As a foodie, knowing how to cook is essential for satisfying my taste buds. Not only does it give me the ability to create delicious dishes, but it also allows me to communicate with people from different cultures who share the same passion for food. In this article, I will share some basic cooking phrases and vocabulary in English that every foodie should know.
1. Food Preparation:
- Wash the vegetables: Make sure to rinse the vegetables before cooking.
- Peel the potatoes: Remove the skin from the potatoes using a peeler.
- Chop the onions: Cut the onions into small pieces.
- Grate the cheese: Shred the cheese into small, thin pieces using a grater.
- Marinate the meat: Soak the meat in a mixture of herbs, spices, and liquids to enhance its flavor.
2. Cooking Techniques:
- Boil: Heat a liquid until it reaches its boiling point.
- Fry: Cook food in hot oil or fat.
- Bake: Cook food in an oven using dry heat.
- Grill: Cook food on a hot surface, often with grill marks.
- Steam: Cook food by exposing it to steam from boiling water.
3. Recipe Measurements:
- Cup: A unit of measurement for liquid or dry ingredients.
- Teaspoon: A small spoon used for measuring small amounts of ingredients.
- Tablespoon: A larger spoon used for measuring larger amounts of ingredients.
- Pound: A unit of weight equal to 16 ounces or approximately 0.45 kilograms.
- Ounce: A unit of weight equal to 1/16 of a pound.
4. Cooking Utensils:
- Knife: A sharp tool used for cutting and chopping ingredients.
- Pan: A flat-bottomed cooking utensil used for frying or sautéing.
- Pot: A deep cooking utensil used for boiling or stewing.
- Oven: A kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting food.
- Blender: An electrical appliance used for mixing or pureeing ingredients.
5. Taste and Flavors:
- Sweet: Having a taste like sugar or honey.
- Sour: Having a sharp taste like vinegar or lemon juice.
- Spicy: Having a strong, pungent flavor from spices like chili or pepper.
- Bitter: Having a sharp, unpleasant taste like coffee or dark chocolate.
- Savory: Having a rich, full-flavored taste like roasted meat or mushrooms.
By learning these essential cooking phrases and vocabulary, you will be able to confidently navigate your way through the kitchen and communicate your culinary desires with others. So, put on your apron, grab your utensils, and let your taste buds explore the world of flavors in English!
Being a foodie, I am always eager to expand my culinary skills and try out new recipes. Cooking in English not only enhances my language proficiency but also allows me to explore international cuisines. In this article, I will share some advanced cooking phrases and vocabulary in English that every food enthusiast should know.
1. Advanced Cooking Techniques:
- Sauté: Cook food quickly in a small amount of fat over high heat.
- Sous Vide: A cooking method that involves vacuum-sealing food in a plastic bag and cooking it in a water bath at a precise temperature.
- Blanch: Cook food briefly in boiling water and then transfer it to ice water to stop the cooking process.
- Caramelize: Heat sugar until it melts and turns golden brown.
- Deglaze: Add liquid to a hot pan to dissolve the flavorful browned bits stuck to the bottom.
2. Recipe Instructions:
- Preheat the oven: Heat the oven to the desired temperature before baking.
- Reduce the heat: Lower the heat to a lower temperature during cooking.
- Simmer: Cook food gently in liquid just below the boiling point.
- Fold: Gently combine ingredients using a spatula, lifting from the bottom and turning them over.
- Garnish: Decorate a dish with additional ingredients for added visual appeal.
3. Ingredients and Flavors:
- Umami: A savory taste often associated with ingredients like mushrooms and soy sauce.
- Infuse: Soak herbs, spices, or other flavorings in a liquid to extract their flavors.
- Zest: The outer colored part of citrus fruit peel used to add flavor to dishes.
- Al Dente: Italian term meaning "to the tooth," referring to pasta cooked to a firm, slightly chewy texture.
- Fusion Cuisine: A culinary style that combines elements of different culinary traditions.
4. Food Presentation:
- Plating: Arranging food on a plate in an appealing and artistic manner.
- Drizzle: Pour a thin stream of liquid over food to add flavor or enhance presentation.
- Sprinkle: Scatter small pieces or particles of an ingredient over food.
- Stack: Arrange food items in layers to create a visually appealing dish.
- Emulsify: Combine two or more liquids that do not normally mix, such as oil and vinegar.
5. Food Safety and Hygiene:
- Cross-contamination: The transfer of harmful bacteria from one surface to another, usually through improper handling of raw food.
- Sanitize: Clean and disinfect surfaces, utensils, and equipment to kill bacteria and prevent contamination.
- Foodborne Illness: Illness caused by consuming contaminated food or drink.
- Temperature Danger Zone: The range between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C), where bacteria can grow rapidly in food.
- Expiration Date: The date printed on food packaging indicating when the product is no longer safe to consume.
By mastering these advanced cooking phrases and vocabulary, you will be able to tackle complex recipes and confidently express your culinary preferences in English. So, put on your chef's hat, sharpen your knives, and embark on a gastronomic adventure!
吃货必知烹饪的英语口语 篇三
大中华美食遍布天南地北,不仅烹饪调味讲究,制作工艺地道,而且荤素搭配极佳,讲究色香味形俱全(perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance),令人回味无穷!不过光知道吃可不行,你知道多少关于烹饪的英文说法呢?你知道怎样表达一道菜的制作过程吗?
1. 把糖和酱油递给我好吗?
2. 我不小心在汤里放多了盐。
3. 把醋和酱油混合在一起。
切块(cut up)
-I'd like to take the fish. Can you cut it up for me?
-OK. No problem.
切条(cut into strips)
-I'd like to cut the cabbage into strips.
-Sounds great.
-Shall I slice the potato or shred it?
-Shred it. It tastes more delicious in this way.
把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。Chop the carrots and add them to the wok.
蒸、煮对应的英文单词就是boil和steam。boil指煮沸,烧开水就是boil the water,烧开的水、煮熟的鸡蛋就可以分别表达为boiled water,boiled egg。steam做名词时是水蒸气的意思,作动词用可以理解为蒸出水蒸气,那么蒸红薯就可以说steam the sweet potatoes。
烘焙的英文单词bake与蛋糕cake相近,可以连起来记忆。烘焙蛋糕就是bake the cake。烤表达为roast,只要记住北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck就行啦。
焖、炒一静一动,不借助锅铲的是stew,需要锅铲翻动的就是stir。那么,焖牛肉可以表达成stew the