备忘录商务英语口语 篇一
1. 多听多说:积极参与英语对话和讨论,多听多模仿,可以提高我们的听力和口语表达能力。可以通过与英语母语人士交流、参加英语角或加入英语学习群组等方式来提升口语能力。
2. 学习商务专业词汇:商务英语有其独特的词汇和表达方式。我们可以通过阅读商务英语书籍、文章和相关资料来学习和记忆商务专业词汇,同时要注意词汇的正确用法和搭配。
3. 了解商务文化:不同国家有不同的商务文化,了解和熟悉这些文化差异对于有效沟通至关重要。我们可以通过阅读相关书籍、参加商务文化交流活动或与国际伙伴深入交流等方式来增加对商务文化的了解。
4. 刻意练习:只有通过不断地练习,我们才能提高口语流利度和准确性。可以利用每天的碎片时间进行口语练习,比如模仿商务对话、进行角色扮演或录制自己的口语练习并进行反馈。
5. 寻找机会实践:尽可能地利用各种机会来实践商务英语口语,比如参加商务会议、报告和演讲。可以主动申请发言机会,这样不仅可以提高口语能力,还可以展示自己的专业知识和才华。
备忘录商务英语口语 篇二
1. 借助外部资源:我们可以参加商务英语口语培训班、线上课程或找到合适的语言学习平台,通过系统学习和专业指导来提升口语能力。同时,我们还可以利用各种学习资源,如英语学习网站、应用程序和学习社区,进行自主学习和练习。
2. 创造语言环境:在工作和生活中创造一个英语环境,可以有效地提高我们的口语能力。可以与同事约定使用英语进行交流、在办公室贴上英语学习海报或使用英语学习工具等方式,让英语成为我们日常的一部分。
3. 合理安排学习时间:口语能力的提升需要时间的积累和实践的机会。我们可以合理安排学习时间,每天花一定的时间进行口语练习和学习。可以利用午餐时间和上下班路上的碎片时间,听英语广播、播客或使用学习应用程序进行口语练习。
4. 注重反馈和纠错:在口语练习和实践中,我们要注重接受他人的反馈和纠正。可以请教英语母语人士、语言老师或同事对我们的口语进行评估和指导,及时发现和纠正口语中的错误和不足。
5. 实践与应用:最重要的是将我们学习到的商务英语口语应用到实际工作中。可以利用各种商务场景进行模拟对话和角色扮演,提高我们在面对客户、谈判和商务会议等场合的口语表达能力。
备忘录商务英语口语 篇三
A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?
B:Didn't you hear about that, our meeting was postponed until Friday.
A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.
B: Did you get the memo?
A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week, I check my inbox every day.And I havn't seen anything.
B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.
A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I
know sometimes I do many please things,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?
B: It should have got arround to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?
A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Anyway, I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox, I'll have to talk our secretary about it.
B. That's right, You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.
备忘录商务英语口语 篇四
A: Ms. Dorsen, I need to take a dictation for me,
B: Yes, sir;
A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon, are you ready?
B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.
A: Attention all staff:effective immediately, all office communication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos, the use of instance message porgram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.
B: Sir, Does this apply to intra office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?
A: It should apply to all communications. Not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communciations.
B: But sir, many employees use instance messaging to communcate with clients.
A: This were just have to change the communication methods, I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office, it waste too much time. Now, please, continue the memos. Where were we?
B: This apply to internal and external communications.
A: Yes, any employee who persist using instance messaging, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibition, and the second sense, the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.