诉讼法律英语词汇 篇一
Introduction to Litigation Legal English Vocabulary
In the field of law, understanding legal English vocabulary is essential for lawyers, judges, and legal professionals. This article aims to introduce some key litigation-related legal English vocabulary to provide a foundation for those interested in this subject.
1. Plaintiff: The person or party who brings a lawsuit against another party in a civil case.
2. Defendant: The person or party against whom a lawsuit is brought in a civil case.
3. Petitioner: The party who files a petition in a court, usually in a civil case.
4. Respondent: The party who responds to a petition or lawsuit, usually in a civil case.
5. Complaint: The initial document filed by the plaintiff that states the alleged facts and legal claims against the defendant.
6. Answer: The defendant's response to the complaint, in which they admit or deny the allegations made by the plaintiff.
7. Summons: A document issued by the court to notify the defendant of the lawsuit and the need to appear in court.
8. Pleadings: The formal written statements filed by both parties in a lawsuit, including the complaint, answer, counterclaim, and reply.
9. Discovery: The pre-trial phase where both parties exchange relevant information and evidence to prepare for trial.
10. Subpoena: A legal document that commands a person to appear in court or produce documents as evidence.
11. Deposition: The sworn testimony of a witness taken outside of court, usually recorded by a court reporter.
12. Trial: The formal presentation of evidence and arguments in court before a judge or jury to reach a legal decision.
13. Verdict: The decision or finding of a judge or jury at the end of a trial.
14. Judgment: The official decision of the court, typically based on the verdict, which determines the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
15. Appeal: The process of seeking a review of a lower court's decision by a higher court.
This introduction to litigation legal English vocabulary provides a basic understanding of some key terms used in the field of law. Familiarity with these terms is crucial for effective communication and comprehension within the legal system. Legal professionals should continue to expand their knowledge of legal English vocabulary to navigate the complexities of litigation successfully.
诉讼法律英语词汇 篇二
Common Legal English Vocabulary in Litigation
In the legal field, understanding legal English vocabulary is essential for lawyers, judges, and anyone involved in litigation. This article aims to introduce some common legal English vocabulary used in litigation to enhance your understanding of this subject.
1. Jurisdiction: The power or authority of a court to hear and decide a case.
2. Complaint: The formal written document filed by the plaintiff that initiates a lawsuit and states the allegations against the defendant.
3. Answer: The defendant's written response to the complaint, in which they admit or deny the allegations made by the plaintiff.
4. Motion: A formal request made to the court seeking a specific action or ruling.
5. Discovery: The process in which both parties exchange relevant information and evidence before trial.
6. Interrogatories: Written questions submitted by one party to the other, which must be answered under oath.
7. Deposition: The sworn testimony of a witness taken outside of court, usually recorded by a court reporter.
8. Subpoena: A legal document that commands a person to appear in court or produce documents as evidence.
9. Precedent: A legal decision or case that serves as an authoritative example for future cases.
10. Hearsay: An out-of-court statement offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted, usually not admissible as evidence.
11. Burden of Proof: The responsibility of a party to prove the truth of their claims or defenses in a legal proceeding.
12. Damages: The monetary compensation awarded to a plaintiff in a successful lawsuit.
13. Injunction: A court order that prohibits a party from doing a specific act or requires them to do a specific act.
14. Settlement: An agreement reached between the parties involved in a lawsuit, often before or during trial, to resolve the dispute.
15. Appeal: The process of seeking a review of a lower court's decision by a higher court.
This overview of common legal English vocabulary used in litigation provides a foundation for understanding key terms in the field of law. Familiarity with these terms is crucial for effective communication and comprehension within the legal system. As litigation can be complex, it is important for legal professionals to continuously expand their knowledge of legal English vocabulary to navigate the intricacies of the process successfully.
诉讼法律英语词汇 篇三
“诉讼”一词,在外国有多种词语表达方式,如拉丁文的processus,英文的process、procedure、proceedings、suit、lawsuit,德文的prozess等,其最初的含义是发展和向前推进的意思,用在法律上,也就是指一个案件的发展过程。 又特指法院主持下按照法定程序审理案件的过程。
共同管辖 concurrent jurisdiction
管辖 jurisdiction
国际司法协助 international judicial assistance
海事法院 maritime court
合议庭 collegial panel
合议庭评议笔录 record of deliberating by the collegiate bench
和解 composition; compromise
核对诉讼当事人身份 check identity of litigious parties
恢复执行 resumption of execution
回避 withdrawal
混合式诉讼 mixed action
基层人民法院 basic People's Court
羁押期限 term in custo
级别管辖 subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels
监视居住 living at home under surveillance
监狱 prison
检察官 procurator
检察权 prosecutorial power
检察委员会 procuratorial/prosecutorial committee
检察院 procuratorate
检察院派出机构 outpost tribunal of procuratorate
简易程序 summary procedure
鉴定结论 expert conclusion
经济审判庭 economic tribunal
径行判决 direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice
纠问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings
拘传 summon by force; summon by warrant
拘留所 detention house
举报 information/report of an offence
举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi
决定书 decision
军事法院 military procuratorate
开庭审理 open a court session
开庭通知 notice of court session
勘验笔录 record of inquest
看守所 detention house
可执行财产 executable property
控告式诉讼 accusatory proceedings
控诉证据 incriminating evidence
控诉职能 accusation function
扣押 distrain on; attachment
扣押物 distress/distraint
宽限期 period of grace
劳动争议仲裁申请书 petition for labor dispute arbitration
劳改场 reform-through-labor farm
劳教所 reeducation-through-labor office
类推判决的核准程序 procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence
累积证据 cumulative evidence
立案报告 place a case on file
立案管辖 functional jurisdiction
立案决定书 written decision of case-filing
立案侦查 report of placing a case on file
利害关系人 interested party
临时裁决书 interim award
律师见证书 lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written authentication
律师事务所 law office; law firm
律师提前介入 prior intervention by lawyer
免于刑事处分 exemption from criminal penalty
民事案件 civil case
民事审判庭 civil tribunal
民事诉讼 civil action
民事诉讼法 Civil Procedural Law
扭送 seize and deliver a suspect to the police
派出法庭 detached tribunal
派出所 police station
判决 judgement; determination
判决书 judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)
旁证 circumstantial evidence
陪审员 juror
批准逮捕 approval of arrest
破案 clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case
破产 bankruptcy; insolvency
普通程序 general/ordinary procedure
普通管辖 general jurisdiction
企业法人破产还债程序 procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation
起诉 filing of a lawsuit
起诉 sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings
起诉状 indictment; information
区县检察院 grassroots People's Procuratorate
取保候审 the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
缺席判决 default judgement
人民调解委员会 People's Mediation Committee
认定财产无主案件 cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless
认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity