西方选举英语词汇 篇一
In the realm of politics, elections play a crucial role in determining the leaders and representatives of a country. As such, understanding the vocabulary associated with Western elections is essential. This article will explore key terms related to the electoral process found in Western democracies.
1. Candidate: A person who seeks to be elected to a political position. Candidates often campaign and present their policies and qualifications to voters.
2. Campaign: The organized efforts made by candidates and their supporters to gain public support and win an election. Campaigns often involve public speeches, advertisements, and debates.
3. Voter: An individual who is eligible to cast a vote in an election. Voters play a vital role in determining the outcome of an election.
4. Ballot: The official document on which voters mark their choice of candidate. It can be in the form of a paper ballot or an electronic voting machine.
5. Voting Booth: A private area where voters can mark their ballots in secrecy.
6. Polling Station: A designated location where voters go to cast their ballots. Polling stations are typically set up in public buildings such as schools or community centers.
7. Electoral Register: A list of eligible voters in a particular constituency. This ensures that only those who are eligible to vote can do so.
8. Constituency: A geographic area that is represented by a specific elected official. The boundaries of a constituency are determined by factors such as population size and geographic location.
9. Majority: The number of votes that exceeds all others in an election. A candidate who receives the majority of votes is declared the winner.
10. Runoff Election: In some cases, if no candidate receives a majority of votes in the initial election, a runoff election is held. This involves the top candidates competing again to determine the ultimate winner.
11. Opinion Poll: A survey conducted to gauge public opinion on various political issues or to predict the outcome of an election.
12. Exit Poll: A poll conducted outside polling stations to gather information about how people voted. Exit polls provide early indications of election results.
13. Swing Voter: A voter who does not align with any particular political party and has the potential to vote for candidates from different parties in different elections.
14. Electoral College: A body of electors who formally elect the President and Vice President of the United States. The number of electors in each state is determined by the state's population.
15. Political Party: An organized group of individuals with similar political ideologies and goals. Political parties nominate candidates and seek to influence government policies.
Understanding these key terms related to Western elections is essential for anyone interested in politics or involved in the electoral process. By familiarizing oneself with this vocabulary, individuals can actively engage in discussions and make informed decisions during election seasons.
西方选举英语词汇 篇二
Elections are a fundamental aspect of Western democracies, allowing citizens to exercise their right to choose their leaders. This article will delve into additional key terms related to the electoral process prevalent in Western countries.
1. Campaign Finance: The funding of election campaigns by individuals, political parties, or interest groups. Campaign finance regulations aim to ensure transparency and prevent corruption.
2. Gerrymandering: The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor a particular political party or group. Gerrymandering can result in the unfair representation of voters.
3. Political Platform: A formal statement of a political party's principles, goals, and policies. A party's platform helps voters understand its stance on various issues.
4. Primary Election: A preliminary election held by political parties to determine their candidates for a general election. Primary elections allow party members to select their preferred candidate.
5. Caucus: A meeting of members of a political party to select candidates or discuss policy positions. Caucuses often involve debates and discussions on party matters.
6. Incumbent: The current officeholder who is seeking re-election. Incumbents often have an advantage due to their established name recognition and experience.
7. Swing State: A state in which the outcome of an election is uncertain and could swing either way. Swing states play a crucial role in determining the overall result of a presidential election.
8. Electoral Reform: The process of making changes to the electoral system to improve fairness, representation, and accountability. Electoral reform aims to ensure that every vote counts.
9. Absentee Voting: A voting method that allows registered voters who are unable to physically go to the polling station to vote by mail or other means.
10. Ballot Initiative: A process that allows citizens to propose new laws or changes to existing laws through a direct vote. Ballot initiatives bypass the legislative process.
11. Proportional Representation: An electoral system where the number of seats a political party receives in a legislative body is proportional to the number of votes it receives.
12. Political Action Committee (PAC): An organization that raises and spends money to support or oppose political candidates or issues. PACs can influence elections through campaign donations.
13. Recall Election: A special election held to remove an elected official from office before their term is complete. Recall elections are often initiated by citizen petitions.
14. Voter Suppression: Tactics employed to discourage or prevent certain individuals or groups from exercising their right to vote. Voter suppression can include strict voter ID laws or limited access to polling stations.
15. Concession Speech: A speech given by a candidate who has acknowledged their defeat in an election. Concession speeches typically express gratitude to supporters and call for unity.
By familiarizing oneself with these additional terms related to Western elections, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the electoral process and actively participate in shaping their democracies.
西方选举英语词汇 篇三
选举 election
投票 cast a ballot
计票 count of votes
投票日 polling day
投票箱 ballot box
选举程序electoral procedures
选举大会 election meeting / electoral meeting
选举规则 election regulation
选民voter / elector
初选primary election
普选general election
决定性竞选 runoff
当选be elected
个人投票inpidual vote
公开投票open vote
合格选民 eligible voter
候补者alternate candidate
被选举权right to be elected
补缺选举by-election (UK) / supplementary election (US)
不记名投票secret vote / anonymous ballot
差额选举 competitive election
差额投票differential voting
等额选举 single-candidate election
弃权不投票 abstention from voting
发表政见 state one's political views
法定程序due course of law
废票invalid vote / voided ballot
否决权veto power
记名投票disclosed ballot
决定性票decisive vote
抗议票 protest vote
监票员ballot examiner
拉票 soliciting votes
冷门当选者;黑马 unknown elected nominee (dark horse)
落选lose an election / be voted out
民意测验public opinion poll
投票后民调 exit poll
导向性民意调查 push polling
领先者 front runner
压倒性胜利landslide victory