常见动物英语单词 篇一
Animals are an integral part of our lives. They can be found in our homes as pets, in the wild as wildlife, and even in zoos and aquariums. In this article, we will explore some common animal English words that you may come across in your daily life.
1. Dog - Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship. They are often referred to as "man's best friend" and are kept as pets in many households.
2. Cat - Cats are independent and mysterious creatures. They are known for their agility and hunting skills. Many people keep cats as pets for their calming presence.
3. Bird - Birds come in all shapes and sizes and are known for their ability to fly. They have feathers and lay eggs. Some common types of birds include sparrows, eagles, and parrots.
4. Fish - Fish are aquatic animals that live in water. They have gills and fins, which help them swim. Fish come in a wide variety of species and are often kept as pets in aquariums.
5. Rabbit - Rabbits are small mammals known for their long ears and fluffy tails. They are herbivores and are often kept as pets. Rabbits are also a common symbol of fertility and rebirth.
6. Horse - Horses are large, strong animals that are often used for transportation and sports such as horse racing and show jumping. They have been domesticated for thousands of years and are known for their beauty and grace.
7. Cow - Cows are domesticated animals that are primarily raised for their milk and meat. They are herbivores and have a complex digestive system. Cows are also considered sacred in some cultures.
8. Pig - Pigs are intelligent animals that are often raised for their meat, known as pork. They are also kept as pets in some cases. Pigs are known for their high intelligence and ability to learn.
9. Sheep - Sheep are domesticated animals that are primarily raised for their wool and meat. They are herbivores and are known for their gentle nature and herding instincts.
10. Elephant - Elephants are the largest land animals and are known for their intelligence and long trunks. They are herbivores and live in herds in the wild. Elephants are also a popular attraction in zoos.
These are just a few examples of common animal English words that you may encounter. Animals play an important role in our lives and understanding their names in English can help us communicate and appreciate them better.
常见动物英语单词 篇二
Animals are fascinating creatures that inhabit our planet. From the smallest insects to the largest mammals, they come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. In this article, we will explore more common animal English words and learn about their characteristics.
1. Lion - Lions are majestic animals that are often referred to as the "king of the jungle." They are known for their strength and courage. Lions live in prides and are skilled hunters.
2. Tiger - Tigers are large carnivorous cats that are known for their orange fur with black stripes. They are powerful hunters and are capable of taking down large prey. Tigers are also endangered species.
3. Giraffe - Giraffes are tall, long-necked animals that are native to Africa. They are known for their unique appearance and are the tallest land animals. Giraffes feed on leaves from trees using their long tongues.
4. Monkey - Monkeys are intelligent and agile animals that are found in tropical rainforests. They are known for their ability to swing from trees using their long arms and tails. Monkeys are highly social animals.
5. Penguin - Penguins are flightless birds that live in the southern hemisphere, primarily in Antarctica. They have black and white feathers and are excellent swimmers. Penguins form large colonies and are known for their parenting skills.
6. Dolphin - Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals that are known for their playful behavior. They are social animals and are often seen swimming in groups. Dolphins communicate using clicks and whistles.
7. Kangaroo - Kangaroos are marsupials that are native to Australia. They have powerful hind legs and can hop long distances. Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch and are known for their unique way of locomotion.
8. Bear - Bears are large mammals that are found in various parts of the world. They are known for their strength and can be either herbivorous or carnivorous. Bears hibernate during winter months.
9. Snake - Snakes are elongated reptiles that are found in different habitats. They are known for their ability to slither and can be venomous or non-venomous. Snakes shed their skin periodically.
10. Butterfly - Butterflies are insects that undergo a process called metamorphosis. They start as caterpillars and transform into colorful winged creatures. Butterflies are often associated with beauty and transformation.
These are just a few more examples of common animal English words. Animals continue to captivate us with their diversity and unique characteristics. Learning about them can help us develop a greater appreciation for the natural world.
常见动物英语单词 篇三
snake 蛇
adder, viper 蝰蛇
boa 王蛇
cobra 眼镜蛇
copperhead 美洲腹蛇
coral snake 银环蛇
grass snake 草蛇
moccasin 嗜鱼蛇
python 蟒蛇
rattlesnake 响尾蛇
lizard 蜥蜴
tuatara 古蜥蜴
chameleon 变色龙,避役
iguana 鬣蜥
wall lizard 壁虎
salamander, triton, newt 蝾螈
giant salamander 娃娃鱼, 鲵
crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄
alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄
caiman, cayman 凯门鳄
gavial 印度鳄
turtle 龟
tortoise 玳瑁
sea turtle 海龟
frog 青蛙
bullfrog 牛蛙
horse 马
mare 母马
colt, foal 马驹,小马
pony 矮马
thoroughbred 纯种马
mustang 野马
mule 骡
ass, donkey 驴
ox 牛
buffalo 水牛
bull 公牛
cow 母牛
calf 小牛, 牛犊
bullock, steer 小阉牛
heifer 小母牛
pig, swine 猪
boar 种猪
hog 阉猪, 肥猪
gilt 小母猪
piglet 猪崽
sheep 羊
ewe 母羊
goat 山羊
lamb 羊羔,羔羊
zebra 斑马
antilope 羚羊
gazelle 小羚羊
deer 鹿
reindeer 驯鹿
giraffe 长颈鹿
camel 骆驼
dromedary 单峰驼
llama 大羊驼
guanaco 原驼
alpaca 羊驼
vicuna 小羊驼
elephant 象
rhinoceros 犀牛
hippopotamus 河马
cat 猫
tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
tomcat 雄猫, 公猫
kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫
lion 狮
lynx 猞猁
panther, puma 美洲豹
leopard 豹
tiger 虎
wildcat 野猫
bison 美洲野牛
yak 牦牛
dog 狗
badger 獾
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
otter 水獭
fox 狐
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
wolf 狼
squirrel 松鼠
dormouse 睡鼠
beaver 河狸
marmot 土拨鼠
ferret 雪貂
bear 熊
rabbit 兔子
hare 野兔
rat 鼠
mouse 家鼠
vole 田鼠
monkey 猴子
chimpanzee 黑猩猩
gorilla 大猩猩
gibbon 长臂猿
sloth 獭猴
duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
kangaroo 袋鼠
koala 考拉, 树袋熊
hedgehog 刺猬
porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
bat 蝙蝠
armadillo 犰狳
whale 鲸
dolphin 河豚
porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
seal 海豹
walrus 海象
eagle 鹰
bald eagle 白头鹰
condor 秃鹰
hawk, falcon 隼
heron 苍鹰
golden eagle 鹫
kite 鹞
vulture 秃鹫
cock 公鸡
hen 母鸡
chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
turkey 火鸡
peacock 孔雀
duck 鸭
mallard 野鸭, 凫
teal 小野鸭
gannet 塘鹅
goose 鹅
pelican 鹈鹕
cormorant 鸬鹚
swan 天鹅
cob 雄天鹅
cygnet 小天鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鸽
pigeon 野鸽
turtle dove 斑鸠
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
grouse 松鸡
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
ptarmigan 雷鸟
quail 鹌鹑
ostrich 鸵鸟
stork 鹳
woodcock 山鹬
snipe 鹬
gull, seagull 海鸥
albatross 信天翁
kingfisher 翠鸟
bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
woodpecker 啄木鸟
parrot 鹦鹉
cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉
macaw 金刚鹦鹉
parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
crow 乌鸦
blackbird 乌鸫
magpie 喜鹊
swallow 燕子
sparrow 麻雀
nightingale 夜莺
canary 金丝雀
starling 八哥
thrush 画眉
goldfinch 金翅雀
chaffinch 苍头燕雀
robin 知更鸟
plover 千鸟
lark 百鸟,云雀
swift 褐雨燕
whitethroat 白喉雀
hummingbird 蜂雀
penguin 企鹅
owl 枭,猫头鹰
scops owl 角枭,耳鸟