和“Kiss”的英语短语 篇一
标题:The Power of a Kiss: Expressing Love and Emotion
Kiss, a simple yet powerful act of affection, is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries. It is a way of expressing love, desire, and emotion. In the English language, there are numerous phrases and idioms that incorporate the word "kiss", each with its own unique meaning and connotation. Let's explore some of these phrases and delve into the significance behind them.
1. "Kiss and make up"
This phrase is often used to encourage people to reconcile after an argument or disagreement. It implies that a simple act of affection, such as a kiss, can mend any rift in a relationship. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and moving forward.
2. "Kiss of death"
This phrase is used to describe a situation or action that ultimately leads to failure or ruin. It originates from the Italian Mafia, where a kiss on the cheek is seen as a gesture of betrayal before a person is killed. It represents the betrayal and impending doom associated with such a kiss.
3. "Blow a kiss"
To "blow a kiss" means to send a kiss through the air by puckering one's lips and blowing. This phrase is often used to express affection or farewell from a distance. It symbolizes sending love or well wishes to someone who is not physically present.
4. "Butterfly kiss"
A "butterfly kiss" is a gentle brushing of the eyelashes against someone's skin, usually on their cheek. This intimate gesture is often associated with young love or playful affection. It is a tender and innocent way of expressing love and tenderness.
5. "Kiss and tell"
To "kiss and tell" means to reveal intimate details about a romantic encounter or relationship. This phrase is often used in a negative context, suggesting that someone is betraying the trust and privacy of their partner. It highlights the importance of discretion and respect in relationships.
6. "Sealed with a kiss"
This phrase is commonly used to describe a letter or note that is marked with a kiss, typically represented by an "X" symbol. It signifies the affection and love that the sender feels towards the recipient. It adds a personal and heartfelt touch to written correspondence.
These are just a few examples of the many phrases and idioms that incorporate the word "kiss" in the English language. Each phrase carries its own unique meaning and conveys different aspects of love, affection, and emotion. The power of a kiss lies not only in its physical act but also in the symbolism and significance attached to it. It is a reminder of the deep emotional connections we share with others and the importance of expressing our love and affection in meaningful ways.
和“Kiss”的英语短语 篇二
标题:The Language of Love: Exploring Romantic Phrases with "Kiss"
Kiss, a word that evokes images of romance and passion, holds a special place in the realm of love. In the English language, there are numerous phrases and idioms that incorporate the word "kiss", each carrying its own romantic connotation. Let's dive into these phrases and discover the beauty behind them.
1. "Kiss me under the moonlight"
This phrase conjures up an enchanting image of a romantic moment shared between two lovers. It suggests a desire for a passionate kiss in a dreamy setting, under the soft glow of the moon. It symbolizes the intimacy and connection between two individuals lost in the magic of love.
2. "Steal a kiss"
To "steal a kiss" means to surprise someone with an unexpected and spontaneous kiss. It represents the excitement and thrill of stolen moments of affection, where love takes precedence over rules and conventions. It embodies the spontaneity and passion that often characterizes romantic relationships.
3. "Kiss me like you mean it"
This phrase signifies the desire for a passionate and heartfelt kiss. It emphasizes the importance of genuine love and affection, urging the other person to express their emotions sincerely. It reflects the longing for a deep and meaningful connection, where every kiss is filled with love and intention.
4. "First kiss"
The first kiss is a momentous occasion in any romantic relationship. It signifies the beginning of a new chapter, where love and romance blossom. The phrase "first kiss" encapsulates the excitement and nervousness associated with this pivotal moment. It represents the innocence and anticipation of new love.
5. "Kiss me goodnight"
This phrase is often used as a tender way of bidding farewell for the night. It signifies the desire for a gentle and loving kiss before parting ways. It represents the comfort and assurance that come from knowing that someone cares deeply for you, even in the simple act of saying goodnight.
6. "Kiss of life"
The phrase "kiss of life" refers to the act of giving someone mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to revive them. In a romantic context, it symbolizes the power of love and affection to bring someone back to life, to breathe new energy and vitality into their being. It represents the transformative and healing nature of love.
These phrases illustrate the rich tapestry of emotions and desires associated with the act of kissing. From stolen moments of passion to tender expressions of love, each phrase embodies a different aspect of romantic relationships. The language of love is intricately woven with the word "kiss", capturing the essence of romance and the power of affection. It reminds us of the beauty and depth of love, and the importance of expressing our feelings in words and actions.
和“Kiss”的英语短语 篇三
kiss-ass n.马屁精,谄媚者, 奉承
kiss good-bye 吻别, 放弃,失去
kiss of death n.死神之吻,乍看有益但会导致毁灭的行为
kiss of life n.生命之吻
kiss of live n.口对口人工呼吸
kiss of peace [宗] 接吻礼,团结友爱的接吻
kiss the rod v.甘心受罚
kiss the post v吃闭门羹;为时过晚
blow a kiss 飞吻
vacuum kiss 真空吻(sucking the air out of one’s partner’s mouth and lungs)
french kiss 法式接吻(kiss with your mouth open and your tongues touching)
platonic kiss 柏拉图之吻(short kiss on the check for greeting)
smooch v/n热吻
peck n 匆匆轻吻
1. Did you get down to Florida last summer?
英文中有一点很好玩而且跟中文很像的地方就是, 在中文里通常我们会说, 我南下高雄, 或是北上台北, 而不单纯说我去高雄或我去台北. 英文中也是这么用的喔! 像是你南下 Florida , 就会说成 get down Florida 或是 go down Florida.
Get down 还有很多其它的'意思, 不要搞混了. 例如记下某一句话你就可以说 I'll get down what you said today.
2. Have you heard of Buffalo, New York? My parents live up there.
你知道水牛城吗? 我的父母住在那边.
南边的地方通常会加 down, 那北边就是加 up 了. 你说 live up there 那一定是指在北方. 像水牛城地理在美国的北方, 我在亚特兰大就可以跟别人说 My parents live up there. 但要是你人在加拿大, 那这句话就要说成 Live down there. 因为水牛城是在加拿大的南方. 所以用
3. I went to Europe last month because my friends live over there.
我上个月去欧洲, 因为我的朋友住那里.
我想大家一定会很好奇, 那东边又怎么说? 西边又怎么说? 通常他们不分东边或是西边,一律用 over there 或是 out there. 比如说你在美国, 你的朋友住欧洲. 而美国和欧洲并没有很明显的东西之分. 这时你就可以说 live out there 或是 live over there.
4. How have you been up there?
How have you been 是一句日常的问候语, 就相当于你最近过得怎么样了. 加上 up there, 则表示那个人可能是从北方来的. 或是可能刚从北方回来. 我刚来美国时有一次到波士顿去玩, 回来之后有一个老美就问我 What did you do up there? 那时就是因为不知道 up there 代表什么意思害我楞在那里半天.
5. I drove all the way up to Boston.
All the way 翻成中文就是"一路到底" 的意思. 这个片语常跟 up 或 down 合用, 例如你说 I drove all the way up there. 或是比方说去溜滑梯, 你就可以说 You can slide all the way down to the the bottom.