常见人体动作英语单词 篇一
In our daily life, we engage in various physical activities to move our bodies. These actions are not only essential for our overall well-being but also help us to communicate and express ourselves. In this article, we will explore some common human body movements and their corresponding English words.
1. Walking: The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other is called walking. It is the most basic and common form of human locomotion. Walking helps us to move from one place to another and is considered a low-impact exercise.
2. Running: Running is a faster form of locomotion where both feet are off the ground at the same time. It requires more energy and is often done for exercise or sports activities. Running helps to improve cardiovascular fitness and strengthen muscles.
3. Jumping: Jumping involves propelling oneself off the ground using both feet and landing on both feet. It is a natural human movement and is often associated with fun and play. Jumping is commonly seen in sports such as basketball or high jump.
4. Sitting: Sitting is the act of resting on one's buttocks or thighs, with the weight supported by a surface such as a chair or the ground. It is a relaxed position and is often done for comfort or during activities that require less physical exertion.
5. Standing: Standing is the opposite of sitting, where the body is upright and supported by one's feet. It is a natural human posture and is the most common position for activities such as working, socializing, or waiting.
6. Lying down: Lying down involves resting the body horizontally on a surface such as a bed, couch, or the ground. It is a position of complete relaxation and is usually done for sleeping or resting.
7. Stretching: Stretching is the act of extending one's body or limbs to a full length or a comfortable position. It helps to improve flexibility, prevent muscle stiffness, and prepare the body for physical activities.
8. Bending: Bending refers to the act of flexing one's body or limbs, usually at the waist or knees. It is a common movement in activities such as picking up objects, tying shoelaces, or doing exercises like squats.
9. Dancing: Dancing involves moving the body rhythmically to music. It is not only a form of artistic expression but also a social activity. Dancing helps to improve coordination, balance, and overall fitness.
10. Hugging: Hugging is the act of wrapping one's arms around another person as a gesture of affection, comfort, or greeting. It is a universal human gesture and is often considered a way to express love or care.
In conclusion, these are just a few examples of the common human body movements and their corresponding English words. Engaging in these actions not only keeps us physically active but also allows us to communicate, express ourselves, and connect with others. So, let's keep moving and exploring the wonderful world of human body movements.
常见人体动作英语单词 篇二
The human body is capable of a wide range of movements, allowing us to interact with our surroundings and perform various tasks. In this article, we will explore some common human body movements and their corresponding English words.
1. Walking: Walking is the most fundamental form of human movement, involving the act of propelling oneself forward by alternating steps. It is a basic mode of transportation and a common form of exercise.
2. Running: Running is a faster form of locomotion where both feet are off the ground during each stride. It requires more energy and is often done for recreational purposes, sports, or to improve cardiovascular fitness.
3. Jumping: Jumping involves propelling oneself off the ground using both feet and landing on both feet. It is a dynamic movement that is often associated with sports, play, or physical fitness activities.
4. Sitting: Sitting is the act of resting the body on a seat or surface, with the weight supported by the buttocks or thighs. It is a common position for activities such as working, eating, or relaxing.
5. Standing: Standing is the opposite of sitting, where the body is upright and supported by the feet. It is a natural human posture and is commonly adopted during activities that require stability or alertness.
6. Lying down: Lying down involves resting the body horizontally on a surface such as a bed or the ground. It is a position of rest and is typically done for sleeping, resting, or relaxation.
7. Stretching: Stretching is the act of extending one's body or limbs to increase flexibility or relieve muscle tension. It is often done before or after physical activities to warm up or cool down the muscles.
8. Bending: Bending refers to the act of flexing the body or limbs, usually at the waist or knees. It is a common movement in activities such as picking up objects, tying shoelaces, or performing exercises like lunges.
9. Dancing: Dancing involves moving the body rhythmically to music. It is a form of artistic expression, entertainment, and social interaction. Dancing can range from simple movements to intricate routines, and it is enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures.
10. Hugging: Hugging is the act of embracing someone by wrapping one's arms around them. It is a gesture of affection, comfort, or greeting. Hugging is a universal human gesture and is often used to express love, support, or congratulations.
In conclusion, the human body is capable of a wide range of movements, each with its own unique English word to describe it. Engaging in these actions not only allows us to interact with our environment but also improves our physical fitness, flexibility, and overall well-being. So, let's embrace the power of movement and make the most of our incredible human bodies.
常见人体动作英语单词 篇三
1).stand v.站立
Have you ever seen the man who is standing outside the door of Julie?
2).lean v.依靠,靠着
The peasant leaned against the tree to have a rest.
3).sit v.坐
The four boys formed a band and often sat together to practice the music they made themselves.
4).lie v.平躺
The child lay on the floor and refused to stand up whatever his mother said.
5).crawl v.爬
Only the man who crawled out of the burning house survived
6).scramble v.攀爬
I scrambled up the cliff for a better look at the sea.
7).shiver v.颤抖
Having rushed home in the rain, he got drenched to the skin and shivered with cold constantly.
8).shake v.摇头
He shook his head to the plan that his wife proposed.
9).smile v.微笑 n.微笑,笑容
When she smiled she exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
10).smirk v.傻笑
Wipe that smirk off your face!
11).grimace v.扮鬼脸,做苦相;n.鬼脸
The boy grimaced at his stepmother and ran out of the room immediately.
12).frown v.皱眉头,不同意
The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class
13).look v.看,注视;n.一看,样子,脸色
He felt very sad when he looked at the portrait of his dead wife.
14).stare v.盯着看,凝视
She stared at the young man for a long time, which made him very nervous.
15).peer v.凝视,注视,盯着看
She peers through the mist, trying to find the way home.
16).glare v.怒目而视,瞪眼
The caretaker glared furiously at those naughty boys who had just broken the light of the stairwell.
17).glimpse v.瞥见;n.一瞥
My friend glimpsed at my new shoes and said they were a good bargain.
18).listen v.听,倾听
She worshipped that guy and refused to listen to any criticism of him.
19).smell v.嗅,闻;n.气味,嗅觉
She said that she could discriminate the wine only by smelling.
20).breathe v.呼吸
The wind was so fierce that we could hardly breathe.
21).respire v.呼吸
Human beings can't respire under water.
22).puff v.喘息,气喘吁吁
He puffed a little after climbing onto the top of the mountain.
23).eat v.吃,吃饭
He ate the fruit salad that was prepared for the guests.
24).bite v.咬,叮 n.咬,一口
From promised that his dog didn't bite but l was still afraid to approach it.
25).blow v.吹,吹气
You can blow out all the candles on the birthday cake with a single puff, can't you?
26).cry v.哭,悲哀 n.哭,喊
The little girl began to cry because she didn't get the doll she wanted.
27).sniffle n.抽泣
The girl began to sniffle and cough.
28).slaver v.垂涎,淌口水
He began slavering when the delicious food was served on the table.
Baby has slobbered his bib.
30).spit v.吐,唾;n.唾液,唾沫
She bitted off a mouthful of the moldy bread and then spat it out immediately.
31).yawn v.打哈欠;n.哈欠
My fourteen-month-old niece begins to yawn around nine o'clock every night.
32).snarl v.咆哮着说
The dog snarled at the stranger.
33).hug v.拥抱,紧抱;n.拥抱
The two brothers hugged each other tightly when they met after having been apart for thirty years.
34).hold v.握住,抱住;
It was very funny that he held the big teddy bear in his arms.
35).pull v.拉,拽,扯
Having heard that somebody was knocking, she pulled the door open but found that nobody was outside.
36).touch v.触摸,接触
You'd better not touch his things, or he will shout at you.
37).hit v.打,击
The father was so angry that he hit his son on the head with the book he was reading.
38).throw v.扔,投,掷
In order to evict the tenant, she threw his suitcase out from the window.
39).raise v.抬起,举起
lf you have any question, raise your hand, please.
40).applaud v.鼓掌,喝彩
When the performance was over, the dancers bowed to the audience who applauded loudly.
41).bend v.弯腰
He bent to pick up all the coins one by one that he had dropped on the ground carelessly.
42).crouch v.蹲下
He crouched behind the garbage bin to avoid being seen by his creditor who had been chasing after him for three months.
43).walk v.走,步行; n.散步,步行
The baby became more troublesome since she could walk.
44).creep v.蹑手蹑脚地走
The thief crept along the corridor
45).shuffle v.拖着脚步走
Don't shuffle your feet like that! Lift them properly.
46).run v.跑,奔跑
Seeing that her mother came, she immediately ran down to meet her.
47).step v.迈步,踩,踏;n.步伐
He began to miss his home when he stepped onto the ship to Hong Kong.