英语四级语气词总结 篇一
在英语中,语气词(Modal Particles)是一类非常常用的词汇,它们可以表达说话人的情感、态度和意图。在英语四级考试中,考生需要掌握并正确使用这些语气词,以便准确表达自己的意思。本文将对常见的英语四级语气词进行总结和解析。
1. Shall
"Shall" 是一种征求意见的语气词,用于提出建议、提问或请求。例如:
- Shall we go to the movies tonight?
- Shall I open the window?
2. Will
"Will" 是一种表示意愿、允诺或请求的语气词。例如:
- I will help you with your homework.
- Will you pass me the salt, please?
3. Would
"Would" 是一种表示过去习惯、愿意或委婉请求的语气词。例如:
- When I was a child, I would often visit my grandparents.
- Would you mind closing the door?
4. Could
"Could" 是一种表示能力、允许或委婉请求的语气词。例如:
- I could swim when I was five years old.
- Could I borrow your pen?
5. Should
"Should" 是一种表示建议、责任或期望的语气词。例如:
- You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
- I should study harder for the exam.
6. May
"May" 是一种征求许可或表示可能性的语气词。例如:
- May I use your computer?
- It may rain later, so bring an umbrella.
7. Must
"Must" 是一种表示必须、强烈要求或推测的语气词。例如:
- You must finish your homework before going out.
- He must be tired after working all day.
8. Might
"Might" 是一种表示可能性、委婉请求或推测的语气词。例如:
- I might go to the party if I finish my work on time.
- Might I have a glass of water, please?
英语四级语气词总结 篇二
在英语四级考试中,考生需要注意掌握并正确使用语气词(Modal Particles),以便准确表达自己的意思。本文将继续对常见的英语四级语气词进行总结和解析。
9. Can
"Can" 是一种表示能力、允许或委婉请求的语气词。例如:
- I can speak three languages.
- Can you help me with this math problem?
10. Ought to
"Ought to" 是一种表示义务、建议或责任的语气词。例如:
- You ought to apologize for what you said.
- She ought to study more for the test.
11. Need
"Need" 是一种表示需要、必须或推测的语气词。例如:
- I need to buy some groceries.
- You needn't worry about it.
12. Used to
"Used to" 是一种表示过去习惯或情况的语气词。例如:
- I used to play the piano when I was young.
- He used to live in London.
13. Dare
"Dare" 是一种表示敢于或委婉请求的语气词。例如:
- I dare you to jump into the pool.
- How dare you speak to me like that?
14. Let
"Let" 是一种表示允许或建议的语气词。例如:
- Let me help you with your bags.
- Let's go for a walk.
15. Would rather
"Would rather" 是一种表示宁愿或选择的语气词。例如:
- I would rather stay at home than go to the party.
- Would you rather have tea or coffee?
英语四级语气词总结 篇三
Its too bad. What a pity!
tough luck Its really tough.
Oh no! Uh-uh
Boy. Man.
Oh my. Oh dear.
Oh my goodness. Wow
terrific awesome
fantastic wonderful
cool super cool ultra cool
Yeah. You bet. Ah-huh
dummy 笨蛋 idiot 白痴
moron 白痴 jerk 废物
asshole 混蛋 S. O. B. son of bitch