单车相关的英语单词词汇 篇一
Cycling is a popular mode of transportation and a favorite leisure activity for many people around the world. Whether you are a professional cyclist or a casual rider, it is helpful to have a good understanding of the vocabulary associated with bicycles. In this article, we will explore some common English words and phrases related to bicycles.
1. Bicycle: A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedaling.
2. Pedal: The part of the bicycle that you push with your feet to make it move.
3. Handlebars: The bars on the front of the bicycle that you hold onto to steer.
4. Frame: The structure of the bicycle that holds all the parts together.
5. Wheel: The round, rubber part of the bicycle that allows it to roll.
6. Tire: The rubber part of the wheel that makes contact with the ground.
7. Brake: A device used to slow down or stop the bicycle.
8. Chain: The metal links that transfer power from the pedals to the wheel.
9. Gear: A system of different-sized wheels that allow you to change the resistance and speed of the bicycle.
10. Saddle: The seat of the bicycle where you sit.
11. Helmet: A protective headgear worn while cycling to prevent head injuries.
12. Bell: A device attached to the handlebars that you can ring to alert others of your presence.
13. Reflectors: Small, reflective devices attached to the bicycle to increase visibility at night.
14. Kickstand: A metal stand attached to the bicycle that allows it to stand upright when not in use.
15. Puncture: A hole or tear in the tire that causes it to lose air.
16. Pump: A device used to inflate the tires of the bicycle.
17. Chainring: The front gear connected to the pedals.
18. Cassette: The rear gear connected to the wheel.
19. Derailleur: A device that moves the chain from one gear to another.
20. Pedestrian: A person who is walking or traveling on foot.
By familiarizing yourself with these bicycle-related words, you will be better equipped to communicate and understand conversations about cycling. Whether you are discussing your bike with a mechanic, shopping for accessories, or simply describing your cycling adventures to a friend, having a good grasp of the vocabulary will make the conversation more enjoyable and meaningful.
单车相关的英语单词词汇 篇二
Cycling is not only a means of transportation but also a fantastic way to stay fit and explore the outdoors. If you are new to the world of cycling, it is important to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary associated with bicycles. In this article, we will introduce some essential English words and phrases related to cycling.
1. Bike: An informal term for a bicycle.
2. Ride: The act of cycling.
3. Cyclist: A person who rides a bicycle.
4. Road bike: A type of bicycle designed for riding on paved roads.
5. Mountain bike: A type of bicycle designed for off-road cycling.
6. Hybrid bike: A combination of a road bike and a mountain bike, suitable for various terrains.
7. Commuter bike: A bicycle designed for daily commuting.
8. Pedestrian: A person who is walking or traveling on foot.
9. Bike lane: A designated lane on the road for cyclists.
10. Bike rack: A structure used to park or secure bicycles.
11. Bike path: A designated path or trail for cyclists.
12. Bike share: A system that allows people to rent bicycles for short periods of time.
13. Cycling club: An organized group of cyclists who ride together for fun or competition.
14. Bike tour: A guided or self-guided trip on a bicycle, usually covering long distances.
15. Uphill: Riding or cycling against an incline.
16. Downhill: Riding or cycling with the assistance of gravity.
17. Drafting: Riding closely behind another cyclist to reduce wind resistance.
18. Peloton: A group of cyclists riding closely together in a race.
19. Cadence: The rate at which a cyclist pedals.
20. Endurance: The ability to ride for long distances without getting tired.
Cycling is a wonderful activity that allows you to explore your surroundings and stay active. By learning and using the vocabulary associated with bicycles, you will enhance your understanding of the sport and be able to communicate more effectively with fellow cyclists. So, grab your bike, hit the road, and embrace the joy of cycling!
单车相关的英语单词词汇 篇三
自行车 bicycle
赛车 racing bicycle
单轮脚踏车 uncycle
双座自行车 tandem bicycle
水上自行车 water bicycle
车架 bike frame
货架 pallet
把手 handle-bar
弯把手 handle-bar bend
手杆柄 handle-bar grip
橡胶柄 rubber grip
把手柱 handle-bar stem
刹车杆 lever bar
柱塞 plunger
柱塞臂 plunger arm
穿心螺丝 adapter lug
开口销 cotter pin
转动接头 swivel joint
活动套接 pivot bush unit
弹簧 spring
刹车杆 plunger-rod
刹车 rim-brake
车轮制动器 hub brake
软刹 callipers brake
软刹把 cable brake lever
软刹钢索 transmission cable
制动蹄片 brake shoe
刹槽螺丝 fork clip
刹车皮 brake rubber-block
叉头 bike fork
保险叉 fork guard
带柱叉头 girder fork
叉套 fork crown cover
钢圈 steel rim
钢丝 steel wire
辐条接头 spoke nipple
轮毂 hub
前轮毂 front hub
后轮毂 rear hub
车轴 axle
滚珠座圈 ball race
钢珠 steel ball
钢珠条 steel stick
轴承外圈 bearing cup
锥体 cone
轮毂锥 hub cone
托架罩 bracket cup
锁紧螺母 lock nut
垫圈 washer
螺丝 screw
外螺母 outside nut
螺母 nut
翼形螺母 wing nut
轮毂轴瓦 hub step
润滑器 lubricator
润滑器带圈 lubricator band
防尘帽 dust cap
轮毂清扫装置 hub cleaner
自行车轮胎 bike tire
内胎 tire tube
气门 cycle valve
柱塞 plunger
阻气小管 valve tubing
气门嘴帽 valve cap
挡泥板 mud-guards
挡泥板架 mud-guard's stay
挡泥胶皮 mud flap
花盘 face plate
花盘连杆 free-wheel adaptor
链条轮 chain wheel
链轮 sprocket
飞轮 free-wheel
棘轮掣子 pawl
固定链轮 fixed sprocket
飞轮轮毂 coaster hub
车链 cycle chain
接链螺母 chain pin with nut
护链板 chain guard
链条调整螺钉 chain adjuster
支架轴 bracket axle
曲轴 crank set
曲拐销 crank cotter pin
脚踏横轴 spindle unit
脚踏 bycycle pedal
全胶脚踏 all rubber pedal
全金属脚踏 al metal pedal
赛车脚踏 racing pedal
脚踏胶皮 pedal rubbers