IT行业英语词汇 篇一
In today's digital age, the IT industry plays a crucial role in driving technological advancements and innovation across various sectors. To effectively communicate and collaborate in the IT field, it is essential to have a strong command of English, as it is the dominant language used in this industry. In this article, we will explore some key IT industry English vocabulary that professionals in this field should be familiar with.
1. Hardware: Refers to the physical components of a computer system, such as the CPU, memory, and hard drive. It is essential for IT professionals to understand the different hardware components and how they interact with each other.
2. Software: Refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer system. This includes operating systems, productivity software, and specialized software for specific tasks. IT professionals need to have a good understanding of software development and troubleshooting.
3. Network: Refers to the interconnected system of computers and devices that allow for communication and data sharing. IT professionals need to be familiar with network protocols, configurations, and security measures to ensure the smooth operation of a network.
4. Database: Refers to a structured collection of data that is organized and accessible in various ways. IT professionals need to understand database management systems and SQL (Structured Query Language) to store, retrieve, and manipulate data efficiently.
5. Cybersecurity: Refers to the practice of protecting computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, theft, and damage. IT professionals need to be well-versed in cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to safeguard sensitive information.
6. Cloud Computing: Refers to the delivery of computing services, including storage, servers, databases, software, and analytics, over the internet. IT professionals need to understand different cloud computing models, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
7. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. IT professionals need to be familiar with AI concepts and algorithms to develop intelligent systems and applications.
8. Big Data: Refers to the vast amount of structured and unstructured data that organizations generate on a daily basis. IT professionals need to understand how to analyze and interpret big data using tools and techniques like data mining, machine learning, and predictive analytics.
9. Internet of Things (IoT): Refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity that enables them to connect and exchange data. IT professionals need to understand IoT architectures and protocols to develop and manage IoT systems.
10. Agile Methodology: Refers to a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. IT professionals need to be familiar with agile principles and practices, such as Scrum and Kanban, to deliver projects more efficiently.
In conclusion, mastering IT industry English vocabulary is essential for professionals in this field to effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues and clients. By understanding and using these key terms, IT professionals can enhance their technical knowledge and excel in their careers.
IT行业英语词汇 篇三
aachen 亚琛
abampere 绝对安培
abandoned call 废弃单元
abbreviated dialing 缩位拨号
abbreviated digital verification color code (ADVCC) 简写数字验证颜色码
aberration 像差
aberration, chromatic 色像差
aberration, spherical 球面像差
ability, heuristic reasoning 启发式推论能力
abnormal decay 反常衰变
abnormal end 异常终结
abort 中断
abort sequence 中断序列
above threshold 超临限值
abrasion 剥蚀;磨损
abrupt junction 突变结
absent 不存在
absent extension persion 分机用户缺席转接
absent, coprocessor 协同处理器不存在
absolute accuracy 绝对准确度
absolute address 绝对地址
absolute addressing 绝对定址法
absolute assembler 绝对组合程式
absolute block 绝对区块
absolute code 绝对代码
absolute coordinate 绝对坐标
absolute dimension 绝对尺寸
absolute disintegration rate 绝对衰变率
absolute encoder 绝对编码器
absolute error 绝对错误
absolute expansion 绝对膨胀
absolute gain 绝对增益
absolute humidity 绝对湿度
absolute index of refraction 绝对折射率
absolute instruction 绝对指令
absolute intensity 绝对强度
absolute loader 绝对装入器
absolute machine code 绝对机器代码
absolute maximum rating 绝对最大额定值
absolute measuring system 绝对测量系统
absolute permeability 绝对磁导率
absolute pressure 绝对压力
absolute temperature 绝对温度
absolute temperature scale 绝对温标
absolute value 绝对值
absolute variable 绝对变数
absolute velocity 绝对速度
absolute volume 绝对体积
absolute zero 绝对零度
absolute-value circuit 绝对值电路
absolute-value device 绝对值器件
absorbability 吸收能力
absorptance 吸收比
absorption 吸收
absorption band 吸收频带
absorption loss 吸收损耗
absorption modulation 吸收调制
absorption spectrum 吸收光谱
absorption, active acoustical 动态声音吸纳
absorption, coefficient of 吸音系数
absorptive attenuator 吸收衰减
abstract data type 抽象数据种类
abstract quantity 抽象程度
abstract symbol 抽象符号
abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) 抽象语法表示法 1
abstraction 抽象;抽除
ac brownout 交流降压,交流节电
ac converter 交流转换器
ac electric-field strength 交流电场强度
ac filter 交流滤波器
ac line filter 交流线路滤波器
ac power line 交流电源线
accelerated graphics port (AGP) 加速图形端口
accelerated life test 加速寿命测试
accelerated stress test 加速应力测试
accelerated test 加速测试
accelerated thermal cycle (ATC) 加速热循环
accelerating voltage 加速电压
acceleration 加速度
acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度
acceleration in circular motion 圆运动加速度
acceleration, angular 角加速度
acceleration, average 平均加速度
acceleration, centripetal 向心加速度
acceleration, component of 加速度分量
acceleration, fuzzy computational (FCA) 模糊逻辑加速法
acceleration, gravitational 重力加速度
acceleration, instantaneous 瞬时加速度
acceleration, tangential 切向加速度
acceleration, uniform 等加速度
accelerator 加速器
accelerator, floating-point slave 浮点附属加速器
accelerator, programmable universal micro (PUMA) 可编程通用微加速器
accelerometer 加速仪
accept 接收;接受
acceptable noise level 验收噪声水平
acceptable quality level 合格质量水平
acceptable source 验收源
acceptance angle 接收角
acceptance cone 接收光锥区
acceptance test 验收试验
accepted test 合格试验
acceptor 受体;接收器
acceptor impurity 受体杂质
acceptor, write access connection (WACA) 写入存取连接接收器
access 存取
access charge 访问费用
access code 存取代码
access coupler 存取耦合器
access delay 存取延迟
access line 接入线路
access method 存取方法
access mode 存取模式
access network 接入网
access path 存取通路
access protocol 存取协定
access time 存取时间
access, basic 基本存取
access, basic rate (BRA) 基本速率存取
access, burst 资料组存取
access, carrier sense multiple (CSMA) 载波感应多重存取
access, code-pision multiple (CDMA) 码分多重存取
access, direct memory (DMA) 直接存储器存取
access, external 外部存取
access, frequency-pision multiple (FDMA) 频分多工存取
access, in-page burst 页内资料组存取
access, internal 内部存取
access, multiple channel (MCA) 多通道存取
access, on-page 页上存取
access, out-page 离页存取
access, page 分页存取
access, primary rate 初级速率存取
access, sequential 序列存取
access, time-pision multiple (TDMA) 时分多重存取
access, virtual direct memory 虚拟直接存储器存取
access-control mechanism 存取控制机制
accessed bit 存取单元
accessibility 可存取性
accessible voltage drop 可达电压降
accessible, readily 可存取的
accessory 附件
accumulated jitter 累加抖动
accumulator 累加器;蓄电池
accumulator register 累加寄存器
accumulator, phase 相位累加器
accuracy 准确度;准确值
accuracy class 准确级别
accuracy grade 精度级别,精度等级
accuracy rating 额定准确度
accuracy test 准确度测试
accuracy, absolute 绝对准确值
accuracy, dynamic 动态准确度
accuracy, full-scale absolute 全标度绝对准确值
accuracy, gain 增益准确度
acetate disks 乙酸盐软盘
acetone 丙酮
acid, amino 氨基酸
acid, aspartic 天门冬胺酸
acknowledge 确认
acknowledge character 确认字符
acknowledge signal 接收完成信号
acknowledge, interrupt 中断确认
acknowledgment (ACK) 确认
acoustic coupler 声耦合器
acoustic delay line 声延迟线
acoustic input 声音输入
acoustic noise 噪声
acoustic output 声音输出
acoustic-wave filter 声波过滤器
acoustical signals 声音信号,音频信号
acoustically tunable optical filter 声音调谐光学滤波器
acousto-optic device 声光学器件
acousto-optic effect 声光学效应
acquisition phase 采集阶段
acquisition, background 背景采集
acquisition, data 数据采集
acquisition, image- 影像采集
acrylate 丙烯酸脂
acrylic 丙烯酸的,聚丙烯的
acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂
action and reaction 作用与反作用
action at a distance 超距作用
action force 作用力
action, capillary 毛细管作用
action, line of 作用线
action, molecular 分子作用
activate 活化
activation 活化
activation energy 活化能量
activation period 活化期
activation rate 启动率
activation, neutron 中子激发
activator 催化剂,激活剂,活化剂;激励器
active 动态;主动
active acoustical absorption 有源声音吸纳
active antenna array 有源天线阵列
active carbon 活性碳
active component 有源元件
active condition 使用状态
active electric network 有源电气网络
active electronics 有源电子器件,有
active file 现役文件
active filter 有源滤波器
active impedance 动态阻抗
active materials 放射性材料
active matrix 有源矩阵
active matrix display 有源矩阵显示器,活动矩阵显示器
active mobile identity (AMI) 有源移动标识
active partitioning architecture 有源分隔体系结构
active power 有功功率
active profile 现用文件,当前文件
active rectification 动态整流
active server page 活动服务器页,当前服务器页
active substrate 有源基片,有源衬片,有源基底
active template library 动态模板库
active termination 有源终端
active testing 动态测试
active transducer 有源传感器
active trimming 有源微调
active voltage positioning (AVP) 有效电压定位,有效电压点
active-high signal 高态有效信号
active-low signal 低态有效信号
active-matrix display 有源矩阵显示
activity 放射性
activity factor 活动因子
activity, optical 旋光性
activity-based simulation 放射性为基模拟
actual mechanical advantage 实际机械利益
actuator 起动器
actuator valve 起动器活门
actuator, dual 双起动器
actuator, pneumatic 气动起动器
actuator, relay 延迟起动器
adaptability 配接性
adaptation rate 适配率
adapter 配接器
adapter card 适配器卡
adapter description library (ADL) 配接描述程序库
adapter kit 配接组件
adapter signal process (ASP) 配接器信号处理
adapter, color composite video 彩色混合视频配接器
adapter, color graphics (CGA) 彩色图像配接器
adapter, double-scan color graphics 双扫描图像配接器
adapter, enhanced color graphics (EGA) 增强图像配接器
adapter, monochrome display (MDA) 单色显示配接器