军事的英语单词 篇一
Military English Vocabulary
Military operations are complex and require clear communication between soldiers. English is often used as the common language among international military forces. Therefore, it is crucial for military personnel to have a strong understanding of military English vocabulary. In this article, we will explore some essential military terms.
1. Battalion - A battalion is a military unit typically consisting of 300 to 800 soldiers. It is commanded by a lieutenant colonel and is composed of several companies.
2. Armory - An armory is a place where weapons and ammunition are stored. It is essential for soldiers to know the location and proper use of the armory in order to maintain readiness.
3. Reconnaissance - Reconnaissance refers to the military activity of gathering information about enemy forces or the environment. It plays a vital role in planning and executing missions.
4. Artillery - Artillery refers to large-caliber weapons that are used in warfare. It includes cannons, howitzers, and rocket launchers. Artillery provides long-range firepower support to ground troops.
5. Infantry - Infantry refers to soldiers who fight on foot. They are the backbone of ground forces and engage in direct combat with the enemy.
6. Logistics - Logistics refers to the organization of supplies and resources necessary for military operations. It includes transportation, supply chain management, and maintenance.
7. Counterinsurgency - Counterinsurgency refers to military operations aimed at quelling insurgency or rebellion. It involves a combination of military and civilian efforts to restore peace and stability.
8. Air support - Air support involves the use of aircraft to provide assistance to ground forces. It includes airstrikes, close air support, and aerial reconnaissance.
9. Demilitarized zone (DMZ) - A demilitarized zone is an area where military forces are prohibited. It is often established as a buffer zone between two hostile nations or factions.
10. Nuclear deterrence - Nuclear deterrence is a strategy that aims to prevent war through the threat of nuclear retaliation. It relies on the belief that the use of nuclear weapons would result in mutually assured destruction.
In conclusion, military English vocabulary is essential for effective communication and coordination among soldiers. By familiarizing themselves with these terms, military personnel can ensure clear and concise communication, leading to successful missions and operations.
军事的英语单词 篇二
The Importance of Military English Vocabulary
In today's world, military forces often operate in multinational environments, requiring clear and effective communication among soldiers from different countries. English has become the lingua franca of the military, making it vital for military personnel to have a strong understanding of military English vocabulary. In this article, we will discuss the importance of military English vocabulary in various military situations.
1. Training Exercises: Military exercises are conducted to enhance soldiers' skills and test their readiness for real-world operations. These exercises often involve troops from different countries working together. A common understanding of military English terms is crucial to ensure smooth coordination and the successful execution of training scenarios.
2. Peacekeeping Missions: In peacekeeping operations, military forces from different nations are deployed to maintain peace and stability in conflict zones. Effective communication among soldiers is essential for the success of these missions. Military English vocabulary enables soldiers to understand each other's commands and instructions, promoting cooperation and unity.
3. Joint Operations: Joint military operations involve the integration of different branches of the armed forces, such as the army, navy, and air force. Effective communication and coordination among these branches are crucial for mission success. Military English vocabulary provides a common language for soldiers from different branches to understand and execute their roles effectively.
4. Intelligence Sharing: Military intelligence plays a vital role in assessing the enemy's capabilities and intentions. Intelligence sharing among allied forces is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the battlefield. Military English vocabulary allows for efficient communication and sharing of intelligence between different military units and countries.
5. International Cooperation: In today's interconnected world, military forces often collaborate with international partners to address global security challenges. A shared understanding of military English vocabulary enables seamless communication and cooperation between military units from different countries.
6. Crisis Response: During humanitarian crises or natural disasters, military forces are often deployed to provide assistance and support. Effective communication among military personnel is critical in such situations. Military English vocabulary allows for clear and concise instructions and coordination, enhancing the efficiency of relief efforts.
In conclusion, military English vocabulary is essential for effective communication and cooperation among soldiers from different countries. By understanding and using military English terms, military personnel can ensure smooth coordination, successful joint operations, and the overall success of military missions. It is incumbent upon military organizations to provide language training and resources to their personnel to enhance their proficiency in military English vocabulary.
军事的英语单词 篇三
导弹 missiles
洲际导弹 intercontinental missile
中程导弹 medium-range missile
巡航导弹 cruise missile
核弹头 nuclear warhead
地对地导弹 surface to-surface missile
地对空导弹 surface-to-air missile
舰对空导弹 ship-to-air missile
空对空导弹 air-to-air missile
空对地导弹 air-to-surface missile
反幅射导弹 anti-radiation missile
反舰导弹 anti-ship missile
反潜导弹 anti-submarine missile
自导鱼雷 homing torpedo
弹翼 missile wing
减速伞 drag parachute
制导装置 guidance device
弹体 guided missile doby
固体火箭发动机 solid propellant rocket
尾翼 tail fin
飞行弹道 trajectory
发射制导装置 launching guidance device
发射管 launching tube
反弹道导弹 anti-ballistic missile
地下井 missile silo
移动式井盖 sliding silo door
火箭发射场 rocket launching site
发射塔 launching tower
勤务塔 service tower
核武器 nuclear weapons
燃料库 fuel depot; fuel reservoir
指挥室 command post
通气道 air vent; ventilation shaft
多级火箭 multistage rocket
再入大气层飞行器 re-entry vehicle
原子弹 atomic bomb
氢弹 hydrogen bomb
引爆装置 igniter
热核燃料 fusionable material
蘑菇状烟云 mushroom cloud
冲击波 shock wave; blast wave
放射性落下灰尘 radioactive fallout
核爆炸观测仪 nuclear explosion observation device
辐射仪 radiation gauge
辐射级仪 radiation level indicator
军事卫星 military satellite
侦察卫星 reconnaissance satellite
预警卫星 early warning satellite
电子侦察卫星 electronic reconnaissance satellite
导航卫星 navigation satellite
测地卫星 geodesic satellite
军用通讯卫星 military communications satellite
军用气象卫星 military meteorological satellite
卫星通信车 satellite communications vehicle
宇宙空间站 space station
警戒雷达 warning radar
引导雷达 director radar
制导雷达 guidance radar
目标指示雷达 target radar
测高雷达 height finding radar
三坐标雷达 three-dimensional radar
弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达 ballistic missile early-warning phased-array radar
导航雷达 navigation radar
机载截击雷达 airborne intercept radar
炮瞄雷达 gun-pointing radar
对空警戒雷达 aircraft-warning radar
航海雷达 marine radar
对海管戒雷达 naval warning radar
侦察雷达 reconnaissance radar
卫星通信天线 satellite communication antena
驱逐舰 destroyer
歼击机 fighter plane; fighter
空速管 airspeed head; pilot tube
陀螺 gyroscope
无线电罗盘 radio compass
平视显示机 head-up display
火箭弹射座椅 ejector seat
副翼 aileron
襟翼 flap
燃油箱 fuel tank
垂直尾翼 tail fin; vertical stabilizer
阻力伞舱 drag parachute housing
水平尾翼 horizontal stabilizer
液压油箱 hydraulic oil container
副油箱 auxiliary fuel tank
主起落架 main landing gear
机翼整体油箱 integral wing tank
机炮 machine gun; cnnon
进气道系统 air-inlet system
前起落架 front landing gear
空气数据计算机 air-data computer
迎角传感器 angle of attack senso
进气口头锥 air-inlet nose cone
战斗机 combat aircraft
截击机 interceptor
强击机 attacker
歼击轰炸机 fighter-bomber
轻型轰炸机 light bomber
战略轰炸机 strategic bomber
电子战机 electronic fighter
高速侦察机 high-speed reconnaissance plane
空中加油机 tanker aircraft
运输机 transport plane; air-freighter
水上飞机 seaplane; hydroplane
反潜巡逻机 anti-submarine patrol aircraft
教练机 trainer aircraft; trainer
垂直起落飞机 vertical take-off and landing
无尾飞机 tailless aircraft
隐形轰炸机 stealth bomber
可变翼机 adjustable wing plane
动力滑翔机 power glider
扫雷直升机 mine-sweeping helicopter
旋翼 rotor
机身 fuselage
抗扭螺旋桨 anti-torque tail rotor
钢珠弹 bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit