
办公室常用英语单词 篇一


1. Meeting - 会议

Meetings are an essential part of office life. They can be formal or informal and are usually held to discuss important matters, make decisions, or share updates.

2. Deadline - 截止日期

Deadlines are the dates by which tasks or projects should be completed. It is important to prioritize and manage your time effectively to meet deadlines.

3. Email - 电子邮件

Emails are the most common form of communication in the office. They are used to send and receive messages, share documents, and coordinate tasks with colleagues.

4. Conference call - 电话会议

Conference calls are meetings conducted over the phone. They allow people from different locations to participate and discuss matters without being physically present.

5. Presentation - 演示文稿

Presentations are often used to share information or ideas with a group of people. They can be delivered using slides, visual aids, or multimedia tools.

6. Project - 项目

Projects are tasks or assignments that require planning, organization, and execution. They often involve multiple team members and have specific goals and deadlines.

7. Collaboration - 合作

Collaboration is the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal. It involves sharing ideas, knowledge, and resources to accomplish tasks more effectively.

8. Office supplies - 办公用品

Office supplies are the materials and equipment needed for daily office operations. Examples include pens, paper, folders, printers, and computers.

9. Multitasking - 多任务处理

Multitasking is the ability to handle multiple tasks or responsibilities simultaneously. It is a valuable skill in a fast-paced office environment.

10. Reschedule - 重新安排时间

To reschedule means to change the date or time of a meeting, appointment, or event. It may be necessary when conflicts arise or when adjustments need to be made.


办公室常用英语单词 篇二


1. Schedule - 日程安排

Scheduling is the process of arranging and organizing tasks or appointments according to a specific timeline. It helps individuals and teams stay organized and meet deadlines.

2. Task - 任务

A task is a specific assignment or job that needs to be completed. It may involve a series of actions and require collaboration with others to achieve the desired outcome.

3. File - 文件

Files are documents or records that are stored electronically or in physical form. They can include reports, memos, spreadsheets, or any other type of information.

4. Printer - 打印机

Printers are devices used to produce hard copies of electronic documents. They are commonly used in offices for printing reports, presentations, or other important materials.

5. Office hours - 办公时间

Office hours refer to the designated working hours of an office. They are the period during which employees are expected to be present and available for work.

6. Overtime - 加班

Overtime is the additional time worked beyond the regular working hours. It may be necessary to meet deadlines or handle unexpected tasks that require extra effort.

7. Supervisor - 主管

A supervisor is a person who oversees and manages the work of others. They provide guidance, support, and feedback to ensure tasks are completed effectively.

8. Break - 休息

Breaks are short periods of rest or recreation during work hours. They are important for employees to recharge and maintain productivity throughout the day.

9. Office etiquette - 办公室礼仪

Office etiquette refers to the expected behavior and manners in the workplace. It includes being respectful, punctual, and considerate of others' needs and boundaries.

10. Teamwork - 团队合作

Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. It involves effective communication, coordination, and mutual support among team members.


办公室常用英语单词 篇三


  chamber of commerce 商会

  credit 信任;信用;信誉;功劳;荣誉;存款数额;融资;赊销

  debt 债;债务

  deficit 赤字;亏损额

  depreciation 跌价;贬值

  devaluation 贬值

  endorse 赞同;支持;签名;背书(重点,考试时就碰到)

  exempt 被免除的;豁免的

  expense 消耗;消费

  fluctuation 波动;起伏;涨落

  gross 总共的;全部的

  inflation 物价飞涨;通货膨胀

  overdraft 透支;透支额

  profit 利润;收益;营利

  revenue 收益;岁入;税收

  stock 公债;证券;股票

  withdraw 收回;取回;撤回;提款

  accountant 会计师;会计员

  bankrupt 破产的;倒闭的

  capital 资金;资本

  convert 转换;改变

  currency 货币;流通;通用

  deduction 扣除;扣除额

  deposit 付押金;付保证金

  depression 不景气;忧伤;消沉;沮丧

  discrepancy 差异;不同;不一致

  estimate 估计;估价

  expenditure 消费;开销

  fiscal 财政的;会计的

  fund 基金;专款

  holding 土地;财产(常用复数)

  ledger 总帐;分类帐

  overdue 过期未付的

  remuneration 报酬;酬劳

  shareholder 股东

  stockbroker 证券和股票经纪人

  yield (1)生产量;收益(2)生产;产生

  四、Commerce 贸易

  bid 出价;投标;喊价

  commercial 商业化;商用的;营利的`

  competitor 竞争者;对手

  consolidate 结合;合并;强化;巩固

  contract 契约;合同

  corporate 全体的;团体的;公司的;法人的

  credible 可信的;可靠的

  debit 借方;借项

  earnings 薪水;工资;收益

  export 输出;出口

  haggle 讨价还价

  import 输入;进口

  invoice 发票;发货清单;完成工作的清单(明列数量和价钱)

  long-range 长期的;远程的

  stock 现货;存货

  payment 支付;付款

  quote 报价

  supply 供应品;供应物;库存

  tariff 关税

  voucher 保证人;凭证;凭单;折价券

  bill of lading 提货单

  commodity 商品;农产品

  consignee 收件人;受托人

  consumer 消费者;顾客

  contractor 立契约人;承包商

  cost-effective 符合成本效益的

  dealer 商人;业者

  due 应付的;到期的;该发生的

  endorse 背书;支持;赞同

  forward 送到,转号

  headquarters 总公司;总部;司令部

  inventory 详细目录;清单;存货

  letter of credit 信用状

  order 汇单;订货;订单;汇票

  patent 专利;取得…的专利

  quota 定量;定额;配额

  shipment 一批货

  surplus (1)过剩的量;盈余(2)过剩的;剩余的

  trademark 注册商标

  warehouse 仓库;货价;大商店

  五、Business Meeti

ng & Negotiation 商务会议及谈判

  adjourn 暂时;休会;延期

  agreement 同意;协定

  amendment 修正

  approval 赞成;同意

  attentive 注意的;留心的专心的

  board 理事会;委员会;董事会

  brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益

  concede 容忍;容许;让步

  conference 会议;协商;讨论会

  convention 惯例;常规;习俗;会议;

  convince 使信服

  cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照

  delegate 代表

  demand 要求;强求

  dispute 争端;争执;纠纷;

  negotiation 协商;谈判

  persuade 说服;劝服

  postpone 延迟;延期

  reconcile 调和;调解

  settlement 协议;支付

  agenda 议程

  alternative 可供选择的事物、方式等

  announce 通告;宣布;宣告;公诸于众

  articulate 能清楚有力表达思想感情的;表达能力强的

  attorney 律师

  breakthrough 突破;重大进展

  compromise 妥协;折衷;和解

  conclusive 决定性的;勿庸置疑的

  consensus 一致的意见;共识

  converse 谈话;交谈

  criterion 规范;标准

  decline 衰落;衰退;下降

  demonstration 示范;实证;(游行)示威

  diplomacy 外交手腕;交际手段

  dissuade 劝阻

  on behalf of 代表

  petition 请愿(书);请愿

  premise 前提

  seminar 研讨会;讨论课;讲习会

  statement 声明;陈述



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