非洲专有的地理环境的英语短语 篇一
Africa's Unique Geographical Environment
Africa, the second largest continent in the world, is known for its diverse and unique geographical environment. From vast deserts to lush rainforests, Africa offers a range of landscapes that are found nowhere else on Earth. In this article, we will explore some English phrases that describe Africa's exclusive geographical features.
1. Sahara Desert - The Sahara Desert is the world's largest hot desert, covering much of North Africa. It is a vast expanse of sand dunes and rocky plains, with extreme temperatures and limited vegetation.
2. Serengeti Plains - The Serengeti Plains, located in East Africa, are famous for their remarkable wildlife and annual migration of over a million wildebeest. It is a vast savannah, dotted with acacia trees and home to a diverse range of species.
3. Nile River - The Nile River is the longest river in Africa and the world, spanning over 6,650 kilometers. It is a lifeline for many countries, providing water for agriculture, transportation, and electricity.
4. Mount Kilimanjaro - Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak, standing at 5,895 meters. It is a dormant volcano and attracts thousands of climbers each year, offering breathtaking views from its summit.
5. Victoria Falls - Victoria Falls, located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is one of the world's largest waterfalls. Known as the "smoke that thunders," the falls are a spectacular sight and a popular tourist destination.
6. Namib Desert - The Namib Desert is one of the world's oldest deserts, stretching along the Atlantic coast of Namibia. It is famous for its towering sand dunes, some of which reach heights of over 300 meters.
7. Great Rift Valley - The Great Rift Valley is a geological feature that runs through East Africa, extending from Mozambique to Syria. It is known for its stunning landscapes, including deep lakes, high mountains, and fertile valleys.
8. Okavango Delta - The Okavango Delta, located in Botswana, is one of the world's largest inland deltas. It is a unique ecosystem, characterized by meandering waterways, lush vegetation, and diverse wildlife.
9. Madagascar - Madagascar is an island off the southeastern coast of Africa and is known for its rich biodiversity. It is home to many unique species of plants and animals, including lemurs, baobab trees, and chameleons.
10. Cape of Good Hope - The Cape of Good Hope is a rocky headland on the southwestern tip of Africa. It is a significant landmark and marks the point where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
These English phrases only scratch the surface of Africa's diverse and exclusive geographical environment. From the vast deserts to the lush rainforests, Africa truly offers a unique and captivating experience for those who explore its landscapes.
非洲专有的地理环境的英语短语 篇二
Exploring Africa's Exclusive Geographical Environment
Africa is a continent of diverse and exclusive geographical environments that captivate the imagination. From the iconic deserts to the majestic mountains, Africa's natural landscapes are truly one-of-a-kind. In this article, we will delve into some English phrases that describe Africa's unique geographical features.
1. Kalahari Desert - The Kalahari Desert is a vast sandy savannah that stretches across Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. It is known for its red sand dunes, sparse vegetation, and diverse wildlife, including the famous Kalahari lions.
2. Atlas Mountains - The Atlas Mountains run through several North African countries, including Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. They are a majestic range that offers breathtaking views, picturesque valleys, and opportunities for trekking and exploration.
3. Congo Basin - The Congo Basin is the world's second-largest rainforest, covering a large part of central Africa. It is a biodiversity hotspot, home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including gorillas, elephants, and numerous bird species.
4. Mount Kenya - Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa. It is an extinct volcano with stunning glacial peaks and diverse ecosystems, attracting climbers and nature enthusiasts from around the world.
5. Namib-Naukluft National Park - The Namib-Naukluft National Park is a vast protected area in Namibia and is home to the Namib Desert. It is known for its towering sand dunes, unique desert-adapted wildlife, and breathtaking landscapes.
6. Lake Victoria - Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the world's second-largest freshwater lake. It is shared by three East African countries – Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya – and is a vital source of water, transportation, and fishing for the surrounding communities.
7. Drakensberg Mountains - The Drakensberg Mountains, also known as the Dragon Mountains, form the border between South Africa and Lesotho. They are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are famous for their dramatic cliffs, scenic valleys, and ancient rock art.
8. Skeleton Coast - The Skeleton Coast is a stretch of coastline in Namibia known for its stark beauty and treacherous waters. It is characterized by its shifting sand dunes, shipwrecks, and colonies of Cape fur seals.
9. Lake Malawi - Lake Malawi, also known as Lake Nyasa, is one of Africa's Great Lakes and is shared by Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. It is famous for its crystal-clear waters, tropical fish, and idyllic beaches.
10. Mount Kilimanjaro - Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania, is Africa's highest peak and the world's tallest freestanding mountain. It is a popular destination for climbers, offering a challenging but rewarding experience and stunning views from its summit.
These English phrases provide a glimpse into the diverse and exclusive geographical environment that Africa has to offer. From the vast deserts to the lush rainforests, Africa's landscapes are a testament to the continent's natural beauty and allure.
非洲专有的地理环境的英语短语 篇三
非洲,全称为阿非利加州。位于亚洲的西南面。东濒印度洋,西临大西洋,北隔地中海与欧洲相望,东北角习惯上以苏伊士运河为非洲和亚洲的分界。约占世界陆地总面积的20.2 %,次于亚洲,为世界第二大洲。下面,我们一起通过一些非洲专有的地理环境的英语短语来了解一下这个世界大洲。
1、atlas mountains,阿特拉斯山脉,位于非洲西北部海岸,长1800公里。
2、kilimanjaro mounts,乞力马扎罗山,非洲著名的活火山,海拔5895米,也是非洲最高峰。
3、kenya mountain,肯尼亚山,非洲第二高峰,位于肯尼亚中部,主峰巴蒂安峰海拔5199米。
4、sahara desert,撒哈拉沙漠,世界最大的沙漠,位于非洲大陆北部,东西长5600公里,南北宽1600公里,面积777万平方公里,约占非洲总面积的32%。
5、great rift valley,东非大裂谷,世界陆地上最长的裂谷带。纵贯非洲大陆东部,长4000多公里,裂谷两侧陡崖壁立,谷深可达2000米,谷底分布有一系列洼地、盆地和湖泊。
6、congolese basin,刚果盆地,非洲中西部盆地。面积约337万平方公里。
7、east african plateau,东非高原,非洲著名高原,位于埃塞俄比亚高原以南、刚果盆地以东、赞比西河以北。面积100万平方公里,平均海拔1200米。
8、ethiopian highland,埃塞俄比亚高原,非洲大陆最高的高原,世界著名的熔岩台地。素有“非洲屋脊”之称。位于埃塞俄比亚(ethiopia)中西部,平均海拔2500米。
9、kgalagadi desert,卡拉哈迪沙漠,非洲南部的内陆干燥沙漠,面积63万平方公里,海拔900—1100米。
10、namib desert,纳米布沙漠,非洲西南部大西洋沿岸沙漠。长1900公里,宽80—130公里,海拔一般低于500米,是世界著名的“冷沙漠”。
11、mosi oa toenja falls(victoria falls),莫西奥图尼亚瀑布(维多利亚瀑布),非洲最大瀑布,位于赞比西河上,赞比亚与津巴布韦(zimbabwe)之间。为绵延97公里、宽24—100米的“之”字形峡谷瀑布带。主瀑布落差122米,宽1800米,被岩岛分成5个瀑布跌入宽仅400米的深潭,水雾如云,声鸣如雷,十分壮观。图盖拉瀑布,非洲落差最大的`瀑布,位于中非的图盖拉河上,由5级组成,总落差944米,最大一级落差411米。
12、al maghrib(berber),马格里布地区(柏柏尔地区),北非西部诸国的总称。在阿拉伯语中意为“西方”之意。包括摩洛哥(morocco)、阿尔及利亚(algeria)、突尼斯(tunisia),有时候也包括利比亚(libya)西部的的黎波里塔尼亚(tripolitania)一带。远古时柏柏尔人在此定居。公元682年,阿拉伯人向北非西部前进,到达摩洛哥,阻于大西洋,以为这里是最西的土地,故名。
13、sahel,萨赫勒,指非洲塞内加尔(senegal)北部、毛里塔尼亚(mauritania)南部、马里(mali)中部、布基纳法索(burkina faso)北部、尼日尔(niger)南部和乍得(chad)中部的一条宽320—480公里的地带,即为非洲热带草原向撒哈拉沙漠过渡的干旱、半干旱地带。这里地形单调,多为起伏和缓的高原,植被稀疏,降水稀少。
14、somalia peninsula,索马里半岛,非洲唯一的半岛。
15、madagascar island,马达加斯加岛,非洲最大的岛屿,面积约60万平方公里。
16、cape of good hope,好望角
17、cape agulhas,厄加勒斯角
18、west sahara,西撒哈拉,位于非洲西北部,面积266000平方公里,海岸线长900公里。全境在撒哈拉沙漠的西部。一般海拔300米以下,间有海拔500米以上的低山,东北角海拔约800米,为全境最高地区。无常年河,热带沙漠性气候,降雨极少。有储量丰富的磷灰石,还有钾盐、铁、铜和石油等矿藏。沿海渔业资源丰富。人口18.3万,多为阿拉伯人(arabs)和柏柏尔人(berbers),通用阿拉伯语和西班牙语。居民信奉伊斯兰教,经济以畜牧业为主,多饲养羊和骆驼,逐水草而居。沿海渔业为手工捕捞,开采磷酸盐,公路通往国外,内陆运输靠骆驼。西撒哈拉仅有3座城镇,最大城市阿尤恩(aaiun),人口11万。公元7世纪,阿拉伯人进入;15世纪葡萄牙、西班牙相继侵入。19世纪末沦为西班牙殖民地,1958年被改为西班牙的一个省。1976年西班牙撤离,萨基亚哈姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线(简称“西撒人阵”)宣布成立阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国。但有关各方对该地区的归属有争执,以至发生武装冲突,至今地位不确定。
1、nile,尼罗河,非洲最长的河流,以白尼罗河源流卡盖拉河的最上源算起,全长6671公里,流域面积300万平方公里,其流域是非洲人口最密集、经济最发达的地区之一。下游的谷地和三角洲是世界古文明的发祥地之一。尼罗河流经卢旺达(rwanda)、布隆迪(burundi)、坦桑尼亚(tanzania)、肯尼亚(kenya)、乌干达(uganda)、刚果民主共和国[金](democratic republic of congo)、苏丹(sudan)、埃塞俄比亚和埃及(egypt),是世界上流经国家最多的国际河流之一。
2、congo(zaire),刚果河(扎伊尔河),非洲第二长河,干流流经刚果盆地,呈一大弧形,两次穿过赤道,注入大西洋。全长4640公里,流域面积376万平方公里(位居世界第二位)流经安哥拉(angola)、赞比亚(zambia)、中非(central africa)、喀麦隆(cameroon)、民主刚果[布](congo)和刚果民主共和国[金]等国家。
3、niger,尼日尔河,西非著名大河,源出几内亚(guinea)中南部的富塔贾隆(fouta djallon)高原,全长4160公里,流域面积210万平方公里。
4、senegal river,塞内加尔河,塞内加尔河全长168
5、zambezi river,赞比西河,非洲南部最大的河流。发源于赞比亚西北部和安哥拉中东部的高地,干支流经安哥拉、赞比亚、博茨瓦纳(botswana)、纳米比亚(namibia)、津巴布韦、莫桑比克(mozambique),注入莫桑比克海峡。长2600公里,流域面积135万平方公里。
6、limpopo river,林波波河, 非洲东南部河流。又称鳄河。长1680千米。流域面积38.5万平方千米。