
与法院的英语词汇 篇一

Introduction to English Vocabulary Related to the Court System

The court system plays a crucial role in upholding justice and resolving disputes. Understanding the English vocabulary related to the court system is essential for legal professionals, as well as individuals involved in legal proceedings. In this article, we will explore some key English terms commonly used in courtrooms.

1. Judge: The presiding officer in a court of law who has the authority to make legal decisions and pass judgments.

2. Jury: A group of citizens selected to hear evidence and determine the verdict in a trial. The jury's role is to assess the facts presented and apply the law as instructed by the judge.

3. Prosecutor: The attorney representing the government or state in a criminal trial. The prosecutor presents evidence against the defendant and argues for their guilt.

4. Defense attorney: The lawyer who represents the accused in a criminal trial, advocating for their innocence and defending their rights.

5. Plaintiff: The party initiating a civil lawsuit. The plaintiff seeks legal remedies for a perceived wrong or harm caused by the defendant.

6. Defendant: The person or entity being accused or sued in a court of law.

7. Witness: A person who testifies under oath in court, providing evidence or personal knowledge relevant to the case.

8. Evidence: Any information or material presented in court to support a claim, disprove a claim, or determine the truth.

9. Bailiff: The court officer responsible for maintaining order in the courtroom, announcing the judge's entrance, and ensuring the safety and security of all individuals present.

10. Verdict: The decision reached by a jury or judge at the end of a trial, determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant or the liability of the parties involved in a civil case.

11. Appeal: The process of requesting a higher court to review and reconsider a decision made by a lower court.

12. Subpoena: A legal document requiring a person to appear in court as a witness or produce specific documents or evidence.

13. Sworn statement: A written or oral statement made under oath, in which the person affirms the truthfulness of the information provided.


Familiarity with the English vocabulary related to the court system is essential for effective communication and understanding within the legal field. Whether you are a lawyer, a witness, or simply involved in legal proceedings, these terms will help you navigate the complexities of the courtroom. By grasping these key terms, you can better participate in discussions, comprehend legal documents, and ensure a fair and just judicial process.

与法院的英语词汇 篇二

Key Phrases to Navigate the Court System in English

The court system can be complex and intimidating, especially for individuals who are not familiar with the legal process. In this article, we will explore some key English phrases that will help you navigate the court system more effectively.

1. Your Honor, may it please the court: This phrase is used to address the judge and show respect when making a statement or presenting an argument.

2. Objection, Your Honor: When you believe that something said or done in court is improper or in violation of the rules, you can raise an objection to alert the judge.

3. Sustained: If the judge agrees with your objection, they will say "sustained," indicating that the objection is valid and the statement or action is not admissible.

4. Overruled: If the judge disagrees with your objection, they will say "overruled," indicating that the statement or action is allowed to stand.

5. May I approach the bench, Your Honor?: This phrase is used to request permission to approach the area near the judge's bench, typically to speak privately or present evidence.

6. I plead the fifth: This phrase, derived from the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, allows an individual to refuse to answer questions that may incriminate themselves.

7. May I have a moment to confer with my client, Your Honor?: This phrase is used by attorneys to request a brief recess or break to consult with their clients.

8. The court will take a brief recess: This phrase is used by the judge to announce a short break in the proceedings.

9. All rise: This phrase is used by the bailiff or court officer to instruct everyone in the courtroom to stand as a sign of respect when the judge enters or leaves the courtroom.

10. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?: This phrase is spoken by the court officer or the judge when administering the oath to a witness before they testify.


By familiarizing yourself with these key English phrases used in the court system, you can navigate legal proceedings more effectively. Whether you are representing yourself or working with an attorney, understanding and using these phrases will help you communicate clearly and respectfully within the courtroom. Remember, the court system is designed to ensure justice and fairness, and by being knowledgeable about the process, you can actively participate and protect your rights.

与法院的英语词汇 篇三







  appear (in court):出庭





  dismerit(traffic offense point):(交通违规记)缺点

  driving under influence:吃药后驾驶

  driving while intoxicated (DWI):酒醉后驾驶



  first offense:初犯


  hit and run:肇事后逃离现场

  illegal parking:违规停车




  negligent driving:不小心驾驶

  parallel parking:平行停车


  plead guilty [not guilty]:认罪 [不认罪]



  reckless driving:鲁莽驾驶


  run the red light:闯红灯


  take an oath:宣誓


  traffic court:交通法庭

  traffic regulations:交通规则

  traffic violation:交通违规



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