英语词汇argue的用法 篇一
Argue is a commonly used word in English, and it can be used in various contexts. In this article, we will explore the different ways in which argue can be used, along with some examples.
One of the most common uses of argue is to express a disagreement or a debate. When people argue, they present reasons and evidence to support their point of view, and try to persuade others to agree with them. For example, "They argued about the best way to solve the problem." In this sentence, argue is used to describe the act of debating or disagreeing.
Argue can also be used to describe a discussion or a conversation where different opinions are presented. For instance, "They argued about politics for hours." In this sentence, argue is used to show that the conversation involved a passionate discussion on the topic of politics.
Another way argue can be used is to express a claim or a belief. When someone argues that something is true or false, they are presenting reasons and evidence to support their claim. For example, "He argued that climate change is a serious problem." In this sentence, argue is used to indicate that the person is making a claim and providing reasons for it.
Argue can also be used to describe a legal case or a legal dispute. When lawyers argue a case in court, they present evidence and make arguments to support their client's position. For instance, "The lawyers argued the case before the judge." In this sentence, argue is used to describe the act of presenting arguments in a legal setting.
In addition, argue can be used to describe a heated or angry discussion. When people argue in this sense, they often raise their voices and become emotional. For example, "They argued loudly about who was to blame for the accident." In this sentence, argue is used to show that the discussion was intense and emotional.
In conclusion, argue is a versatile word in English that can be used in different contexts. It can be used to describe a disagreement or a debate, a discussion or conversation, a claim or belief, a legal case or dispute, as well as a heated or angry discussion. Understanding the different ways in which argue can be used will help you to use it correctly in your own conversations and writing.
英语词汇argue的用法 篇二
Argue is a word that is frequently used in English, and it has a range of meanings and uses. In this article, we will explore some of the different ways in which argue can be used, along with examples.
One common use of argue is to express a disagreement or a conflict. When people argue, they express opposing views and engage in a debate or a discussion. For example, "They argued about the best course of action." In this sentence, argue is used to describe the act of expressing differing opinions.
Argue can also be used to describe a persuasive or convincing discussion. When someone argues a point, they present reasons and evidence to support their position. For instance, "She argued that the new policy would benefit everyone." In this sentence, argue is used to indicate that the person is making a persuasive argument.
Another way argue can be used is to describe a logical or reasoned discussion. When people argue in this sense, they present logical arguments and use reasoning to support their claims. For example, "He argued that the proposal was not feasible based on the available data." In this sentence, argue is used to show that the person is using logical reasoning to support their claim.
Argue can also be used to describe a dispute or a legal case. When people argue a case, they present arguments and evidence in a court of law. For instance, "The lawyers argued the case before the jury." In this sentence, argue is used to describe the act of presenting arguments in a legal setting.
In addition, argue can be used to describe a discussion or a conversation where different opinions are presented. When people argue in this sense, they engage in a thoughtful and respectful exchange of ideas. For example, "They argued the merits of the proposal during the meeting." In this sentence, argue is used to show that the discussion involved a thoughtful exchange of ideas.
In conclusion, argue is a versatile word in English that can be used to express a disagreement or a conflict, a persuasive or convincing discussion, a logical or reasoned discussion, a dispute or a legal case, as well as a thoughtful exchange of ideas. Understanding the different ways in which argue can be used will help you to use it accurately and effectively in your own conversations and writing.
英语词汇argue的用法 篇三
1、argue about sth 为某事而争论。如:
They always argue about [over] money. 他们总是为钱争吵。
They are arguing about [over] who lost the ball. 他们在争论是谁丢了球。
注:有时 argue 后可接 with sb, 表示与某人争吵。如:
He argued with the driver about the fare. 他就车费与司机论理。
2、argue sb into sth 说服某人做某事。如:
They tried to argue me into joining them. 他们设法要说服我加入他们一起干。
We argued him out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我们说服他不去作那样危险的旅行。
I argued him out of his opposition. 我说服他不再反对。
argue 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。
quarrel 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。
debate 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。
dispute 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。
discuss 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。
reason 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。
argue about( v.+prep. )
argue against( v.+prep. )
argue away〔off〕( v.+adv. )
argue back( v.+adv. )
argue down( v.+adv. )
argue for( v.+prep. )
argue into( v.+prep. )
argue out( v.+adv. )
argue out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
argue over( v.+prep. )
argue round( v.+adv. )
argue with( v.+prep. )
1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.
2. I don't think many people would argue with that.
3. They egged each other on to argue and to fight.
4. One cou
5. They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.
6. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.
7. She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.
8. The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue.
9. To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.
10. Don't argue with me.
11. If there's a dispute we argue it out.
12. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
13. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.
14. She knew better than to argue with Adeline.
15. Don't agree, but don't argue either.