英语课外阅读 篇一
Title: The Benefits of Reading in English
Reading is an essential skill in learning any language. It helps to improve vocabulary, grammar, and overall language proficiency. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of reading in English as a form of extracurricular activity.
1. Improve Vocabulary:
Reading in English exposes learners to a wide range of words and phrases. It helps to expand their vocabulary and enables them to express themselves more effectively. By encountering new words in context, learners can better understand their meanings and usage.
2. Enhance Grammar Skills:
Reading books, articles, or stories in English provides learners with examples of correct grammar usage. They can learn how sentences are structured, how tenses are used, and how different parts of speech function within a sentence. This exposure to proper grammar helps learners improve their own writing and speaking skills.
3. Develop Writing Skills:
Reading in English can inspire learners to write better. By reading well-written pieces, learners can observe the style, tone, and structure of the writing. They can learn how to organize their thoughts, present ideas logically, and use appropriate language for different purposes.
4. Increase Cultural Awareness:
Reading literature from different cultures helps learners gain a deeper understanding of the world. It exposes them to different perspectives, customs, and traditions. This cultural awareness fosters empathy and tolerance, making learners more open-minded and globally aware.
5. Enhance Critical Thinking:
Reading in English encourages critical thinking skills. It requires learners to analyze, interpret, and evaluate the information presented in the text. They need to make connections, identify main ideas, and draw conclusions. This process of active engagement develops their critical thinking abilities.
Incorporating reading in English as a part of extracurricular activities can greatly benefit language learners. It improves vocabulary, enhances grammar skills, develops writing abilities, increases cultural awareness, and enhances critical thinking. Therefore, it is important to encourage students to engage in English reading outside of the classroom, whether it be through books, articles, or online resources.
英语课外阅读 篇二
Title: Tips for Choosing Engaging English Reading Materials
Selecting the right reading materials is crucial for effective English language learning. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to choose engaging English reading materials that cater to different proficiency levels and interests.
1. Consider Your Proficiency Level:
Choose reading materials that match your current proficiency level. Beginners should start with simplified texts, such as graded readers or children's books. Intermediate learners can gradually move on to more complex texts, such as young adult novels or newspapers. Advanced learners can challenge themselves with authentic materials like novels or academic articles.
2. Pick Topics of Interest:
Choose reading materials that are related to your interests. Whether it's sports, history, science, or fashion, reading about topics you enjoy will make the learning experience more enjoyable and motivating. It will also help you to stay engaged and focused while reading.
3. Look for Authentic Materials:
Authentic materials are those written for native speakers. They provide a realistic representation of the language and culture. Examples include newspapers, magazines, novels, and online articles. Engaging with authentic materials helps learners develop a better understanding of the language and exposes them to natural expressions and idioms.
4. Use Online Resources:
The internet offers a wide range of English reading resources. Websites like Newsela, National Geographic, and British Council provide articles and stories at different difficulty levels. Many websites also offer interactive activities and quizzes to help enhance comprehension and vocabulary skills.
5. Join Reading Groups or Clubs:
Joining a reading group or club can provide a supportive and motivating environment for English reading. It allows learners to discuss and share their thoughts on the reading materials. It also provides an opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills while engaging in meaningful discussions.
Choosing engaging English reading materials is essential for successful language learning. By considering your proficiency level, selecting topics of interest, using authentic materials, utilizing online resources, and joining reading groups or clubs, you can make your English reading experience enjoyable and beneficial. Remember, the key is to find materials that captivate your interest and help you progress in your language learning journey.
英语课外阅读 篇三
I'm one of those people who's terrible at saying no. I take on too many projects at once, and spend too much of my time doing things I'd rather not be. I get stuff done, but it's not always the best I can do, or the best way I can spend my time.
That's why my newest goal, both as a professional and a person, is to be a quitter.
Being a quitter isn't being someone who gives up, who doesn't see important things through to the end. I aspire to be the opposite of those things, and think we all should. The quitter I want to be is someone who gets out when there's no value to be added, or when that value comes at the expense of something more important.
I want to quit doing things that I'm asked to do, for no other reason than I'm asked to do it. I want to be able to quit something in mid-stream, because I realize there's nothing good coming from it.
A friend of mine once told me that "I knew I was an adult when I could stop reading a book, even after getting 500 pages into it." Odd though it sounds, we all tend to do this. We get involved in something, realize we don't want to be a part of it, but keep trucking through. We say "well, I've already invested so much time in this, I might as well stick it out."
I propose the opposite: quit as often as possible, regardless of project status or time invested. If you're reading a book, and don't like it, stop reading. Cut your losses, realize that the smartest thing to do is stop before your losses grow even more, and quit. If you're working on a project at work that isn't going anywhere, but you've already invested tons of time on it, quit. Take the time gained by quitting the pointless project, and put it toward something of value. Instead of reading an entire book you hate, read 1/2 a bad one and 1/2 a good one. Isn't that a better use of your time?
If you're stuck doing something, and don't really want to do it anymore, step back for a second. Ask if you really have to do this, and what value is being produced from your doing it. Don't think about the time you've put into it, or how much it's taken over your life. If you don't want to do it, and don't have to do it, don't do it.
By quitting these things, you'll free up time to do things that actually do create value, for yourself and for others. You'll have time to read all the great books out there, or at least a couple more. You'll be able to begin to put your time and effort into the things you'd actually like to do.
Let's try it together: what are the things you're doing, that you're only doing because you've been doing them for so long? Quit. Don't let time spent dictate time you will spend. Let's learn how to say "no" at the beginning, or in the middle, and free up more of our time to do the things we'd like to be doing, and the things actually worth doing.
Saying no is hard, and admitting a mistaken yes is even harder. But if we do both, we'll start to make sure that we're spending our time creating value, rather than aggravating our losses. Let's be quitters together.
What do you think? What in your life can you quit?
1) 表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。If it is not too much trouble, I would like a cup of tea.
2) 习惯用语:这个要在平时自己积累,因为习语太多,我不做过多解释。
Believe it or not, his discovery had created a stir in scientific circles.
口语中常说believe it or not,意思是:“信不信由你”,“我说的是真的”。believe it or not是一个固定说法,相当一个插入语,短语中的believe没有词形变化。
3) 经常性、习惯性动作。
Ie:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。)
4) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持主句、从句时态一致.
He said that the sun rises in the east.这个句子要注意,到了以后的定语从句经常会有这样的问题大家学习要时先有这样的概念:客观事实无论谓语的时态是什么都用一般现在时。
5) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词 )可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。
When does the plan leave?这个句子注意一下,就是这么用的,有人会注意到这样的问题: The plane leaves at 3 o’clock this afternoon.为什么不用将来时,对了,这就是表示即将发生的动作是以已经安排好的!
6) 在时间和条件状语从句里经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将来事情。
When you finish the report, I will have waited for 3 hours
和同学谈过之后,我严格按照他的经验坚持了半年,发现英语真的十分地可爱,有时候你会发现汉语不能表达的意思,英语却能准确无误地表达出来。如,有人问:“你确定吗?”以前我会说:“确定”;而现在我会说:“I am sure ”或者是“Absolutely”。
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高考英语备考 单项填空15题(有详解)
1.The success of the Chinese athletes in Athens has been _______ great pleasure and encouragement to ________ Chinese people.
A. the; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填;a D. a; the
2. —I’m sorry, but there’s no smoking in this section on the train.
—Oh, I ________ that, and I won’t again.
A don’t know B. didn’t know C. won’t D. haven’t known
3. —Now that you like the cell phone so much, why not carry it back?
—Well, you know, I’m a student, and I can’t afford ________mobile phone.
A that expensive a B. a that expensive C. that a expensive D. a expensive that
4. Snowing hard outside, ________?
A doesn’t it B. isn’t it C. does it D. is it
5.— Macao or Hong Kong? Which did you mean?
—We were talking about ________ to seek for a job after graduation.
A. where B. how C. whether D. when
6. The girl’s face must have shown bright amazement at his words, or else what Tom said next would ________.
A. have broken out B. never have broken out C. never break out D. break out
7. —Why! Where is my passport? Maybe I left it on the plane.
—My Goodness! You ________ things behind.
A. had never left B. didn’t leave C. never left D. haven’t left
8.________if he had any bad habit, he replied he was a heavy smoker.
A. Ask B. Asking C. Asked D. She asked
9. Only by practicing a few hours every day________ be able to master the language.
A. you can B. will you C. you will D. can you
10. Generous public finding of basic science would ________ considerable benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.
A. lead to B. result from C. lie in D. settle down
11. Help has already come from them, but the aid is ________ near what we had expected.
A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
12. I’ll help you to finish the work ________ I had enough time this evening.
A. except that B. if only C. on condition D. now that
13. In time of danger, a bright idea suddenly ________ to me.
A. happened B. hit C. struck D. occurred
14. –Would you like to go to the cinema with me this evening?
—I’d like to, but I won’t be free tonight. Let’s make it ________ other day.
A. the B. some C. any D. one
15. You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but ________, it is fairly good.
A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. above all D. on one hand
英语文化背景 Father’s Day父亲节
每年六月的`第三个星期日是“父亲节”(Father’s Day),和“母亲节”一样,“父亲节”也起源于美国。1909年,一位名叫多伍德的女士在美国首都华盛顿特区(Washington D.C.)传播“母亲节”。在此期间,她想到了父亲。在她很小的时候,母亲离开了人世,父亲不得不艰难地独自担负起抚养孩子的家庭重担。过去的情景,又一幕幕地在她的脑海里浮现。多伍德女士深深地感到设立父亲节的必要。她向社会呼吁,引起了人们的积极响应,六月的第三个星期日被选为“父亲节”。在1910年6月,美国庆祝了第一个“父亲节”。当时凡是父亲还健在的人都在胸前佩戴一朵红玫瑰花,以表达对父亲的敬意;而父亲已故去的人,则佩戴一朵白玫瑰花,以此表达对父亲的无限怀念和哀思。这种习俗一直流传至今。但是开始时父亲节的日期各不相同,而且有的地方用蒲公英作为父亲节的象征,有的地方则用衬有一片绿叶的白丁香作为父亲节的象征。1927年,卡尔文·柯立芝总统办公室对这一节日表示了赞同。从此,“父亲节”为越来越多的人所知道并流传下来。直到1934年6月,美国国会才统一规定6月的第三个星期日为父亲节。今天父亲节的庆祝方式和母亲节大致相同,所不同的也许只是父亲们喜爱的礼物不是糖果而是雪茄。
词汇量的大小是进行阅读的基础的基础,如果词汇量太小,连阅读文章中的单词都不认识,那么阅读是无法进行的。对于参加的同学来说,考纲词汇表上的词汇是必备的,即使不能中英文互译(这还不是最高的要求,最高的要求是要能运用自如),至少也要能根据英文理解其汉语意思,同时还要具备一定的构词法,因为现在的英语阅读理解题对由考纲内词汇组合成的合成词或派生出的派生词一般不再注中文。除此之外,由于英语阅读理解文章允许有 3% 左右的生词,所以,同学们若能在考纲词汇表之外另外积累一部分常用词汇,对于提高阅读能力也是非常有益的。另外,在阅读理解的命题中可能涉及的常用词也需引起注意,如title(标题),passage(段,节),imply(暗示),attitude(态度,看法),paragraph(段,节),describe(描述),purpose(目的),underline(在……下划线),tone(语气
阅读中遇到生词是难免的,所以学会猜测生词词义就显得十分必要。阅读中出现的生词主要有两类:一类是考纲内的词汇,由于考生不熟悉而构成为生词,这类生词实为假生词;另一类是“纲外词”构成的生词。命题者之所以没有对这类“纲外词”给出中文注释,可能有多方面的原因,如含义比较显然或对短文的中心意思没有多大影响等。面对这些词,同学们应设法通过上下文猜猜它们的含义,即使猜不出它们的具体意思,只要能猜出个“大概”也行。猜词时同学们可以这样开始,首先根据句子结构判断其词性(是名词、动词、形容词、副词等),然后再根据句意判断其含义类型(是用具还是交通工具、是动物还是植物、是食物还是用物、是表具体意义还是抽象概念等等)。通过这样的判断后,其具体意思即使不清楚,但它表示的大致方面的含义就不会错了。比如有这样一个句子 The man was feeding the baby with porridge. 这里同学们对 porridge 不熟悉,但我 们可以根据本句的结构推断出它应是一个名词(用作 with 的宾语),再根据句意(...feeding the baby with...)可推断出它应是一种食物,而且应是一种比较细软的食物(因为是 feeding the baby),而不应是一种粗硬的食物。在实际阅读中我们对生词能推测到这一步就可以了。最后说明一点,在高考阅读理解中凡涉及地名、人名等专有名词一般是不注中文的。
新课标对各年级阅读量的要求是,(八级)“除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到36 万词以上”;(七级)“除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到25万词以上”;(六级)“除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到19万词以上”。 “36 万词”是个什么概念呢?按现在高考英语阅读文章的长度来算,一篇文章大约 300-350 词,那么36万词大约就相当于 1200篇这样的文章。三年,每年365天,三年共365×3=1095天,也就是说,三年同学们每天(包括寒和节假日)至少要读一篇三四百词的文章。同学们可以对照一下,看看自己是否达到了这个标准。同时,这也从一个侧面告诉我们,要想提高阅读能力,阅读量是基础。只有上了一定的量,才能找到阅读的感觉,才有可能从本质上提高阅读能力。
要想提高阅读能力,阅读速度也是一个重要的基础。现在的高考英语阅读理解通常为 2000 词左右(含阅读文章与及选项),高考考试大纲给阅读理解题分配的时间是 35 分钟,也就是考生的阅读速度必须达到 2000÷35 = 57.14 词 / 分钟。每分钟 57 个词,同学们能达到这个速度吗?但问题是 高中语文,就算同学们能达到这个速度也还远远不够,因为还有一个不可忽略的重要因素就是,同学们在做阅读理解题时,一般不可能只看一遍就能把所有都搞定,有的文章和段落有可能还要看两遍,甚至三遍,有时还要停下来思考,等等。所有这些时间都应算在 35 分钟内。由此看来,阅读速度这个基础同学们一定要予以充分重视,在平时训练时就要有意识地培养自己的能力。
The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups.
此句虽不长,但却不太好理解,首先它是一个含有倒装结构的句子,正常的结构应是Before 1066, peoples belonging to two major language groups lived in the land we now call Great Britain. 另外,句中还含有作定语的分词短语belonging to two major language groups以及定语从句we now call Great Britain。全句大意为:1066年以前,在我们现在称为英国的土地上,住着属于两个主要语种的民族。
Bob and Annie had not known each other long before they became eager to get married: Bob because he was interested in Annied’s beauty and Annie because she was interested in Bob’s money.
句子后半部的 Bob because he was interested in Annied’s beauty and Annie because she was interested in Bob’s money 因为有所省略而变得不好理解,其实它的完整形式应是 Bob became eager to get married because he was interested in Annied’s beauty and Annie became eager to get married because she was interested in Bob’s money. 句意为:Bob 和 Annie 认识没多久他们急于要结婚了,其中 Bob 是因为看上了 Annie 的美丽,而 Annie 则是看上了 Bob 的钱。
There once was a master who went to India. In those times, we didn't have the communications or airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now. So the master went to India on foot. He had never been to India before; perhaps he came from Persia. And when he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is expensive because they can't grow much due to the water situation. So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.
So he went up and asked, "How much per kilo?" And the shopkeeper said, "Two rupees." Two rupees in India is nothing; it's like dirt. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: Oh, my God! His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burned, his eyes were burning, his head was burning and his face became red. As he coughed and choked and gasped for breath, he jumped up and down, saying, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"
他就走过去询问:“这个一公斤要多少钱?”小贩回答:“两卢比。”两卢比在印度根本不算什么,像尘土一样不值钱,于是他就整整买了一公斤,然后开始吃。 吃了几口之后,这位师父就眼泪、口水齐流,眼睛发红,嘴巴辣得像着火一样,整个头好像要烧起来,他又咳又呛,满脸通红地喘不过气来,在那里边跳边叫.
But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, "You're crazy, man. Those are chilies! You can't eat so many; they're not good for you! People use them as a condiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can't just eat them by the handful like that; they're not fruit!" So the stupid master said, "No, I can't stop! I paid money for them, and now I'll eat them. It's my money!"
And you think that master was stupid, right? Similarly, we sometimes do a lot of things like that. We invest money, time or effort in a relationship, business or job. And even though it's been a long time, bitter experience tells us it won't work, and we know there's no more hope that things will change in the future - this we definitely know by intuition - we still continue just because we've invested money, time, effort and love into it. If so, we're kaput in the brain. Just like the man who ate the chilies and suffered so much but couldn't stop because he didn't want to waste the money he'd paid.
So even if you've lost something, let it go and move on. That's better than continuing to lose.