犹豫的英语交际口语 篇一
1. 当你不确定如何回答一个问题时,可以使用以下表达:
- "Well, let me think about it for a moment."(嗯,让我想一下。)
- "I'm not quite sure, but I think..."(我不太确定,但我想……)
- "I'm not entirely sure, but I believe..."(我并不完全确定,但我相信……)
2. 当你需要一些时间来考虑一个提议或决定时,可以使用以下表达:
- "I need some time to mull it over."(我需要一些时间来仔细考虑。)
- "I'll have to sleep on it and get back to you."(我需要好好考虑一下,然后再答复你。)
- "Let me think about it and I'll get back to you."(让我考虑一下,然后再回答你。)
3. 当你不确定是否同意对方的观点或建议时,可以使用以下表达:
- "I see where you're coming from, but I'm not completely convinced."(我明白你的观点,但我并不完全同意。)
- "I understand what you're saying, but I have some reservations."(我理解你的意思,但我还有些疑虑。)
- "I'm not sure if I agree, but I'm open to discussing it further."(我不确定是否同意,但我愿意进一步讨论。)
4. 当你需要打断对方并请求更多时间来思考时,可以使用以下表达:
- "Sorry to interrupt, but I need a moment to gather my thoughts."(很抱歉打断,但我需要一些时间整理思路。)
- "Can I have a moment to think about it before I respond?"(在回答之前,我可以稍微考虑一下吗?)
- "Could you give me a minute to think it through?"(你能给我一分钟来好好考虑一下吗?)
犹豫的英语交际口语 篇二
1. 当你对某个问题或观点没有明确的答案时,可以使用以下表达:
- "I'm not quite sure."(我不太确定。)
- "I'm not entirely certain, but..."(我并不完全确定,但……)
- "I'm a bit undecided, but I think..."(我有些犹豫,但我认为……)
2. 当你需要更多时间来思考或考虑一个问题时,可以使用以下表达:
- "Let me think it over for a bit."(让我考虑一下。)
- "I need some time to ponder on that."(我需要一些时间来思考一下。)
- "I'll need to reflect on it before I give you an answer."(在给你答案之前,我需要好好思考一下。)
3. 当你对某个建议或观点持保留意见时,可以使用以下表达:
- "I understand where you're coming from, but I have some reservations."(我明白你的观点,但我还有些疑虑。)
- "I see your point, but I'm not entirely convinced."(我理解你的观点,但我并不完全同意。)
- "I appreciate your suggestion, but I'm not sure if it's the right approach."(我感谢你的建议,但我不确定这是否是正确的方法。)
4. 当你需要请求更多时间来思考或回答一个问题时,可以使用以下表达:
- "Excuse me, but I need a moment to gather my thoughts."(对不起,我需要一些时间来整理思绪。)
- "Can I have a minute to think about it before I respond?"(在回答之前,我可以考虑一下吗?)
- "Could you give me a brief moment to consider it?"(你能给我一小段时间来考虑一下吗?)
犹豫的英语交际口语 篇三
Watt:Hi, Maggie. Have you made up your mind?
Watt:I mean, have you decided to study abroad or to
Maggie:I haven’t made my decision yet. It’s kind of a hard decision.
Watt:Why’s that? Just a couple of days ago, you were telling me how much you wanted to go overseas to study.
Maggie:Yes, but a vacancy just opened up in the English Department.
Maggie:They offered it to me. So now I don’t know what to do.
Watt:What a great opportunity! I see what you mean though, tough choice.
Maggie:I’ve been preparing and studying to go abroad. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy, and I hatee to see it all go to waste?.
Watt:Don’t think about it too much. The job sounds like an excellent opportunity. You should grab it while you have the chance.
我犹豫了。I hesitated.
○ I can’t hesitate like this any longer. 我不能再这么犹豫下去了。
我该怎么做呢?What should I do?
○ Should I do that? 我是否应该那么做呢?
我真的不知道该选哪一个了。I really don’t know which one to choose.
= I really don’t know how to make the choice.
★ choose [tFu:z] v. 选择,选定(其名词形式为choice)
I was wondering whether I should go with them tomorrow.
○ Should I go with them or not? 我是否应该和他们一起去。
我没法做决定。I can’t decide.
○ Don’t push me to decide. 别逼我做决定。
请告诉我该怎么做吧。Please tell me what to do.
○ God,please give me a sign. 上帝啊,求你给我个指示吧。
我还没有拿定主意呢。I haven’t made up my mind.
● make up one’s mind“下决心,拿定主意”
我还没做决定呢。I haven’t made my decision yet.
★ decision [di5siVEn] n. 决定,决心
我怎么就不能坚定一点呢?Why can’t I be a little determined?
★ determined [di5tE:mind] a. 坚决的.,坚定的
我知道,犹豫者终难成事。I know that he who hesitates is lost.
○ Hesitation does me no good, but... 犹豫不决对我一点儿好处也没有,但是…