大学英语四级词汇F开头 篇一:Fruit and Its Importance in a Healthy Diet
Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet. Not only are fruits delicious and refreshing, but they are also packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for our overall health. In this article, we will explore the importance of fruit in our diet and how it can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Firstly, fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and protecting the body against common illnesses and diseases. Fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and kiwis are particularly high in vitamin C. Additionally, fruits like bananas and avocados are rich in potassium, an important mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and maintain proper heart function.
Furthermore, fruits are a great source of dietary fiber. Fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation. It also helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and certain types of cancer. Fruits such as apples, pears, and berries are high in fiber and can help improve digestion and promote a feeling of fullness, which is beneficial for weight management.
Moreover, fruits are low in calories and fat, making them an ideal snack for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Instead of reaching for processed snacks that are high in sugar and unhealthy fats, opting for a piece of fruit can satisfy cravings and provide essential nutrients without contributing to weight gain.
In addition to their nutritional benefits, fruits are also known for their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, which can cause damage to cells and lead to various diseases, including cancer. Fruits such as blueberries, grapes, and cherries are rich in antioxidants and can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and slow down the aging process.
In conclusion, fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while being low in calories and fat. Incorporating a variety of fruits into our daily meals can help improve overall health, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. So, next time you're grocery shopping, make sure to stock up on a variety of fruits and enjoy the numerous health benefits they have to offer.
大学英语四级词汇F开头 篇二:The Importance of Financial Literacy for College Students
Financial literacy refers to the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts and practices that are necessary to make informed decisions about personal finances. With the increasing complexity of the modern financial system, it has become crucial for college students to possess a certain level of financial literacy. In this article, we will discuss the importance of financial literacy for college students and how it can benefit them in the long run.
Firstly, financial literacy helps college students make informed decisions about their personal finances. It equips them with the knowledge and skills to manage their money effectively, budget their expenses, and save for the future. By understanding concepts such as budgeting, saving, and investing, students can make wise financial decisions that will set them on the path to financial stability and success.
Secondly, financial literacy empowers college students to avoid falling into debt and financial hardships. With the increasing costs of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses, many college students find themselves struggling with debt. A lack of financial literacy can lead to poor financial decisions, such as taking on excessive student loans or accumulating credit card debt. By being financially literate, students can develop strategies to minimize debt, manage credit responsibly, and avoid financial pitfalls.
Furthermore, financial literacy enhances college students' ability to plan for the future. It helps them set realistic financial goals and develop strategies to achieve them. Whether it's saving for a down payment on a house, starting a business, or planning for retirement, financial literacy provides students with the tools and knowledge to make smart financial choices that will benefit them in the long term.
Moreover, financial literacy prepares college students for the real world and the challenges they will face after graduation. It equips them with the skills to navigate the financial landscape, understand financial products and services, and make informed decisions about investments and insurance. This knowledge is essential for students as they enter the workforce and start managing their own finances independently.
In conclusion, financial literacy is of utmost importance for college students. It enables them to make informed decisions about their personal finances, avoid debt and financial hardships, plan for the future, and navigate the financial landscape. By acquiring financial literacy skills, college students can set themselves up for a financially stable and successful future. Therefore, it is crucial for educational institutions to prioritize financial literacy education and for students to actively seek resources and opportunities to improve their financial knowledge and skills.
大学英语四级词汇F开头 篇三
fabric/ ‘fæbrik/ n.织物,纺织品;结构
face/ feis/ n.脸;表面;外表
facility/ fə’siliti/ n.设备;容易;便利
fact/ fækt/ n.事实;实际,实情
factor/ ‘fæktə/ n.因素;因子,系数
factory/ ‘fæktəri/ n.工厂,制造厂
faculty/ ‘fækəlti/ n.才能,能力;系,科
fade/ feid/ vi.褪色;逐渐消失
fail/ feil/ vi.失败;失灵;不能
failure/ ‘feiljə/ n.失败;失败的人
faint/ feint/ a.微弱的;虚弱的
fair/ feə/ a.公平的;相当的
fair/ feə/ n.定期集市;博览会
fairly/ ‘feəli/ ad.相当;公平地
faith/ feiθ/ n.信任,信心;信仰
faithful/ ‘feiθful/ a.忠诚的;如实的
fall/ fɔ:l/ vi.落下;跌倒;陷落
false/ fɔ:ls/ a.不真实的;伪造的
fame/ feim/ n.名声,名望
familiar/ fə’miljə/ a.熟悉的;冒昧的
family/ ‘fæmili/ n.家,家庭;家族
famine/ ‘fæmin/ n.饥荒;严重的缺乏
famous/ ‘feiməs/ a.著名的,出名的
fan/ fæn/ n.(运动等)狂热爱好者
fan/ fæn/ n.扇子,风扇 vt.扇
fancy/ ‘fænsi/ n.想象力;设想;爱好
far/ fa:/ a.远的 ad.远,遥远
fare/ feə/ n.车费,船费,票价
farewell/ ‘feə’wel/ int.再会 n.告别
farm/ fa:m/ n.农场,农庄;饲养场
farmer/ ‘fa:mə/ n.农民,农夫;农场主
farther/ ‘fa:ðə/ ad.更远地 a.更远的
fashion/ ‘fæʃən/ n.样子,方式;风尚
fashionable/ ‘fæʃənəbl/ a.流行的,时髦的
fast/ fa:st/ a.快的;偏快的 ad.快
fasten/ ‘fa:sn/ vt.扎牢,扣住
fat/ fæt/ n. 脂肪,肥肉 a. 肥胖的
fatal/ ‘feitl/ a.致命的;命运的
fate/ feit/ n.命运,天数
father/ ‘fa:ðə/ n.父亲;神父;创始人
fatigue/ fə’ti:g/ n.疲劳,劳累
fault/ fɔ:lt/ n.缺点;过失;故障
faulty/ ‘fɔ:lti/ a.有错误的,有缺点的
favour/ ‘feivə/ n.好感;赞同;恩惠
favourable/ ‘feivərəbl/ a.有利的;赞成的
favourite/ ‘feivərit/ a.特别受喜爱的
fear/ fiə/ n.害怕;担心 vt.害怕
fearful/ ‘fiəful/ a.害怕的,可怕的
feasible/ ‘fi:zəbl/ a.可行的;可能的
feather/ ‘feðə/ n.羽毛;翎毛;羽状物
feature/ ‘fi:tʃə/ n.特征,特色;面貌
ʃebruary/ ‘februəri/ n.二月
federal/ ‘fedərəl/ a.联邦的;联盟的
fee/ fi:/ n.费,酬金;赏金
feed/ fi:d/ vt.喂(养) vi.吃饲料
feedback/ ‘fi:dbæk/ n.回授,反馈,反应
feel/ fi:l/ vi.有知觉 vt.触,摸
feeling/ ‘fi:liŋ/ n.感情;感觉,知觉
fellow/ ‘feləu/ n.人,家伙;伙伴
female/ ‘fi:meil/ n.雌性的动物;女子
fence/ fens/ n.栅栏
fertile/ ‘fə:tail/ a.肥沃的;多产的
fertilizer/ ‘fə:tilaizə/ n.肥料
festival/ ‘festəvəl/ n.节日;音乐节
fetch/ fetʃ/ vt.拿来;请来,接去
fever/ ‘fi:və/ n.发热,发烧;狂热
few/ fju:/ a.很少的;少数的
fibre/ ‘faibə/ n.纤维,纤维质
fiction/ ‘fikʃən/ n.小说;虚构,杜撰
field/ fi:ld/ n.田野;田;运动场
fierce/ fiəs/ a.凶猛的,狂热的
fifteen/ ‘fif’ti:n/ num.十五;十五个
fifth/ fifθ/ num.第五 n.五分之一
fifty/ ‘fifti/ num.五十,五十个
fight/ fait/ vi.打(仗);斗争
figure/ ‘figə/ n.数字;外形;人物
file/ fail/ n.档案 vt.把…归档
fill/ fil/ vt.装满,盛满;占满
film/ film/ n.影片;胶卷;薄层
filter/ ‘filtə/ vt.过滤 n.滤纸
final/ ‘fainl/ a.最后的;决定性的
finally/ ‘fainəli/ ad.最后;不可更改的
finance/ fai’næns, fi-/ n.财政,金融;财源
financial/ fai’nænʃəl, fi-/ a.财政的,金融的
find/ faind/ vt.找到;发觉;找出
finding/ faindiŋ/ n.发现;调查的结果
fine/ fain/ a.美好的;纤细的
fine/ fain/ n.罚金,罚款
finger/ ‘fiŋgə/ n.手指;指状物
finish/ ‘finiʃ/ vt.完成,结束 n.结束
fire/ ‘faiə/ n.火;火灾 vi.开火
fireman/ ‘faiəmən/ n.消防队员;司炉工
firm/ fə:m/ n.商行,商号,公司
first/ fə:st/ num.第一 ad.最初
fish/ fiʃ/ n.鱼,鱼肉 vi.钓鱼
fisherman/ ‘fiʃəmən/ n.渔民,渔夫,打鱼人
fit/ fit/ vt.适合;安装vi.适合
five/ faiv/ num.五,五个,第五
fix/ fiks/ vt.使固定;决定
flag/ flæg/ n.旗,旗帜;旗舰旗
flame/ fleim/ n.火焰;光辉;热情
flash/ flæʃ/ n.闪光 vi.闪,闪烁
flat/ flæt/ a.平的,扁平的
flat/ flæt/ n.一套房间;单元住宅
flavour/ ‘fleivə/ n.味,味道;风味
fleet/ fli:t/ n.舰队;船队,机群
flesh/ fleʃ/ n.肉,肌肉;肉体
flexible/ ‘fleksəbl/ a.易弯曲的;灵活的
flight/ flait/ n.航班;飞行;逃跑
float/ fləut/ vi.漂浮 vt.使漂浮
flock/ flɔk/ n.羊群,群;大量
flood/ flΛd/ n.洪水 vt.淹没
floor/ flɔ:/ n.地板;楼层
flour/ ‘flauə/ n.面粉,粉;粉状物质
flourish/ ‘flΛriʃ/ vi.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺
flow/ fləu/ vi.流动;飘垂;涨潮
flower/ ‘flauə/ n.花,花卉;开花
fluent/ ‘flu(:)ənt/ a.流利的,流畅的
fluid/ ‘flu(:)id/ n.流体,液体
fly/ flai/ n.蝇,苍蝇 vi.飞行
focus/ ‘fəukəs/ vi.聚焦,注视 n.焦点
fog/ fɔg/ n.雾;烟雾,尘雾
fold/ fəuld/ vt.折叠;合拢 n.褶
folk/ fəulk/ n.人们,家属,亲属
follow/ ‘fɔləu/ vt.跟随;结果是
following/ ‘fɔləuiŋ/ a.接着的;下列的'
fond/ fɔnd/ a.喜爱的;溺爱的
food/ fu:d/ n.食物,食品,养料
fool/ fu:l/ n.蠢人,傻子 vt.欺骗
foolish/ ‘fu:liʃ/ a.愚蠢的;鲁莽的
foot/ fut/ n.脚;最下部;英尺
football/ ‘futbɔ:l/ n.足球比赛;足球
footstep/ ‘futstep/ n.脚步;脚步声;足迹
for/ fɔ:, fə/ prep.为;给;因为
forbid/ fə’bid/ vt.禁止,不许;阻止
force/ fɔ:s/ vt.强迫 n.力,力量
forecast/ ‘fɔ:ka:st/ n.预测,预报 vt.预示
forehead/ ‘fɔrid, ‘fɔ:hed/ n.额头,前部
foreign/ ‘fɔrin/ a.外国的;外来的
foreigner/ ‘fɔrinə/ n.外国人
forest/ ‘fɔrist/ n.森林;森林地带
forever/ fə’revə/ ad.永远,总是,老是
forge/ fɔ:dʒ/ n. 熔炉,铁工厂 vt. 打制,锻造,伪造
forget/ fə’get/ vt.忘记,遗忘
forgive/ fə’giv/ vt.原谅,饶恕,宽恕
fork/ fɔ:k/ n.餐叉;叉;分叉
form/ fɔ:m/ n.形式;形状 vt.形成
formal/ ‘fɔ:məl/ a.正式的;礼仪上的
formation/ fɔ:’meiʃən/ n.形成;构成;形成物
former/ ‘fɔ:mə/ a.在前的 n.前者
formula/ ‘fɔ:mjulə/ n.公式,式
forth/ fɔ:θ/ ad.向前;向外,往外
fortnight/ ‘fɔ:tnait/ n.两星期,十四天
fortunate/ ‘fɔ:tʃənit/ a.幸运的,侥幸的
fortunately/ ‘fɔ:tʃənitli/ ad.幸运地,幸亏
fortune/ ‘fɔ:tʃən/ n.命运,运气;财产
forty/ ‘fɔ:ti/ num.四十,第四十
forward/ ‘fɔ:wəd/ ad.向前;今后,往后
found/ faund/ vt.创立,创办;建立
foundation/ faun’deiʃən/ n.基础;地基;基金
fountain/ ‘fauntin/ n.泉水,喷泉;源泉
four/ fɔ:/ num.四,四个,第四
fourteen/ ‘fɔ:’ti:n/ num.十四,第十四
fox/ fɔks/ n.狐狸;狡猾的人
fraction/ ‘frækʃən/ n.小部分;片断;分数
fragment/ ‘frægmənt/ n.碎片,破片,碎块
frame/ freim/ n.框架,框子;构架
framework/ ‘freimwə:k/ n.框架,构架,结构
frank/ fræŋk/ a.坦白的,直率的
free/ fri:/ a.自由的;空闲的
freedom/ ‘fri:dəm/ n.自由;自主
freeze/ fri:z/ vi.冻;结冻vt.使结冰
freight/ freit/ n.货运;货物;运费
ʃrench/ frentʃ/ a.法国的 n.法国人
frequency/ ‘fri:kwənsi/ n.屡次;次数;频率
frequent/ ‘fri:kwənt/ a.时常发生的;经常的
fresh/ freʃ/ a.新的;新鲜的
friction/ ‘frikʃən/ n.摩擦,摩擦力
ʃriday/ ‘fraidi/ n.星期五
fridge/ fridʒ/ n.电冰箱
friend/ frend/ n.朋友,友人
friendly/ ‘frendli/ a.友好的,友谊的
friendship/ ‘frendʃip/ n.友谊,友好
frighten/ ‘fraitn/ vt.使惊恐,吓唬
frog/ frɔg/ n.蛙
from/ frɔm, frəm, frm/ prep.从…来;离开
front/ frΛnt/ a.前面的 n.前部
frontier/ ‘frΛntjə/ n.边境;边疆;新领域
frost/ frɔst/ n.冰冻,严寒;霜
frown/ fraun/ vi.皱眉,蹙额
fruit/ fru:t/ n.水果;果实;成果
fruitful/ ‘fru:tful/ a.多产的;肥沃的
fry/ frai/ vt.油煎,油炸,油炒
fuel/ fjuəl/ n.燃料 vt.给…加燃料
fulfil/ ful’fil/ vt.履行;满足;完成
full/ ful/ a.满的;完全的
fun/ fΛn/ n.乐趣,娱乐;玩笑
function/ ‘fΛŋkʃən/ n.功能;职务;函数
fund/ fΛnd/ n.资金;基金;存款
fundamental/ fΛndə’mentl/ a.基础的,基本的
funeral/ ‘fju:nərəl/ n.葬礼,丧礼,丧葬
funny/ ‘fΛni/ a.古怪的;滑稽的
fur/ fə:/ n.软毛;毛皮,裘皮
furnace/ ‘fə:nis/ n.炉子,熔炉;鼓风炉
furnish/ ‘fə:niʃ/ vt.供应,提供;装备
furniture/ ‘fə:nitʃə/ n.家具;装置,设备
furthermore/ ‘fə:ðə’mɔ:/ ad.而且,此外
future/ ‘fju:tʃə/ n.将来,未来;前途