聚会的英语口语 篇一
At a Party
A: Hi! Are you enjoying the party?
B: Yes, I am. The music is great and the atmosphere is lively. How about you?
A: I'm having a great time too. The food is delicious and there are so many interesting people to talk to.
B: I agree. Have you met anyone new?
A: Yes, I just met a guy who is from Spain. He's really friendly and we had a nice conversation about traveling.
B: That's fantastic! I love meeting people from different countries. It's always interesting to learn about their cultures.
A: Absolutely. That's one of the reasons why I enjoy coming to parties like this. How about you? What do you like most about parties?
B: I think the best part is the socializing. I get to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
A: I agree. It's a great opportunity to strengthen relationships and expand our social network.
B: Definitely. By the way, have you tried the drinks at the bar? They're amazing.
A: Not yet, but I'll definitely give it a try later. Thanks for the recommendation.
B: You're welcome. Let's go and grab a drink together.
A: Sure, let's go.
At the Dance Floor
A: Wow, this song is my favorite. Do you want to dance?
B: I'd love to. Let's hit the dance floor.
A: Great! Shall we join the group over there?
B: Sure, let's join them. It looks like they're having a lot of fun.
A: Hi, mind if we join you?
C: Of course not. The more, the merrier!
A: Thanks. This song is really catchy, isn't it?
D: Absolutely. I can't help but dance to the rhythm.
B: Me neither. Let's enjoy ourselves and dance like nobody's watching.
A: That's the spirit! Let's dance our hearts out.
Leaving the Party
A: It's getting late. I think it's time to leave. Are you ready?
B: Yeah, I think so too. I had a great time tonight.
A: Me too. I'm glad we came to this party. It was definitely worth it.
B: Definitely. We should do this more often.
A: I agree. Let's keep in touch and plan more outings in the future.
B: Sounds like a plan. See you soon!
A: See you! Take care.
聚会的英语口语 篇二
Preparing for a Party
A: Hi, are you ready for the party tonight?
B: Not yet. I still need to decide what to wear. Do you have any suggestions?
A: How about wearing that black dress you wore last time? It looked stunning on you.
B: That's a good idea. I'll go with that then. What about you? What are you planning to wear?
A: I'm thinking of wearing a smart casual outfit. I want to be comfortable yet stylish.
B: That sounds like a good choice. I'm sure you'll look great.
A: Thank you. Now, let's think about what to bring to the party. Should we bring some snacks or drinks?
B: I think it's a good idea. How about some chips and soda?
A: Sounds good. I'll bring the chips and you can bring the soda. Is that okay?
B: Perfect. Let's get everything ready before we leave.
Arriving at the Party
A: Wow, the place looks amazing. They've really done a great job decorating.
B: I couldn't agree more. It's so festive and welcoming.
A: Look, there's the host. Let's go and say hi.
B: Definitely. Hi, how are you? Thanks for inviting us.
Host: Hi, I'm glad you could make it. Thanks for coming. Enjoy the party!
A: Thank you. We will definitely have a great time.
Socializing at the Party
A: This party is so much fun. I've already met a lot of interesting people.
B: Me too. I've met someone who shares the same hobbies as me. We had a great conversation.
A: That's awesome! It's always nice to meet people with similar interests.
B: I agree. It makes the conversation more engaging and enjoyable.
A: By the way, have you tried the food? It's delicious.
B: Not yet, but I'll definitely go and get some. Thanks for letting me know.
A: No problem. Enjoy!
Leaving the Party
A: It's getting late. I think it's time to leave. Are you ready?
B: Yeah, I think so too. I had a great time tonight.
A: Me too. I'm glad we came to this party. It was definitely worth it.
B: Definitely. We should do this more often.
A: I agree. Let's keep in touch and plan more outings in the future.
B: Sounds like a plan. See you soon!
A: See you! Take care.
聚会的英语口语 篇三
有人常会觉得小孩子学语言学得比大人快, 为什麽呢? 因为小孩子学语言不像我们死记文法, 苦背单字. 他们就是用所谓的 "pick up", 看在什麽场合, 别人用什麽字, 就一个一个把它记下来.这样子的方法, 可以让你很容易地把所学到的句子和当时的场合联想在一起, 学习的效果也就特别快.
我来到美国, 我也把自己当作是一个小孩子, 到处 pick up 我所能听到的字, 然後忠实地加以记录. 我想这样子的话会让你的英文很道地, 而不会常犯一些Chinese English 的错误. 这集让我们来看看和朋友聚会时可以学到哪些说法.
1. Are you alone?
各位有没有这样的经验, 把一句话直接从中文翻成英文结果怎麽听也不顺, 後来听老美一说, 才恍然大悟, 原来这麽简单啊? 我自己就常有这样的感觉. 像这句话, 我自己的直觉反应会说成: Are you only one person? 或是 Do you come here by yourself? 其实老美简简单单用 alone 一个字就可以代表你好几个字.!
所以如果你去叁加一个舞会, 看到你想邀舞的对象, 最好先问一声 Are you alone? 免得到时候怎麽被人扁了都不知道.另外你去买票, 售票员问你是不是只买一张票, 有时他也会问 Are you alone?
2. No,I lost my buddies!
这是另一个很容易说成 Chinese English 的句子, 如果你说 I can''t find my friend, 我想老外也是听的懂, 只不过听来就没那麽顺就是了! buddy 指的就是好朋友.所以你可以说 I lost my friends.
lost 这个动词可能大家不太会用, 除了丢掉以外, 还有不少用法, 例如我迷糊了, 可以说 I am lost, 或是像有时我们把汤匙滑到碗 , 这个动词也可以用 lost, 例如 I lost my spoon in the bowl.
3. Are you guys OK?
通常你去别人家 玩, 主人有时看你太无聊就会走过来问你, Are you guys OK? 或是你去餐厅用餐时侍者也常会走过来过你, Are you guys OK? 当然这就只是一种礼貌性地询问, 看看你有没有需要些什麽东西.
在美国他们常把 you guys 连用. 即使是对方是有男有女或是全部都是女的, 也可以这样说, 加上 guys 似乎只是让句子更顺畅, 并没有其它的含意. 再造一句, Do you guys want to go with us? 有没有加 guys 都是一样的, 另外值得一提的是, 这种说法一般认为是北方的说法, 在南方有另一种说法, you''ll = you all. 例如他们会说, How are you''ll doing. (这个 you''
;ll 不是未来式, 而是 you all) 但是其实我觉得 you guys 还是比较普遍.4. I heard the nature''s call.
举凡各种生理上的反应我们都可以称它是 nature''s call, 如想上厕所, 肚子饿, 或是看到美女, 你都可以自嘲,I heard the nature''s call. 所以端视不同的情况而有不同的意思. 但是一般情况下比较常用的还是指上厕所比较多. 一般人不会讲很长一串 I heard the narture''s call, 他们大多就只说, nature''s calling! 那你多半就知道他想去上厕所了.
5. Can you be more specific?
如果有人说 I heard the nature''s call, 可是你并不是很清楚对方指的是哪一点, 你就可以这麽说, Can you be more specific? 就是希望对方讲得再明确一点. 又或者是人家跟你约今晚吃饭, 可是没说时间地点, 你也可以这样问, Can you be a little bit more specific? 就是请对方详细说明一下时间, 地点, 或是晚饭之後要作什麽活动之类的.
另外一些类似的讲法, 例如听不太懂时对方所指为何是你可以直接问 What do you mean? 若是去吃饭的那个例子, 你也可以说 Can you tell me more details?
6. Everybody picks up whatever you want.
在老美家吃饭, 一般都是 buffet 的型式, 一人一个盘子, 要吃什麽自己拿.所以开动了, 主人就会说, Everybody picks up whatever you want.个人感觉, whatever 一般我们都不太会用, 其实 whatever 就相当於 "随便什麽都可以" 的意思.还有这 他们用 pick up 这个动词我觉得也值得学一学.
7. I bought a cake about this big!
讲这句话的时候记得要跟手势一起用, 所以如果不会形容一个东西有多大, 就把这句拿来变化一下就可以了! 因为在中文 要形容一个蛋糕有多大, 你可以说我买了一个几 的'蛋糕别人立刻就懂了, 但是美国的蛋糕都是长方形的, 再加上他们都是用英 , 所以你要一边想英文还要一边作单位换算!这简直就是 mission impossible 说.所以有时老美自己也用比的比较快! 像那天他们买了一个蛋糕一个黑人就说, I bought a cake about this big! 或是可以说 I bought a cake like this big.
除了 big 之外你也可以换成其它形容词, 例如, I have a brother about this tall. 这样不也就蒙混过关了吗? 不过这句话有一个缺点, 就是讲电话时不能用, 因为讲电话时不能比动作, 比了对方也看不到.
8. He dances like an animal
老美喜欢把爱跳舞的人说是 dance like animals 喜欢开 party 的人称作 party animals. 大概是因为这些人精力充沛, 像是动物一样. 记得有一次老美就对我说, Come out with us, you party animal! 听来很有意思吧!
我觉得老美是很喜欢跳舞的, 每到周末, Bar 面就挤满了跳舞的人潮.明明 面空气很污浊, 空间又很挤, 大家还是拼命要往 头挤.不过跳舞的人虽多, 要被人家说成跳舞像动物, 非要精力充沛, 跳起舞来一点儿也不累才行.记得上次 Swing Dancing Party 就有人跟我说 You dances like an animal! 可见我跳起舞来也是蛮疯狂的.
9. Do you have a good time today?
几乎每次我和老美出去, 他们回家前几乎都一定会问这句, Do you have a good time today? 就怕你今天玩的不高兴.当然礼貌上不论好不好玩, 我都会说, Yes, I really have a great time today. 这样就可算是宾主尽欢了.
10. I''ll walk you out.
上次跟他们一起玩, 我说我要回家了, 我朋友就跟我说, I''ll walk you out. 也就是我送你出去的意思. 不过有趣的一点是, 美国溜狗也用 walk 这个动词, 例如我去溜我的狗英文叫, I want to walk my dog. 所以 I walk you out 听来不是有点我溜你出去的意思呢?
Happy Valentine''s Day!