英语演讲的开头 篇一
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow students,
Good morning/afternoon/evening! It is my great honor and privilege to stand before you today as I deliver my speech on the importance of English public speaking. As we all know, English is the most widely spoken language in the world and has become the global language of communication, business, and cultural exchange. Therefore, mastering English public speaking skills is crucial in today's interconnected world.
I would like to begin by sharing a personal anecdote. When I first started learning English, I was terrified of speaking in front of an audience. The mere thought of standing on a stage and delivering a speech in a foreign language made my heart race and my palms sweat. However, I soon realized that conquering this fear was essential if I wanted to succeed academically and professionally.
English public speaking not only improves our language proficiency but also enhances our communication and leadership abilities. By expressing our thoughts and ideas eloquently in English, we can effectively engage with people from different cultures and backgrounds, fostering understanding and cooperation. Additionally, mastering English public speaking allows us to stand out in the job market, as employers increasingly value candidates who can confidently communicate in a global language.
Furthermore, English public speaking provides us with a platform to advocate for causes we believe in and inspire others to take action. Throughout history, influential leaders and activists have used their public speaking skills to bring about social change and shape the world we live in. By honing our English public speaking skills, each and every one of us has the potential to make a difference and leave a lasting impact on society.
However, I understand that many of us may find public speaking daunting and overwhelming. The fear of making mistakes or being judged by others can be paralyzing. But remember, every great public speaker was once a beginner too. It is through practice, perseverance, and continuous learning that we can overcome our fears and improve our English public speaking skills.
In the coming sections of my speech, I will be sharing some practical tips and techniques that can help us become more confident and effective English public speakers. I encourage you all to actively participate and take advantage of the opportunities provided by our school or community to enhance your public speaking skills.
In conclusion, English public speaking is not only a valuable skill but also a powerful tool that can open doors of opportunities and empower us to make a difference. Let us embrace the challenges, overcome our fears, and embark on this journey of self-improvement together. Thank you.
英语演讲的开头 篇二
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, faculty members, and fellow students,
Good morning/afternoon/evening! Today, I am honored to stand before you and deliver my speech on the transformative power of English public speaking. In an era characterized by globalization and interconnectedness, English has become the lingua franca of the modern world. Thus, it is imperative that we equip ourselves with effective English public speaking skills, not only for personal growth but also for success in various aspects of life.
Just like many of you, I initially found English public speaking to be a daunting challenge. The fear of making mistakes and the anxiety of being judged by others often held me back from expressing myself confidently. However, as I gradually embraced this fear and actively worked on improving my skills, I discovered the immense benefits that English public speaking brings.
First and foremost, English public speaking enables us to effectively communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. In today's globalized society, where international collaboration and cross-cultural understanding are crucial, the ability to express ourselves articulately in English is essential. By mastering English public speaking, we can bridge cultural gaps, foster empathy, and build meaningful connections with individuals from all corners of the world.
Moreover, English public speaking enhances our critical thinking and analytical skills. When we prepare for a speech or presentation, we are required to conduct extensive research, evaluate information, and organize our thoughts in a logical manner. This process not only deepens our understanding of various subjects but also sharpens our ability to think critically and communicate complex ideas clearly.
Furthermore, honing our English public speaking skills empowers us to become effective leaders and change-makers. Whether it is advocating for a social cause, persuading others to take action, or inspiring a team, the power of effective public speaking cannot be underestimated. By mastering this skill, we can amplify our voices, influence others, and make a positive impact in our communities and beyond.
However, I understand that public speaking can be an intimidating prospect for many. The fear of public speaking is common and often stems from a lack of confidence and experience. But let me assure you that with dedication, practice, and a supportive environment, we can gradually overcome this fear and become proficient English public speakers.
Throughout my speech, I will be sharing some practical strategies and techniques that can help us improve our English public speaking skills. I encourage each and every one of you to seize the opportunities provided by our educational institution or community to practice and develop your public speaking abilities.
In conclusion, English public speaking is not merely a skill but a catalyst for personal growth, cultural understanding, and societal change. By embracing this journey of self-improvement, we can unlock our potential, broaden our horizons, and contribute to a more connected and harmonious world. Thank you.
英语演讲的开头 篇三
Hello everyone, my name is ??. This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong **University. My major is English. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of
所谓讲题,就是演讲的中心话题。演讲稿的撰写必须在一个有社会或科学价值、有现实意义 或学术意义的特定问题中展开,否则,将是无的放矢。
演讲者总是根据演讲的性质、目的来确定选题的。若被邀请作学术演讲,就应该介绍自己最 新的研究成果或自己掌握的最新的学术信息,这样的`话题才最具学术性。如果是在思想教育 性的演讲活动上作演讲,就应该针对现实中最新鲜的现象和听众最关心的问题发表见解。就 连竞选演说和就职演说,也要能把握住听众的理想和愿望来选题。
首先要围绕主题筛选材料。主题是演讲稿的思想观点,是演讲的宗旨所在。材料是主题形成 的基础,又是表现主题的支柱。演讲稿的思想观点必须靠材料来支撑,材料必须能充分地表 现主题,有力地支持主题。所以,凡是能充分说明、突出、烘托主题的材料就应选用,否则 就舍弃,要做到材料与观点的统一。另外,还要选择那些新颖的、典型的、真实的材料,使 主题表现得更深刻、更有力。
其次,材料的选择还要考虑到听众的情况。听众的政治素质、社会地位、文化教养,以及心 理需求等,都对演讲有制约作用。因而,选用的材料要尽量贴近听众的生活,这样,不仅容 易使他们心领神会,而且听起来也会饶有兴味。一般而言,对青少年的演讲应形象有趣,寓 理于事,举例要尽量选择他们所崇拜的人和有轰动效应的事;对工人、农民的演讲,要生动 风趣、通俗浅显,尽可能列举他们周围的人和发生在他们中间的事作例子。而对知识分子的 演讲,使用材料则必须讲究文化层次。
不同类型、不同内容的演讲稿,其结构方式也各不相同,但结构的基本形态都是由开头、主 体、结尾三部分构成。各部分的具体要求如下:
这种开头不绕弯子,直奔主题,开宗明义地提出自己的观点。如1941年李卜克内西《在德国 国会上反对军事拨款的声明》开头就说:“我投票反对这项提案,理由如下:”。
开头向听众报告一些新发生的事实,比较容易引起人们的注意,吸引听众倾听。如1941年7 月3日斯大林《广播演说》的开头:“希特勒德国从6月22日向我们祖国发动的背信弃义的军 事进攻,正在继续着。虽然红军进行了英勇的抵抗,虽然敌人的精锐师团和他们的精锐空军 部队已被击溃,被埋葬在战场上,但是敌人又从前线调来了生力军,继续向前闯进。……我 们的祖国面临着严重的危险。”
通过提问,引导听众思考一个问题,并由此造成一个悬念,引起听众欲知答案的期待。如曲 啸的《人生·理想·追求》就是这样开头的:“一个人应该怎样对待自己青春的时光呢?我 想在这里同大家谈谈我的情况。”