
牛津初中英语以字母B开头词汇表 篇一


A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by pedals. It is a popular means of transportation and a common sight on roads and streets. Riding a bicycle is a great way to exercise and it is also an eco-friendly mode of transportation as it does not produce any harmful emissions.


Basketball is a team sport played by two teams of five players each. The objective of the game is to score points by shooting the ball through the opponent's hoop. It is a fast-paced and highly competitive sport that requires skill, agility, and teamwork. Basketball is popular worldwide and has a large following, with professional leagues in many countries.


A book is a written or printed work that consists of pages bound together. Books can contain a variety of information, including stories, knowledge, and ideas. Reading books is not only a form of entertainment but also a way to gain knowledge and broaden one's horizons. There are various genres of books, such as fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, catering to different interests and preferences.


A beach is a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake, or river. It is typically composed of sand or pebbles and is a popular destination for leisure and recreational activities. People visit the beach to relax, sunbathe, swim, play beach sports, and enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings. Beaches are also important ecosystems that support a diverse range of plant and animal life.


A bird is a warm-blooded vertebrate animal with feathers, beaks, and wings. Birds are known for their ability to fly, although not all birds are capable of sustained flight. They come in various sizes, colors, and shapes, and can be found in different habitats around the world. Birds are an important part of the ecosystem as they play roles in pollination, seed dispersal, and insect control.

In conclusion, the words starting with the letter "B" in Oxford Junior English vocabulary cover a wide range of topics. From modes of transportation like bicycles to popular sports like basketball, from the joy of reading books to the relaxation of spending time at the beach, and from the diverse world of birds to the wonders of the natural world, these words provide a glimpse into the rich and varied aspects of the English language.

牛津初中英语以字母B开头词汇表 篇三



  baby [beIbI] n. 婴儿;幼崽 7B-4-69

  back [bk] adv. 回(原处) 7S-10-52

  background [bkraund]n. 背景 9A-4-77

  bad [bd] adj. 坏 7S-10-52

  badly [bdlI] adv. 拙劣地,糟糕地 8A-3-55

  badminton [bdmIntn] n. 羽毛球 7A-1-11

  bag [b] n. 包;袋 7S-4-20

  *balance [blns] vt.&n. 平

衡 9A-2-26

  *balcony [blknI]n. 阳台 7B-1-8

  △bald [b:ld] adj. 秃顶的;秃的. 8B-3-51

  ball [b:l] n. 球 7S-4-22

  *ballet [bleI] n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧 9A-5-82

  balloon [b'lu:n] n. 气球 9A-1-13

  bamboo [bmbu:]n. 竹子 8A-4-60

  banana [b'nɑ:n] n. 香蕉 7S-12-62

  bank [bk] n. 银行 7B-3-56

  *barbecue [bɑ:bIkju:]n. 烧烤 7B-3-55

  bark [bɑ:k] vi. (狗)吠,叫 7B-4-65

  *baseball [beIsb:l]n. 棒球 8A-2-35

  *base [beis] vt. 以……为基础 9A-5-85

  basket [bɑ:skIt] n. 篮子 7B-6-105

  basketball [bɑ:skItb:l] n. 篮球 7S-7-33,7A-4-60

  bat [bt] n. 球拍;球板 7S-8-38

  bath [bɑ:θ] n. 浴缸;沐浴 7B-1-12

  bathroom [bɑ:θru:m; bɑ:θrum]n.浴室;盥洗间 7B-1-12

  *battery [btrI; btrI] n. 电池 9B-2-28

  be [bI; bi: ] v. 是;(现在式am,are,is) 7S-4-21

  beach [bi:t] n. 海滩 7B-1-8

  △beak [bi:k] n. 喙 7A-5-75

  bear [be(r)] n. 熊 8A-4-59

  beautiful [bju:tful]adj. 美丽的,漂亮的 7S-5-26

  beauty [bju:tI] n. 美,美丽 8A-3-44

  because [bIkz; bIkz] conj.因为 7A-2-24

  become [bIkm] vt. 成为; vi.变得 8A-1-17

  bed [bed] n. 床 7S-7-34

  bedroom [bedrum] n. 卧室,寝室 7S

  beef [bi:f] n. 牛肉 7A-4-63

  before [bIf:(r)] conj. 在……以前prep. 在……以前;在……前面 adv. 以前 7A-5-87

  begin [bI'In] vi. & vt. 开始 7S-10-52,7A-1-18

  beginning [bIInI]n. 开始,起初 8A-3-40

  behaviour [bi'heivj]n. 行为,举止 9A-2-34

  behind [bI'haInd] prep. 在……后面 7S-4-22

  believe [bIli:v] vt. 相信 8A-1-7

  below [bIlu] prep. 在……的下面 7B-1-23

  *bend [bend] vt. 使弯曲 9B-2-31

  beside [bI'saId] prep. 在……旁边 7S-6-28

  best [best] adj. & adv. 最好(的) (good和well的最高级) 7A-2-24

  better [bet(r)] adj. & adv. 更好的;更好地(good和well的比较级) 7A-2-28,8A-1-13

  between [bI'twi:n] prep. 在……之间 7S-6-28,7A-4-60,7B-1-13

  beyond [bIjnd] prep. 超过 9A-5-83

  bicycle [baIsIkl] n. 自行车 7B-2-39

  big [bI]adj.(体积、程度、数量等)大的;巨大的 7S-3-16

  bike [baIk] n. 自行车 7S-7-33

  bird [b:d] n. 鸟 7S-6-28

  △birdwatcher [b:dwt(r)]n.(在大自然中)观察、研究野鸟的人 8A-5-74

  birth [b:θ] n. 出生,诞生 8A-5-89

  birthday [b:θdeI] n. 生日 7S-12-62

  △birthplace [b:θpleIs] n. 出生地 7A-1-16

  biscuit [bIskIt] n. 饼干 7A-4-68

  bite [baIt] vt. & vi. 咬 7B-6-94

  black [blk] n. & adj. 黑色(的) 7S-7-32

  blackboard [blkb:d] n. 黑板 7S-4-20

  *blame [bleIm] vt. 责备 9A-3-57

  blanket [blkIt] n. 毯子 7B-5-78

  *bleed [bli:d] vi. 流血,出血 9A-6-100



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