几点钟的英文表达及相关例句 篇一
In English, there are several ways to express the time of day. Here are some common phrases and expressions used to ask and answer the question "What time is it?"
1. "What time is it?"
This is the most basic and common way to ask for the time in English. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.
Example: "Excuse me, sir. What time is it?"
2. "What's the time?"
This is another way to ask for the current time. It is slightly less formal than "What time is it?" but still widely used.
Example: "Hey, do you know what's the time? I forgot to wear my watch today."
3. "Do you have the time?"
This is a more polite way to ask for the time. It is often used when you want to show respect or politeness to the person you are asking.
Example: "Excuse me, do you have the time? I need to catch a train."
4. "Could you tell me the time, please?"
This is a very polite way to ask for the time. It is often used in formal situations or when asking someone you don't know well.
Example: "Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please? My phone battery died."
5. "It's (time)."
These are different ways to answer the question about the time. You simply fill in the blank with the specific time.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's 3 o'clock."
6. "It's a quarter past (time)."
This expression is used to indicate that it is fifteen minutes past the hour.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's a quarter past 5."
7. "It's half past (time)."
This expression is used to indicate that it is thirty minutes past the hour.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's half past 9."
8. "It's a quarter to (time)."
This expression is used to indicate that it is fifteen minutes before the next hour.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's a quarter to 2."
9. "It's almost (time)."
This expression is used to indicate that it is very close to the specified hour.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's almost midnight."
10. "It's noon/midnight."
These expressions are used to indicate that it is exactly 12 o'clock in the afternoon or at night, respectively.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's noon."
In conclusion, there are various ways to express the time in English. Whether you use the more formal "What time is it?" or the more casual "What's the time?", it is important to be able to understand and communicate the time effectively. Practice using these expressions to improve your English fluency.
几点钟的英文表达及相关例句 篇二
In this article, we will explore some additional ways to express the time in English. These expressions are less common but still useful in certain situations.
1. "It's early/late in the morning/afternoon/evening."
This expression is used to indicate that it is either too early or too late in a specific part of the day.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's early in the morning. Let's go back to sleep."
2. "It's (time) sharp."
This expression is used to indicate that it is exactly the specified hour.
Example: "What time is the meeting?" "It's 9 o'clock sharp. Don't be late."
3. "It's half past/to (time)."
This expression is similar to the previous one, but instead of using a specific hour, it uses the phrases "half past" or "half to" to indicate that it is exactly thirty minutes past or before the hour.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's half past 6. We should leave soon."
4. "It's about (time)."
This expression is used when you want to give an approximate time.
Example: "What time will the movie start?" "It's about 7:30, but I'm not sure."
5. "It's time for (activity)."
This expression is used to indicate that it is the appropriate or scheduled time for a specific activity.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's time for dinner. Let's eat."
6. "It's past my bedtime."
This expression is used to indicate that it is later than someone's usual bedtime.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's 10 o'clock. It's past my bedtime."
7. "It's the crack of dawn."
This expression is used to describe the very early hours of the morning, just before sunrise.
Example: "What time did you wake up?" "I woke up at the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise."
8. "It's nightfall."
This expression is used to describe the time when it becomes dark outside, usually in the evening.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's almost nightfall. We should head home soon."
9. "It's high/low tide."
This expression is used to describe the time when the ocean tide is at its highest or lowest point.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's high tide. Let's go for a swim."
10. "It's bedtime."
This expression is used to indicate that it is time to go to sleep.
Example: "What time is it?" "It's 9 o'clock. It's bedtime for the kids."
By expanding your knowledge of different expressions for telling time, you can become more versatile in your English conversations. Practice using these expressions in various contexts to improve your language skills.
几点钟的英文表达及相关例句 篇三
几点钟[jǐ diǎn zhōnɡ]
what time, what hour
What's the time?; What time is it?
What time's the next collection of letters?
'What time is it?' — 'Eight o'clock.'
1. 你知道现在几点钟了吗?
Do you have any idea what time it is?
2. 你知道现在几点钟了?
Do you know what time it is now?
3. 你的表上是几点钟了?
What time is it by your watch?
4. 你知道现在几点钟了??
Have you any idea what time it is?
5. 第十一单元你几点钟上学?
What time do you go to sohool?
6. 这个报告在几点钟以前早就教人家看熟了,现在便同风化了的戏单一样,没有一个人再望它一眼。
This notice had beenread and reread several hours ago and now, like those old, tom the. atre bi lls left to flutter in the wind, could no longer draw a singleglance from anyone.
7. 中国人也很怪,我有个邻居,他从市场上买盆花,他马上到处去问,什么时候浇水、什么时候上什么类型的肥料、上哪去买,早晨几点钟搬出去为好等等。
Chinese is very strange, I have a neighbour, and he buy potted flower from the market, he immediately around to ask, what time when the water, what kind of fertilizer, on which to buy, a few o'clock in the morning to move out for good, etc.
8. 你几点钟睡觉?
A: What time do you go to sleep?
9. 刚到那里就被那里的清澈透底的涓涓流水给吸引住了,我们立刻决定沿河而上,去找这河水的源头,此时已经是早上十点钟,阳光普照,我们几个有说有笑的沿着河岸向上走,可越走越觉得这路越难走
Just arrived there the brook brook running water which there limpidly pulged the details to attract, we decided immediately along the river on, looked for this river water the source, this time already is early morning ten o'clock, the sunlight shines, our several were merry upwardly walks along the river bank, might more walk more thought this group was more difficult to walk
歪果仁:Excuse me,what’s the time?
我:It’s ...?
用钟点(基数词) + o'clock 来表示整点 。注意o'clock须用单数可以省略。
如:one o'clock 1点钟 12 (o'clock) 12点钟
用钟点(基数词)+ 分钟的顺序直接写出时间,表示非整点后不可加o'clock.
如:ten forty 十点四十 seven ten 七点十分
如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用“分钟 + past + 钟点”表示 past是介词意思是“过”。
如 twenty past ten 十点二十
如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用“60分钟-原分钟数+ to +原小时数+ 1” to是介词,意思是“差”。
如 11:35 可表示为twenty-five to twelve 12点差二十五分(即十一点三十五,其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得到的钟点数)
注: 当分钟数是15分钟时可用名词quarter一刻钟表示。
如:7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven
12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve
当分钟数是30分钟时可用名词half 一半表示。
如:30可表示为 half past
9:30可表示为 half past nine
2.表示几点过几分时英语用"past",而美语用after如 "11点10分" 可以说成:ten past eleven(英语)或ten aftereleven(美语)
4.表示"半小时"的差异half an hour(英语) a half hour(美语)