初中英语带音标单词表 篇一
In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of commonly used English words with their corresponding phonetic transcription. This word list is specifically designed for middle school students who are learning English as a second language. The inclusion of phonetic transcriptions will help students improve their pronunciation and develop a better understanding of English sounds.
1. Vocabulary for daily life:
- Greetings: hello /h??lo?/, goodbye /ɡ?d?ba?/
- Numbers: one /w?n/, two /tu?/, three /θri?/
- Colors: red /r?d/, blue /blu?/, yellow /?j?lo?/
- Family: mother /?m?e?r/, father /?fɑe?r/, brother /?br?e?r/
- School: teacher /?ti?t??r/, student /?stju?d?nt/, classroom /?kl?srum/
2. Vocabulary for daily activities:
- Eating: breakfast /?br?kf?st/, lunch /l?nt?/, dinner /?d?n?r/
- Sports: football /?f?t?b?l/, basketball /?b?sk?t?b?l/, swimming /?sw?m??/
- Hobbies: reading /?ri?d??/, drawing /?dr???/, singing /?s????/
3. Vocabulary for school subjects:
- English /???ɡl??/, mathematics /?m?θ??m?t?ks/, science /?sa??ns/
- History /?h?s.t?r.i/, geography /d?i?ɑ?ɡr?fi/, art /ɑ?rt/
- Music /?mju?z?k/, physical education /?f?z?kl ??d???ke???n/
4. Vocabulary for describing people:
- Appearance: tall /t??l/, short /???rt/, slim /sl?m/
- Personality: kind /ka?nd/, friendly /?fr?ndli/, funny /?f?ni/
5. Vocabulary for common objects:
- Furniture: table /?te?b?l/, chair /t??r/, bed /b?d/
- Animals: dog /d??ɡ/, cat /k?t/, bird /b??rd/
By familiarizing themselves with these words and their corresponding phonetic transcriptions, middle school students can enhance their overall English language skills. It is important for students to practice pronouncing these words correctly and to continue building their vocabulary through reading, listening, and speaking activities.
初中英语带音标单词表 篇二
In this article, we will explore the importance of using a word list with phonetic transcriptions for middle school students learning English as a second language. The inclusion of phonetic transcriptions can greatly benefit students in their pronunciation skills, as well as their overall comprehension of English sounds.
1. Accurate pronunciation:
With the help of phonetic transcriptions, students can accurately pronounce English words. By understanding the symbols and sounds associated with each word, students can develop correct pronunciation habits from an early stage. This is crucial for effective communication, as mispronunciation can lead to misunderstandings.
2. Improved listening skills:
Phonetic transcriptions can aid students in improving their listening skills. By seeing the phonetic symbols while listening to English conversations or audio materials, students can better identify and differentiate the sounds they hear. This helps them develop a more accurate understanding of spoken English.
3. Enhanced vocabulary acquisition:
When students have access to a word list with phonetic transcriptions, they can independently learn new words. By reading the phonetic transcriptions alongside the words, students can associate the sounds with the corresponding spelling. This connection between sounds and letters facilitates vocabulary acquisition and retention.
4. Better reading comprehension:
Phonetic transcriptions can assist students in improving their reading comprehension skills. When encountering unfamiliar words, students can refer to the phonetic transcriptions to decipher their pronunciation. This allows students to understand the meaning of the words and the context in which they are used.
5. Increased confidence in speaking:
By using a word list with phonetic transcriptions, students can gain confidence in their speaking abilities. Knowing the correct pronunciation of words enables students to express themselves clearly and fluently. This confidence boosts their overall speaking skills and encourages active participation in English conversations.
In conclusion, a word list with phonetic transcriptions is an invaluable resource for middle school students learning English. It not only helps students improve their pronunciation skills but also enhances their listening, reading, and speaking abilities. By utilizing this tool, students can develop a solid foundation in English language learning and achieve greater success in their language acquisition journey.
初中英语带音标单词表 篇三
注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词
adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词
phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词
CD player phr. 激光唱机
several ['sevrl] adj & pron 几个;若干
shelf [elf] (pl. shelves[elvz]) n 架子;搁板
already [:l'redi] adv 已经
used to phr. 过去常常
on [n] prep 关于
knowledge ['nlid] n 知识;学问
yard [jɑ:d] n 院子
schoolyard ['sku:ljɑ:d] n 校园
put (sth) down phr.把某物放下来
step [step] n & v 脚步;走;踏入;踩
librarian [lai'brrin] n 图书管理员
probably ['prbbli] adv 很可能;大概
pay (paid[peid] ,pay的过去式和过去分词)[pei]v 付钱;支付
pay for ['pei f(r)] phr. 付钱;支付
sadly ['sdli] adv 难过地;悲哀地
come up with phr. 找到;提出(答案,办法)
mark [mɑ:k] n 记号;标记;痕迹
bookmark ['buk,mɑ:k] n 书签
think of phr. 想起
encourage [in'krid] v 鼓励
get…back phr. 退还;送 回去;取 回
pick…up phr. 拾起;捡起
once [wns] adv 一次
abroad ['br:d] adv 到国外;在国外
copy ['kpi] v 抄写;
as [z] prep 作为
screen [skri:n] n 屏幕
spoil [spil](spoilt[spilt],spoil的过去式与过去分词) v 糟蹋
surf [s:f] v 冲浪
surfing ['s:fi] n 冲浪运动
surfer ['s:f] n 冲浪者
wave [weiv] n 浪;波浪
beach [bi:t] n 海(河、湖)滩
have a try phr. 尝试;努力;射击
twice [twais] adv 两次;两倍
none [nn] pron 一个人也没有;没有任何东 西
water-ski ['w:tski:] v 做滑水运动
canoe [k'nu:] v 乘独木舟
describe [di'skraib] v 描写;叙述
all over phr. 遍及
especially [is'peli] adv 特别;尤其
attract ['trkt] v 吸引
large numbers of phr. 许多
no matter phr. 不论
so-called ['su'k:ld] adj 所谓的
possible ['psbl] adj 可能的
both…and… phr. ...和...都
give up phr. 放弃
since [sins] adv & conj 此后;自..以来
ever since phr. 从那时起;此后一直
part-time['pɑ:t'taim]adj&n非全日工作的;业余 时间
although [:l'u] conj 虽然;尽管
fit [fit] adj & v 健康的;适合的;(使)适 合
prize [praiz] n 奖品;奖赏
competition [,kmpi'tin] n 比赛;竞争
event [i'vent] n 大事;事件
Olympic [u'limpik] adj 奥林匹克的
the Olympic Games phr. 奥林匹克运动会
such [st] adj 这样的
fail [feil] v 失败;不及格
business ['biznis] n 商业;生意;事务
so far phr. 到目前为止
cross [kr:s] v 越过;穿过
channel ['tnl] n 海峡;航道;频道;波段
come true [,km 'tru:] phr. 实现
slow [slu] v 放慢;减速
slow down phr. 减缓;减速
journey ['d:ni] n 旅程;旅行;路程
among ['m] prep 在……当中
proud [praud] adj 自豪的;骄傲的
be proud of phr. 以……自豪(兴奋)
speak highly of phr. 称赞
not only…but also phr. 不但……而且
pride [praid] n 自豪;骄傲
unless [n'les] conj 除非;如果不
shot [t] n 尝试;努力;射击
truth [tru:θ] n 真理,真相,事实
pour [p:] v 倒;灌;倾泻