please use the exit on the right.(请使用右边的出口。)
- exam(考试): I have an exam tomorrow.(我明天有一场考试。)
2. [gz] 的发音规则
当字母x在单词中的位置是词中或词尾时,通常发音为 [gz]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- example(例子): Can you give me an example?(你能给我一个例子吗?)
- relax(放松): I like to relax on the weekends.(我喜欢在周末放松。)
- anxiety(焦虑): He suffers from anxiety.(他患有焦虑症。)
3. [z] 的发音规则
在某些单词中,字母x可以发音为 [z]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- xylophone(木琴): The children were playing the xylophone in the music class.(孩子们在音乐课上玩木琴。)
- xenophobia(仇外): The rise of xenophobia is a global concern.(仇外情绪的抬头是一个全球关注的问题。)
英文字母x的发音规则_单词_例句 篇二
1. [ks] 的发音规则
当字母x在单词中的位置是词首时,通常发音为 [ks]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- x-ray(X光): The doctor ordered an x-ray to examine my broken arm.(医生要求进行X光检查我的断臂。)
- xylophone(木琴): She plays the xylophone beautifully.(她演奏木琴漂亮。)
2. [z] 的发音规则
当字母x在单词中的位置是词中或词尾时,通常发音为 [z]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- exam(考试): I have an exam tomorrow.(我明天有一场考试。)
- relax(放松): I like to relax on the weekends.(我喜欢在周末放松。)
3. [gz] 的发音规则
在某些单词中,字母x可以发音为 [gz]。以下是一些常见的单词和例句:
- example(例子): Can you give me an example?(你能给我一个例子吗?)
- anxiety(焦虑): He suffers from anxiety.(他患有焦虑症。)
英文字母x的发音规则_单词_例句 篇三
X:英语字母排列中第24个字母。读音 /eks/,是英语字母中开头单词最少的字母。下面小编给大家分享了有关字母x的英语相关内容,一起来看看吧!
box /b?ks/ n.盒; 箱状物 fix /f?ks/ vt.固定
fox /f?ks/ n.狐; 狐狸
mixture /?m?kst??(r)/ n.混合 relax /r??læks/ vt.缓和
relaxation /?ri:læk?se??n/ n.消遣 six /s?ks/ n.六
sixteen /?s?ks?ti:n/ n.十六 sixty /?s?ksti/ num.六十
tax /tæks/ vt.使负重担 taxi /?tæksi/ n.出租车
text /tekst/ n.文本 excellent /?eks?l?nt/ adj.优秀的
except /?k?sept/ vt.把…除外 excite /?k?sa?t/ vt.使兴奋
excited /?k?sa?t?d/ adj.激发的 excitedly /?k'sa?t?dl?/ adv.兴冲冲
exciting /?k?sa?t??/ adj.使人兴奋的 excuse /?k?skju:s/ n.辩解; 借口
expense /?k?spens/ n.费用 expensive /?k?spens?v/ adj.昂贵的
experience /?k?sp??ri?ns/ n.经验,体验 experienced /?k?sp??ri?nst/ adj.有阅历的
experiment /?k?sper?m?nt/ n.尝试; 实验 expert /?eksp?:t/ n.专家
explain /?k?sple?n/ vt.说明…的原因 explanation /?ekspl??ne??n/ n.解释
explore /?k'spl??/ vt. 探索 expose /?k'sp??z/ vt.揭露
express /?k?spres/ v.表达 expression /?k?spre?n/ n.表现
extend /?k?stend/ vt.延长 extra /?ekstr?/ adj.额外的
next /nekst/ n.下一位 oxygen /??ks?d??n/ n.氧,氧气
example /?g?zɑ:mpl/ n.例子 exist /?g?z?st/ vi.存在; 生存
exact /?g?zækt/ adj.准确的 examine /?g?zæm?n/ vt.检查
exactly /?g?zæktli/ adv.恰恰; 确切地 examination /?g?zæm??ne??n/ n.检查
但是exercise /?eks?sa?z/ n.练习例外
anxious /?æ?k??s/ adj.焦急的
1 xenophobia n. 仇外,排外;对外国人的畏惧和憎恨 2 xerography n. 静电印刷法 3 xerophyte n. 旱生植物 4 Xerox vt.&vi.用静电复印 5 Xmas n. 圣诞节 6 Xujiahui n.(地名)徐家汇 7 xylem n. 木质部 8 xylophone n. 木琴例句
1.Generation X tends to inpidualism.
2.Suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres.
3.Please x your ideas in the little boxes on the form.
4.Let x be y.
5.To go through these sections, you should have an X server up and running.
6.What capability or feature do you need that is not in «product X»?
7.It's because we already know that is the right X and Y, so why not take the correct combination here and see what happened.
8.' X is the only English letter he knows and he knows that American people speak English.
9.Because the area is fixed, you can always find the span (length) of the X axis and the span (height) of the Y axis.
10.Several astronomers have said that there's no evidence for the Planet X theory, and that if the planet did exist, humans would be able to see it even without a telescope.