排球类英语单词 篇一
Volleyball is a popular sport played all around the world. Whether you are a player or a fan, it is important to have a good understanding of the vocabulary associated with the game. In this article, we will explore some of the key English words and phrases related to volleyball.
1. Serve: The action of putting the ball into play at the beginning of a rally.
2. Spike: A powerful attacking shot where a player jumps and forcefully hits the ball downwards into the opponent's court.
3. Block: A defensive move where a player jumps and tries to intercept the ball as it is spiked by the opponent.
4. Dig: A defensive move where a player dives to the ground in order to save the ball from touching the court after a spike or powerful attack.
5. Set: The act of directing the ball towards a teammate who will then attempt to spike it.
6. Pass: A controlled hit used to deliver the ball to a teammate for a set or an attack.
7. Rotation: The movement of players in a clockwise direction after a point is scored, ensuring that every player has a chance to serve.
8. Libero: A specialized defensive player who wears a different colored jersey and has certain restrictions on their playing actions.
9. Sideout: When the serving team fails to score a point and the opponent gains the right to serve.
10. Antenna: The vertical rods attached to the net that mark the boundaries of the court.
These are just a few examples of the vocabulary used in volleyball. It is important to note that volleyball terms may vary slightly depending on the region or country. However, these words are widely understood and used in the international volleyball community.
By familiarizing yourself with these words and phrases, you will be able to better understand and communicate within the volleyball community. Whether you are watching a game, coaching a team, or playing the sport yourself, having a strong command of the vocabulary will enhance your overall experience and enjoyment of the game.
Volleyball is a team sport that requires effective communication and coordination. So, start practicing these words and phrases and get ready to serve, spike, and dig your way to victory!
排球类英语单词 篇二
Volleyball is not only a fun and exciting sport, but it also has its own unique vocabulary that is essential to know if you want to fully understand and participate in the game. In this article, we will explore some more advanced English words and phrases related to volleyball.
1. Ace: A serve that is so well-placed and powerful that it cannot be returned by the receiving team.
2. Kill: An attack that results in an immediate point, usually a spike that cannot be defended.
3. Joust: A situation where two opposing players simultaneously contact the ball near the net, resulting in a struggle to gain control.
4. Rotation Error: When a team fails to rotate players correctly and violates the rules of rotation.
5. Pancake: A defensive move where a player extends their hand flat on the ground to prevent the ball from touching the court.
6. Dump: A tactical move where the setter decides to tip the ball over the net instead of setting it for an attack.
7. Foot Fault: When a server steps on or over the back boundary line while serving.
8. Six Pack: When a spiked ball hits a player directly in the face.
9. Roof: A block that is so effective that it completely stops the attacking ball from crossing the net.
10. Net Violation: When a player makes contact with the net during play, resulting in a point for the opposing team.
These advanced volleyball terms may not be commonly used in everyday conversation, but they are crucial to know if you want to fully understand the game at a higher level. Whether you are a player, coach, or avid fan, having a strong command of these words and phrases will allow you to analyze and appreciate the game more deeply.
Now that you are familiar with these advanced volleyball terms, you can impress your friends with your knowledge of the game. So, get out there, set up a net, and start playing or watching volleyball with a whole new level of understanding and appreciation for the sport.
排球类英语单词 篇三
1、排球场地 volleyball court
2、鱼跃 fish pe
3、一方场区 court
4、钩手飘球 over float
5、对方场区 opponent’s court
6、一次扣杀 direct spike
7、发球区 service area
8、上手传球 overarm pass
9、进攻线 attack line
10、钩手扣球 windmill smash
11、判台 official’s tribune
13、标志杆 vertical rod
14、轻扣、吊球 dink spike
15、端线 back line
16、非正常换人 abnormal substitution
17、后区 back zone
18、拦网动作 action of blocking
19、进攻区 attack zone 缓冲动作 action of giving
20、封准球 alignment with the ball
21、位置差(扣球) alternate position spike
22、轮流发球 alternation
23、传高球 arch
24、体后屈 arch back
25、攻球 attack
26、进攻区 attack area
27、攻击手 attacker
28、攻击性发球 attacking shot
29、进攻线 attack line
30、攻击手 attack man
31、接攻击球 attack receive
32、进攻区 attack zone
33、后排队员 back
34、后取角 back corner
35、后排位置 back court position
36、后排队员 back field play
37、标志杆 antenna