爬山时节必会英语口语 篇一
Mountain climbing is a popular outdoor activity, especially during certain seasons when the weather conditions are ideal. If you are planning to go mountain climbing, it is important to be prepared not only physically but also in terms of your communication skills. In this article, we will discuss some useful English phrases and expressions that will come in handy when you are climbing mountains.
1. Asking for Directions:
- Excuse me, which way is the trailhead?
- Can you tell me how to get to the summit?
- Is there a map or trail guide available?
- Are there any signs or markers along the trail?
2. Expressing Difficulty and Fatigue:
- This trail is quite steep.
- I'm finding it difficult to keep up with the group.
- I need to catch my breath. Can we take a short break?
- My legs are getting tired. Can we slow down a bit?
3. Communicating with Teammates:
- Let's stick together and keep an eye out for each other.
- We should take turns leading the group.
- Does anyone need assistance or support?
- It's important to stay hydrated and nourished during the climb.
4. Safety Precautions:
- Do we need any special equipment for this climb?
- Is there a risk of avalanches or rockfalls?
- Should we be concerned about wildlife encounters?
- Let's make sure we have enough supplies and emergency provisions.
5. Enjoying the Scenery:
- Look at that breathtaking view!
- The mountains are so majestic and grand.
- I can't believe how peaceful and serene it is up here.
- This is definitely worth the effort and challenges.
Remember to practice these phrases before your mountain climbing trip. Being able to communicate effectively will not only make your climb more enjoyable but also ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow climbers. Have a great time exploring and conquering the mountains!
爬山时节必会英语口语 篇二
Mountain climbing is an exhilarating adventure that allows you to challenge yourself physically and mentally. It is important to be prepared and equipped with the right skills and knowledge, including English language skills, to communicate effectively with your fellow climbers and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. In this article, we will explore some essential English phrases and expressions that will come in handy during your mountain climbing journey.
1. Planning and Preparation:
- What is the best time of the year to climb this mountain?
- Are there any permits or fees required?
- Do we need to hire a guide or can we climb independently?
- What are the weather conditions like at the summit?
2. Discussing Routes and Trails:
- Which route are we taking to reach the summit?
- Are there any alternative trails or shortcuts?
- How long does it typically take to complete this trail?
- Are there any challenging sections or obstacles we should be aware of?
3. Communicating with Guides and Locals:
- Can you give us some tips on climbing this mountain?
- Is there a local legend or story associated with this peak?
- Are there any cultural or historical landmarks along the way?
- Can you recommend any nearby accommodations or restaurants?
4. Safety and Emergency Situations:
- What safety precautions should we take before starting the climb?
- Is there a designated meeting point in case we get separated?
- What should we do in case of an injury or emergency?
- Are there any emergency contact numbers we should have?
5. Sharing Experiences and Celebrating Achievements:
- This is my first time climbing a mountain. What about you?
- I can't believe we made it to the summit! What an incredible achievement!
- The view from the top is absolutely breathtaking. It's worth every step.
- Let's celebrate our success with a group photo!
By familiarizing yourself with these phrases and expressions, you will be better equipped to communicate with your climbing partners, guides, and locals. Remember, effective communication is crucial for a successful and safe mountain climbing experience. Enjoy the journey, embrace the challenges, and create unforgettable memories as you conquer the peaks!
爬山时节必会英语口语 篇三
1. We need to go back down. 我们该下山了.
"We need to go back down." 这句话值得学习之处在于,老美常常在 go 或是 come 之后连放两个副词来同时表达「方向」和「目地」。例如在同样的句子我可能会说,"We need to go back." 或是 "We need to go down." 但我就不会想到把 back 和 down 连用便成了,"We need to go back down." 这样子用法的好处在于可以同时表达出,「回去」和「下去」这两个概念。
听到这句话时让我想起以前也常听妈妈在叫她的小孩回来,"Come back over here." 当然你也可以单说,"Come back." (回来),或是 "Come over here." (过来这里。),但是把 back 和 over here 连用就成了 "Come back over here." 也就是回来这里的意思。
2. We have folks passing us. 有人要超过我们.
Folks 这个字指的是一群人,跟 people 的意思是差不多的。但是 folks 这个字的好用之处在于,它可以用来指一群跟自己有点关系,但又称不上是 friends 的人们。最简单的例子,假设我今天要发一封 e-mail 给系上同学,e-mail 的开头就可以写 Hi folks, 当然如果不嫌肉麻的话写 Hi my friends, 也可以,但是就不能说成 Hi people, 啦!
另外 pass 这个字是当「超过」解释,所以整句话 "We have folks passing us." 的意思就是「有人要超过我们。」或是在开车时则是指 「有人想要超车。」当时因为爬山时山路狭窄,只能容一个人通过。所以当我想走快一点超过前面的人时,他们当中就有一个人提醒其他的同伴们说,"We have folks passing us." 请大家先靠边站,把路让出来给后面的人先行通过。
而今天如果我是要超过别人的那个人,我必须说声 "Excuse me." 或是 "Excuse us." (两人或两人以上),以示礼貌。而且我发现以前在国内时都是除非路完全被别人堵住了我才会说借过一下,但是在美国,个人的感觉是,只要那个人是在你经过的路线伸手可及的范围内 (Within arm's reach),老美就会说 "Excuse me." 或是 "Excuse us."
3. How far did you go? 你们走到多远?
当一条漫漫山路怎么走也走不完的时候,这时迎面走来的人就成了最好的询问对象了!标准的问法可以说,"How far did you go?" (你们走到多远?) 、"How much further is it?" (还有多远才会到?),或是 "How much longer is it?" (还要走多久?) 再不然就直接了当问说,"Are we close yet?" (到底快到了没?) 而我最怕听到的回答则是,"You are not even close!" (还早得很呢!)
个人感觉在大都市的美国人都是比较冷漠的,在路上如果见到陌生人通常大家也都不怎么打招呼。但是在郊外,我觉得美国人都非常地友善,几乎每次看到迎面有人走来,不管认不认识,他们至少都会说声,"Good morning." 或是 "How are you doing today?" 之类的,有时甚至还会寒喧两句,而最常用的就是打听一下路况,问看看还有多远之类的。所以这个时候上面所提到的几个句子,像是 "Are we close yet?" 就会变得非常有用了!
4. There are six of us. 我们有六个人.
当一个人中文讲了二三十年之后,想到「我们有六个人。」这样的句子,想要不翻译成 "We have six people." 也很难。 "We have six people." 这样的讲法其实也是没错,老美也会这样讲。只是爬山那天我问几个老美说,"You have four people?" (你们有四个人?),其中却有一个老美回答我,"No. There are six of us." (不是的,我们有六个人。) 当我听到这样的句子时,真的是让我小小地高兴了一下,因为我发现原来老美还有另一种讲法来表达总人数是多少。所以后来我也学聪明了,例如当我去餐厅用餐时侍者问我 "How many?" 其实我可以简单地回答 "Two" 就行了,但有时我也会小小地卖弄一下,说 "There are only two of us." (只有两个人。)
类似的句型还有像是 "How many of you...?" 这样的讲法,意思是你们当中有多少人如何如何,例如老师问学生,你们当中有多少人曾经看过鲸鱼?这句话可以说成 "How many people have ever seen whales?" 或是 "How many of you have ever seen whales?"
5. The ground is hollow. 这个地面是空心的.
大家应该知道有时候在山路小径上会有那种踩起来空心不实在的路面,主要是因为地下有树根或是腐叶之类的东西,所以踩起来会有地底下是空空的感觉。话说那天我在 Smoky Mountain 也碰到这样一小段空心的'路面,当我心里正想,"The ground is empty." 后面的老美却先说了出口,但他说的是 "The ground is hollow." 后来我仔细一想, "The ground is empty." 的确是不太正确。因为在英文里「空的」(内部没有东西) 和「中空的」(非实心的) 用的是不同的形容词,「空的」用的是 empty,但「中空的」用的却是 hollow 这个字。所以这个杯子是空的,很简单,就是 "The cup is empty." 但地底下是空心的,其实你指的是「中空的」,所以要说 "The ground is hollow." 像这样子在日常生活当中因为某一事件而学到某个单字的用法,印象会特别深刻,想忘也忘不掉。
不过有时候 empty 和 hollow 的界限也是难以区别的,特别是当你提到一个抽象的观念时,例如我觉得很空虚,是该说 "I feel empty." 呢? 还是 "I feel hollow." 呢?我的美国室友告诉我说,其实这两者都有人在用,但似乎 "I feel empty." 用的人比较多一点。
6. He is fighting. 他在挣扎.
有些老美也是很会恶作剧的。话说那天我费尽九牛二虎之力好不容易终于来到了彩虹瀑布 (水很小,建议各位下次不要被骗),看到一堆老美抬著一个人正准备把他丢下水, (这让我想到以前在我高中时好像也常干这种缺德事。) 那人不停的挣扎,其中一个抬著他的人就说了,"He is fighting." (他在挣扎。) 我在想换作是我,我可能会说,"He is struggling." 但就像之前的英文笔记中一再强调的,老美在日常生活当中比较喜欢用一些简单的字,像 struggle 这样的字在日常生活对话当中是不常听到的,美国人比较喜欢用 fight 这个字就行了。
附带一提的是 fight 这个字在日常生活当中的对话也常指「吵架」而言。例如 "They are fighting." (他们正在吵架。) 或是 "They had a huge fight last night." (他们昨晚大吵了一架。) 但是「打架」也是用 fight 这个字,所以当有必要明确区分两者的不同时,有时会用 verbal fight 专指「吵架」而言,而 physical fight 则是专指「打架」。例如,"The verbal fight turned into a physical fight after they both got drunk." (当他们两人都喝醉了之后,从原来只是口角变成两人一下子就打起来了。)
7. We have to get to the foot of the mountain before it gets dark. 我们必须在天黑前下到山脚下.
有时我不得不惊讶于中文和英文之间的相似程度,中文里我们讲「山脚下」,但英文呢?你敢讲 foot of the mountain 吗?还是你觉得 bottom of the mountain 才对?请各位先别取笑那些讲 foot of the mountain 的人是 Chinese English,事实上英文里的山脚下正是 foot of the mountain,讲 bottom of the mountain 反而是错误的,bottom of the mountain 是指山的底部,例如有一批宝藏被埋在山的最底部,才可以说 "The treasure is buried at the bottom of the mountain." 可是一般的情况下我们是不会到 bottom of the mountain (除非是去挖宝),我们都是到「山脚下」,例如,"I'll see you guys at the foot of the mountain." (山脚下见啦!)
后来我异想天开问老美,那半山腰你们说不说 waist of the mountain?得到的答案则是否定的。他说美国人的确也是用人身上的部份来形容一座山,所以才会有 top of the mountain (山顶) 和 shoulder of the mountain (山肩),foot of the mountain (山脚) 这样的说法,但却少了一个半山腰的说法。
8. Just stay put, all right? I'll
Stay put 是一个动词片语,意指「停在原地」。所以 stay put 也就等于 "Stay where you are." 或是 "Don't move." 像我这次去爬山碰巧遇到一对情侣,两人走散了,这个女生就打手机给她男朋友。情话绵绵的部份我是没听到,只不小心听到一句,"Just stay put, all right? I'll come and find you." (在那别动,我会过去找你。)
注意到这句话当中另一个中文和英文的细微差异了没?他是说 come and find you 而不是说 come to find you。中文里因为我们常讲「去作什么什么」,所以很自然的英文一出口就变成了 "come to blah blah blah." 事实上,come to 后面加的应该是名词,例如 come to my house,come to a park 等等,但是如果 come 后面接的是动词,中间应该用的是 and 连接,例如 come and pick you up, come and watch TV 等等。而 go 的用法跟 come 类似,相同的规则也可以用在 go 这个字上面。
9. I like hiking in the mountains during holidays. 我喜欢在假日时去登山.
中文里讲的 「登山」或是「爬山」,英文里充其量只能说成 hike in the mountains,像我自己常会不小心说成 mountain climbing,但是 mountain climbing 这个字指的是技术攀登,也就是要用绳索辅助的那种攀岩式 (rock climbing) 的爬山方法才能称得上是 mountain climbing。所以每次当我跟老美提到我从高中到大学都一直是 mountain climbing club 的一员,众人无不瞪大了眼睛,但后来发现我所作的不过是 mountain hiking 时,大家的敬佩之意立刻转为唾弃,因为只要有两条腿、可以行走又不会太懒的人都可以 hike in the mountains。但事实上我以前也是爬过南湖大雪剑等四十馀座百岳的,每趟行程下来少则三四天,多则七八天,而且我们不只爬山,身上还要背个二三十公斤的大背包并且还要在山上野营好几天。所以其实我应该说 "I went mountain hiking, camping and backpacking." 比较能符合实际的状况。
其实美国人在山里面进行的活动可是五花八门,像我的前任室友就酷爱 mountain biking (登山自行车), caving (爬石灰岩洞),mountain canoeing (在山涧里划独木舟) 等,而专门负责这些活动的社团在我们学校叫 ORGT (Outdoor Recreation at Georgia Tech),我想在各校应该都有类似的组织。所以呢,下次我应该跟老美说我大学时参加的是 ORNTU,(Outdoor Recreation at National Taiwan University),这样子他们或许会比较能理解我们所谓的「登山社」大概是在玩些什么东西。
10. You can borrow some backpacking gear from us if we go together next time. 如果下次你要跟我们一起去爬山的话,可以跟我们借装备.
Gear 是一个集合名词 (通常不再用复数型),这个字原指一些小工具或是有特定用途的机械装置,而在口语的用法上,gear 常被用来取代 equipment 这个比较绕口的字。例如老美常用的有 fishing gear、backpacking gear、camping gear 等等,分别指钓鱼、登山、露营等等的用具。所以下次记得,例如 "I don't have any backpacking equipment." 这句话,其实可以简单地说 "I don't have any backpacking gear." 就行了。
跟 gear 类似的还有一个字 kit 也很常见,但 kit 指的是整组的工具,通常是一整套的,例如 camping kit 里面应该会包含帐篷,睡袋,炊具等等整组的露营用品,而分开来看每一项的物品都称为 gear。
1、Watch out! 当心。
2、My treat 我请客。
3、That's all! 就这样!
4、How's it going? 怎样样?
5、I think so我也这么想。
6、What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?
7、See you 再见。
8、Guess what? 猜猜看?
9、I'll see to it 我会留意的。
10、Time is up时光快到了。
11、Keep in Touch坚持联络。
12、I'm full我饱了。
13、Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?
14、Congratulations! 祝贺你!
15、Take it easy 别紧张。
16、Help yourself 别客气。
17、That's neat 这很好。
18、No problem! 没问题!
19、Any day will do哪一天都行夕
20、Slow down! 慢点!
21、I'm on a diet 我在节食。
22、I'm home 我回来了。
23、Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!
24、Good luck! 祝好运!
25、Is it yours? 这是你的吗?
26、Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!
27、What a pity! 太遗憾了!
28、Hold on等一等。
29、Feel better? 好点了吗?
30、Be quiet! 安静点!
31、It's up to you由你决定。
32、Who's calling? 是哪一位?
33、Of course! 当然了!
34、What about you? 你呢?
35、I decline! 我拒绝!
36、Time is money时光就是金钱。
37、They hurt(伤口)疼。
38、Do l have to 非做不可吗?
39、Are you sure? 你肯定吗?
40、I'm single我是单身贵族。
41、To be careful! 必须要细心!
42、I just made it! 我做到了!
43、Keep it up! 坚持下去!
44、Forget it! 休想! (算了!)
45、Here you are给你。
46、Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?
47、Me too我也是。
48、I'm lost我迷路了。
49、Not yet还没。
50、So do I我也一样。
51、I promise我保证。
52、This way这边请。
53、Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!
54、I quit! 我不干了!
55、After you您先。
56、Come on来吧(赶快)
57、Excuse me,Sir先生,对不起。
58、I see我明白了。
59、Never mind。不要紧。
60、I doubt it 我怀疑。
61、You set me up! 你出卖我!
62、Not bad还不错。
63、I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时光!
64、Cheer up! 振作起来!
65、He is my age他和我同岁。
66、You did right你做得对。
67、I'll fix you Up我会帮你打点的
68、Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)
69、So long再见。
70、Let go! 放手!
71、Any thing else? 还要别的吗?
72、I'm his fan我是他的影迷。
73、Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!
74、My god! 天哪!
75、You're wele不客气。
76、Take care! 保重!
77、Give me a hand! 帮帮我!
78、Count me in算上我。
79、I love you! 我爱你!
80、Shut up! 闭嘴!
81、It's her field这是她的本行。
82、No way! 不行!
83、I have no idea我没有头绪。
84、You owe me one。你欠我一个人情。
85、Be careful! 注意!
86、No one knows 没有人明白。
87、Don't worry别担心。
88、Let me see。让我想想
89、T can't help it我情不自禁。
90、How much? 多少钱?
91、I agree我同意。
92、Follow me跟我来。
93、Don't move! 不许动!
94、Try again再试试。
95、What's up? 有什么事吗?
96、I don't mean it我不是故意的。
97、Good job! 做得好!
98、Have fun! 玩得开心!
99、Bless you! 祝福你!
100、Allow me让我来。
1、I can do nothing but that我只会做那件事。
2、He seems at little nervous他显得有点紧张。
3、We walk on the garden path我们走在花园小径上。
4、No spitting on the street禁止在大街上吐痰。
5、Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?
6、I don't think you are right我认为你是不对的。
7、This is only the first half这才是上半场呢。
8、Nancy will retire next year南希明年就退休了。
9、He strolls about the town他在镇上四处遛达。
10、I would like to check out我想结帐。
11、Someone is ringing the bell有人在按门铃。
12、Don't let chances pasy不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。
13、Check your answers with mine把你的答案跟我的核对一下。
14、Do you accept credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗?
15、I wish I knew my neighbor我很想认识我的邻居。
16、He is the happiest man alive他是世界上最欢乐的人。
17、Are you free this Saturday? 你这个星期六有空吗?
18、Another cat came to my house又有一只猫来到我家了。
19、Don't cry over spilt milk不要做无益的后悔。
20、I like all kinds of fruit我喜欢各种各样的水果。
21、I saw it with my own eyes我亲眼所见。
22、You can get what you want你能得到你想要的。
23、Cancer is a deadly disease癌症是一种致命的疾病。
24、It's a friendly petition这是一场友谊赛。
25、He is capable of any crime他什么样的坏事都能干得出来。
26、Mr。Wang is fixing hiike王先生在修他的自行车。
27、I have never seen the movie我从未看过那部电影。
28、He came to the point at once他一下子就说到了点子上。
29、He has a remarkable memory他有惊人的记忆力。
30、I went there three days ago我三天前去过那儿。
31、They are paid by the hour他们按时取酬。
32、You really look sharp today你今日真漂亮。
33、Don't keep me waiting long不要让我等得太久。
34、This pen doesn't write well这钢笔不好写。
35、A barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。
36、He has quite a few friends他有不少的朋友。
37、These shoes don't fit right这双鞋不太适宜。
38、No littering on the campus在学校内不准乱丢废物。
39、We are all busy with work我们都忙于工作。
40、His looks are always funny他的样貌总是滑稽可笑。
41、Where do you want to meet? 你想在哪儿见面?
42、A lost chance never returns错过的机会永不再来。
43、She dressed herself hastily她匆忙穿上衣服。
44、It's none of your business! 这不关你的事儿!
45、My brother is see king a job我弟弟正在找工作。
46、I get hold of you at last我最终找到你了。
47、That's the latest fashion这是最流行的款式。
48、I wish I lived in NEWYORK我期望住在纽约。
49、He shot the lion with a gun他用枪把狮子打死了。
50、Thank you for your advice多谢你的提议。
51、Don't let this get you down不要为此灰心丧气。
52、I haven't seen you for ages我好久没见到你了。
53、I was alone,but not lonely我独自一人,但并不觉得寂寞。
54、The whole world knows that全世界都明白。
55、The stars are too far away星星太遥远了。
56、Spring is a pretty season, 春天是一个好季节。
57、Wake me up at five thirty请在五点半叫醒我。
58、Brevity is the soul of wit简洁是智慧的精华。
59、There go the house lights剧院的灯光灭了。
60、The train arrived on time火车准时到达。
61、He was not a little tired他很累。
62、You'd better let her alone你们最好是让她一个人呆会儿。
63、How about going to a movie? 去看场电影怎样样?
64、She was totally exhausted她累垮了。
65、Things are getting better情景正在好转。
66、What you need is just rest你需要的就是休息。
67、Be careful not to fall ill注意不要生病了。
68、I'm your lucky fellow then我就是你的幸运舞伴啦!
69、Neither you nor he is wrong你没错,他也没错。
70、She hired a car by the hour她租了一辆按钟点计费的汽车。
71、It's very thoughtful of you你想得真周到。
72、He fell behind with his work他工作落后了。
73、Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?
74、Tomorrow will be a holiday明天放假。
75、I will arrange everything我会安排一切的。
76、He walks with a quick pace他快步走路。
77、I have a surprise for you我有一个意想不到的东西给你看。
78、It's time you went to bed你早就该睡觉了。
79、Don't keep the truth from me别瞒着我事实真相。
80、Her tooth ached all night她牙疼了一整夜。
81、It hae e much cooler天气变得凉爽多了。
82、Opportunity knockut once机不可失,时不再来。
83、What's your favorite steps? 你最喜欢跳什么舞?
84、The Smiths are my neighbors史密斯一家是我的邻居。
85、Being a mother is not easy做一个母亲是不容易的。
86、How about a drink tonight? 今晚喝一杯怎样?
87、She mended the broken doll她修补了破了的洋娃娃。
88、May I speak to Lora,please? 我能和劳拉说话吗?
89、So I just take what I want那么我只拿我所需要的东西。
90、I'm very glad to hear that很高兴听你这样说。
91、He owned himself defeated他承认自我失败了。
92、She is a good—looking girl她是一个漂亮女孩。
93、I think I've caught a cold我想我得了感冒。
94、Did you fight with others? 你又和别人打架了吗?
95、Show your tickets,please请出示你的票。
96、The figure seems all Right数目看起来是对的。
97、He has pleted the task他完成了这个任务。
98、Don't dream away your time不要虚度光阴。
99、I was taking care of Sally我在照顾萨莉。
100、Everything has iteginning凡事都有开端。