Title: Describing Air Pollution in English Words
Article One: Describing Air Pollution
Air pollution, especially in the form of smog and haze, has become a major concern in many cities around the world. It not only affects the environment but also poses serious health risks to the inhabitants. In this article, we will explore a range of English words that vividly describe the phenomenon of air pollution.
1. Smog: This term refers to a mixture of smoke and fog, usually caused by the presence of pollutants in the air. Smog often appears as a thick layer of hazy, yellowish-gray cloud, obscuring visibility and creating an oppressive atmosphere.
2. Haze: Haze is similar to smog, but it is often caused by fine particles, such as dust or smoke, suspended in the air. It creates a subtle, diffused layer of mist that reduces clarity and gives the atmosphere a dull appearance.
3. Pollutants: These are substances or particles that contaminate the air, contributing to air pollution. Common pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These harmful substances are released from various sources, including vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and fossil fuel combustion.
4. Particulate Matter: Particulate matter (PM) refers to a mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. These particles vary in size, with PM2.5 and PM10 being the most commonly measured. PM2.5 refers to particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller in diameter, while PM10 includes particles up to 10 micrometers. These tiny particles can penetrate deep into the respiratory system when inhaled, causing respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
5. Respiratory Problems: Air pollution can have serious implications for human health, particularly concerning the respiratory system. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. It can also worsen existing conditions, making it difficult for individuals to breathe properly.
6. Visibility Reduction: The presence of air pollutants can significantly reduce visibility, leading to poor air quality and limited visibility in affected areas. This can pose risks to transportation, as well as impact daily activities and overall quality of life.
In conclusion, air pollution, characterized by smog, haze, and various pollutants, has detrimental effects on both the environment and human health. Understanding and using these English words can help raise awareness about the severity of the issue and encourage efforts to combat air pollution.
Article Two: The Effects of Air Pollution
Air pollution, as a result of smog and haze, has wide-ranging effects on the environment, climate, and public health. In this article, we will delve into the consequences of air pollution using specific English words that capture the impact of this issue.
1. Acid Rain: Air pollution, particularly due to emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, can lead to the formation of acid rain. Acid rain refers to precipitation with a pH value below 5.6, which can damage vegetation, erode buildings, and pollute water bodies. It has severe implications for ecosystems and agricultural productivity.
2. Global Warming: The release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, contributes to global warming. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to rising temperatures and climate change. The consequences of global warming include melting glaciers, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events, which further exacerbate the impact of air pollution.
3. Ozone Depletion: Air pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), can deplete the ozone layer. The ozone layer acts as a shield, protecting the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Its depletion increases the risk of skin cancer, cataracts, and other health problems, as well as disrupts ecosystems and damages crops.
4. Environmental Degradation: Air pollution contributes to overall environmental degradation, harming ecosystems, wildlife, and natural resources. It contaminates soil, water bodies, and vegetation, leading to reduced biodiversity and ecological imbalance. This degradation can have long-lasting effects on the planet's health and sustainability.
5. Public Health Impacts: Air pollution is a significant risk factor for various health problems. It can cause or worsen respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Additionally, exposure to polluted air can lead to allergies, skin irritations, and eye problems.
6. Economic Consequences: Air pollution has economic implications due to healthcare costs, reduced agricultural productivity, and damage to infrastructure. The expenses associated with treating air pollution-related illnesses, as well as the loss of productivity and income, can place a burden on individuals, communities, and economies.
In conclusion, the effects of air pollution, including acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, environmental degradation, public health impacts, and economic consequences, are significant and far-reaching. Utilizing these English words can help in understanding and addressing the urgency of combating air pollution for the well-being of both present and future generations.
描写雾霾的英语单词 篇三
fog 雾
牛津词典给出的解释是这样的: thick cloud of tiny drops of water close to or just above land or sea;一般指靠近或悬浮于陆地或海洋上空的浓雾,能见度低。由此可见它的主要成分是水,常常指自然现象中的雾,对人体是无害的。
一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。
Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.
浓雾笼罩了北部的公路, 能见度很低。
mist 薄雾
牛津词典给出的解释:cloud of minute drops of water vapour hanging just above the ground, less thick than fog but still difficult to see through;一般指薄雾、雾霭、雾气,这里已经很清楚地指出了,mist比fog轻、淡,但能见度仍然不是很高,所以,fog = thick mist。
一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。
early morning mists in autumn
haze 霾
The Free Dictionary给出的解释:Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility,a partially opaque covering;一般是由大
一般用thick, dense, light等形容词形容。
a haze of cigarette smoke 香烟烟气
smog 烟雾
牛津词典给出的解释是mixture of fog and smoke ,即雾和烟的混合物。朗文词典给出的解释是dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities,明确指出了是由汽车尾气、工厂废气等烟气引起的空气污染,对人体是有害的;由此可见,用smog来形容雾霾是最贴切的。
Smog: 雾霾 (就是smoke+fog)
It's very smoggy: 雾霾很重
Mask, face mask: 口罩
Air quality issue: 空气质量问题
Environmental protection: 环境保护
There're good days. There're bad days: 有些时候比较好,有些时候情况很差
To bike: 骑自行车
Skeptical: 怀疑的、持怀疑态度
I don't think it's gonna do anything: 我不觉得它有用
Cancer: 癌
Lungs: 肺
PM2.5 (Particulate Matter):颗粒物
AQI (Air Quality Index): 空气质量指数
It can get into your blood stream: 它会进入你的血液
Air purifier:空气净化机
I keep my windows closed: 保持窗户关闭
It smells like gas: 闻起来像煤气的味道
It smells like burning coal:闻起来像烧煤的味道
Central heating: 中央供暖
It takes a few generations to fix the environment: 治理环境需要几代人的努力
To peak: 达到峰值、限制
Greenhouse gas emission: 温室气体排放
Clean energy/alternative energy: 清洁能源
Natural gas: 天然气
Fuel: 燃料
Petrol: 石油
Electric cars: 电动车
Hybrid: 混合动力车
Tesla: 特斯拉
Electric car subsidies: 电动车补贴
Public buses:公交车
Global warming:全球气候变暖
Climate change: 气候变化
Temperature: 温度
Fahrenheit: 华氏度
It's not the best solution: 并不是最好的解决办法
Developmental stage: 发展阶段
Feasible: 可操作性、可能性
Consensus: 共识
Something needs to be done to save the environment: 一定要采取措施,保护环境
L.A. had a big smog problem in the 70's: 洛杉矶70年代也有过雾霾问题
It's situated in a valley surrounded by mountains: 洛杉矶地处山谷中,被群山环绕
The smog gets trapped inside the city: 雾霾都凝结在城里,散不掉
Visibility: 能见度
Research: 研究
Emission: 尾气排放
Leaded fuel: 含铅汽油
Polluted: 被污染的
与雾霾搭配的动词一般是用笼罩,而英语中表达笼罩意思的也很微妙,一般常见的有shroud, cover, blanket, envelop等。
shroud (覆盖)
Since Tuesday, the city had been shroudedin grey smog, reducing visibilities to a few hundred metres.
engulf (吞噬、使陷入)
Beijing was againengulfedin heavy smog on Tuesday, sending air pollution readings soaring.
Much of northern China has been blanketedin thick smog after Beijing issued its highest air pollution alert of the winter in the capital.
Residents of north-eastern China donned gas masks and locked themselves indoors on Sunday after their homes were envelopedby some of the worst levels of smog on record.
Authorities are under fire for failing to issue a red-alert last week when Beijing was alsocoveredby dangerous smog.
For nearly 15 years the Chinese government has been talking about improving the air quality in Beijing, and by its own measures it seems to have done a pretty good job.
Since the city launched a campaign in 1998 to clean up the atmosphere, the number of “blue sky days” recorded by the government increased each year until 2011, when it achieved a record 286 days with supposedly clean air, compared with 100 in 1998.
But as anyone who has lived for long in Beijing can attest, “blue sky” is a somewhat redundant concept when applied to the celestial capital.
Over the weekend, air pollution readings in the city were the worst since records began about four years ago, with the concentration of fine particulates reaching a level 75 times greater than that considered healthy under the latest US standards.
A thick layer of toxic fog blanketing Beijing for days blotted out the sun and disrupted traffic as residents were warned to stay inside and avoid any strenuous activity to minimise their exposure to the hazardous fumes.
Despite years of official rhetoric and a couple of years when there was a noticeable improvement, the air seems to be getting worse and could even present the new administration of Xi Jinping with a credibility crisis. Chinese and international experts say one of the biggest problems the government faces is the willingness of officials at all levels to sacrifice environmental concerns for the overriding imperative of economic growth.
A lack of accountability, the weakness of agencies tasked with tackling the issue and the ease with which data collection and presentation is manipulated all compound the problem.
“China’s national leaders have ordered an improvement in air quality but thanks to misreporting and manipulation of data at the lower levels, they often aren’t aware of the severity of the problem,” says Steven Andrews, an environmental consultant who exposed official manipulation of air pollution data in Beijing in the run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games.
“For lower-level officials, they can often get the same results by manipulating the data as they do by enforcing emissions standards.”
Since enforcing these standards means confronting powerful state enterprises and power producers – many of which have emissions-treatment equipment installed but choose not to use it because of costs – many officials prefer to massage the numbers, Mr Andrews says.
Chinese scientists who have conducted independent studies on air quality say all sorts of tricks are used by the authorities in order to provide data that show improvements.
These range from blatantly changing the readings to putting city air monitoring stations in places where pollution levels are lowest, such as in parks.
Another problem is that China’s definition of unhealthy pollution levels seems designed to downplay the issue – the highest concentration of toxic particulates regarded as “excellent” in China is three times higher than the US considers healthy.
That many Beijing residents are even aware the “fog”?they?breathe is bad for them already marks a huge leap forward compared with just one year ago.