高一必修英语课文原文 篇一
The Story of Keesh
Keesh was a young boy who lived with his widowed mother in a small village near the Arctic Circle. The village was surrounded by a harsh and unforgiving environment, where survival depended on hunting and fishing. Keesh's father had been a great hunter, but he had tragically lost his life on a hunting expedition.
Despite the loss of his father, Keesh was determined to prove himself as a skilled hunter. He observed and learned from the experienced hunters in the village, but he had his own unique approach to hunting. Instead of relying on brute strength and force, Keesh used his intelligence and cunning to outsmart his prey.
One day, Keesh decided to hunt the polar bear, the most dangerous and elusive animal in the Arctic. The other hunters laughed at him, mocking his small stature and lack of experience. However, Keesh remained undeterred. He devised a plan to trap the polar bear using a pit covered with snow and baited with seal meat.
To everyone's surprise, Keesh's plan worked. He successfully trapped a polar bear and brought it back to the village. The hunters were amazed and impressed by Keesh's accomplishment. From that day forward, Keesh became known as a skilled and resourceful hunter.
Keesh's success was not only due to his cleverness, but also his respect for nature. He never took more than what he needed and always gave thanks for the animals he hunted. His humility and gratitude set him apart from the other hunters in the village.
Through Keesh's story, we learn that success comes not only from physical strength, but also from intelligence, determination, and respect for the natural world. Keesh's ability to think outside the box and adapt to his environment allowed him to overcome challenges and achieve his goals.
The story of Keesh serves as a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of our minds and the importance of living in harmony with nature. It teaches us that with the right mindset and a deep understanding of our surroundings, we can accomplish great things.
高一必修英语课文原文 篇二
The Necklace
In a small town in France, there lived a young woman named Mathilde Loisel. Mathilde was beautiful and ambitious, but she was also dissatisfied with her modest lifestyle. She dreamed of a life filled with luxury and elegance, far beyond what her husband, Monsieur Loisel, could provide.
One day, Mathilde received an invitation to a grand ball at the Ministry of Education. Excited by the opportunity to mingle with the wealthy and influential, Mathilde borrowed a stunning diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier. She believed that wearing such a magnificent piece of jewelry would make her the center of attention and fulfill her desire for a glamorous life.
At the ball, Mathilde was indeed the belle of the ball. She danced with the most important men and received compliments on her beauty and grace. However, her joy was short-lived. As the night came to an end, Mathilde discovered that the necklace was missing.
Terrified of the consequences, Mathilde and her husband decided to replace the necklace without informing Madame Forestier. They borrowed money, sold their possessions, and even took out loans to buy a new necklace. It took them ten long years of hard work and sacrifice to repay their debts.
One day, Mathilde crossed paths with Madame Forestier on the street. She couldn't help but tell her the truth about the lost necklace and the years of hardship that followed. To Mathilde's surprise, Madame Forestier revealed that the necklace she had borrowed was a fake, worth only a fraction of what Mathilde had believed.
The story of "The Necklace" serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and the pursuit of material possessions. Mathilde's obsession with appearances led her down a path of deception, debt, and unhappiness. She failed to appreciate the love and contentment that existed within her modest life.
Through Mathilde's story, we learn that true happiness cannot be found in material possessions. It is the relationships, experiences, and inner contentment that bring us joy. The necklace, once a symbol of Mathilde's desire for a lavish lifestyle, became a burden that weighed her down.
"The Necklace" reminds us to appreciate what we have and to be grateful for the simple pleasures in life. It teaches us that true happiness lies not in chasing after what others have, but in finding contentment with who we are and the blessings that surround us.
高一必修英语课文原文 篇三
Unit 1 Reading
Unit 1Using Language
Unit 2Reading 到这儿来用餐吧(1)
王鹏受好奇心的驱使,走了进去。里面坐满了人。店老板,一个清瘦的女人走上前去来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫永慧。您要是天天来这里用餐。我可以保证在两周内 去掉您的全部油脂。”然后,他递给王鹏一张菜谱。菜谱上有很少几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、醮醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。这价格比他在餐馆吃一顿好饭还贵。他几乎不能相信自己的眼睛!他甩了菜谱就急忙往外走。在回家的路上,他想起了自己的菜谱。那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看。他可不能让永慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!他最好做一番调查!
Unit 2Using Language