大学英语四六级词锦 篇一
标题:The Importance of Vocabulary in College English Four-Six Level Exams
In college English four-six level exams, vocabulary plays a crucial role in determining the success of students. It is widely recognized that a wide range of vocabulary is essential for students to comprehend and express themselves effectively in the exams. This article will discuss the importance of vocabulary in college English four-six level exams and provide some strategies to improve vocabulary skills.
Firstly, a strong vocabulary is necessary for understanding the reading passages in the exams. Many reading comprehension questions require students to grasp the meaning of certain words or phrases in order to answer the questions correctly. Without a solid vocabulary foundation, students may struggle to understand the passages and thus fail to answer the questions accurately.
Secondly, vocabulary is essential for writing tasks in the exams. In order to write coherent and persuasive essays, students need to have a wide range of vocabulary to choose from. Using appropriate and precise words can greatly enhance the quality of their writing. Moreover, having a rich vocabulary allows students to express their ideas more effectively, which is crucial for achieving high scores in the writing section.
Lastly, vocabulary is important for the listening and speaking sections of the exams. In the listening section, students need to comprehend various conversations and lectures. Understanding the vocabulary used in these audio materials is essential for answering the questions correctly. In the speaking section, having a diverse vocabulary allows students to express themselves fluently and accurately, which is highly valued by examiners.
To improve vocabulary skills for college English four-six level exams, students can adopt several strategies. Firstly, reading extensively is highly recommended. Reading books, articles, and newspapers in English can expose students to a wide range of vocabulary. Secondly, using flashcards to memorize new words and reviewing them regularly can help consolidate vocabulary knowledge. Thirdly, practicing with vocabulary exercises and quizzes can reinforce the understanding and usage of new words.
In conclusion, vocabulary plays a significant role in college English four-six level exams. It is crucial for understanding reading passages, writing essays, and listening and speaking tasks. Students should prioritize vocabulary learning and apply effective strategies to enhance their vocabulary skills. By doing so, they can greatly improve their performance in the exams and achieve satisfactory results.
大学英语四六级词锦 篇二
标题:Effective Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition in College English Four-Six Level Exams
Acquiring a wide range of vocabulary is essential for success in college English four-six level exams. However, memorizing and retaining new words can be challenging for many students. This article aims to discuss effective strategies for vocabulary acquisition and retention in college English four-six level exams.
Firstly, it is important to create a systematic study plan for vocabulary learning. Students should allocate regular time slots for vocabulary practice and stick to the schedule. Consistency is key to building a strong vocabulary foundation. Additionally, setting specific goals, such as learning a certain number of new words per day, can help students stay motivated and track their progress.
Secondly, context is crucial for understanding and memorizing new words. Instead of simply memorizing definitions, students should learn words in meaningful sentences or phrases. This helps students grasp the usage and connotation of the words, making it easier to remember them. Reading extensively and paying attention to the context in which the words are used can greatly facilitate vocabulary acquisition.
Thirdly, using mnemonic techniques can aid in remembering new words. Mnemonics involve associating new words with familiar images, sounds, or patterns. For example, creating a vivid mental image or a memorable sentence can help students remember the meaning of a word. Mnemonic techniques can make the process of vocabulary acquisition more enjoyable and effective.
Furthermore, using technology can enhance vocabulary learning. There are various vocabulary apps and online resources available that provide interactive exercises, flashcards, and quizzes. These tools can make vocabulary learning more engaging and convenient. Students can also utilize online dictionaries or translation tools to look up unfamiliar words and expand their vocabulary.
Lastly, regular review is essential for vocabulary retention. Students should review previously learned words regularly to reinforce their memory. Flashcards, spaced repetition systems, or self-quizzing techniques can be effective ways to review and consolidate vocabulary knowledge. Additionally, using new words in daily conversations or writing assignments can help students internalize and apply them in real-life contexts.
In conclusion, effective vocabulary acquisition and retention are crucial for success in college English four-six level exams. Creating a study plan, learning words in context, using mnemonic techniques, leveraging technology, and regular review are effective strategies to enhance vocabulary skills. By adopting these strategies, students can expand their vocabulary and improve their performance in the exams.
大学英语四六级词锦 篇三
1、cabbage n.卷心菜
2、cable n.电缆
3、caf n.咖啡馆
4、cake n.蛋糕,饼
5、calculate v.计算,考虑
6、calculation n.计算,考虑
7、calendar n.日历
8、call n.喊声,叫声 v.呼叫,召集
9、calm adj.平静的 v.平静
10、camera n.照相机
11、camp v./n.露营
12、campaign n.战役,活动
13、can modal v.能,可以 n.罐头
14、Canada n.加拿大
15、Canadian adj.加拿大的 n.加拿大人
16、cancel vt.取消, 删去
17、cancer n.癌
18、candidate n.候选人
19、cannot modal v.不能
20、cap n.帽子
21、capable adj.有能力的,能干的
22、B.C adj.公元前
23、baby n.婴孩
24、back adj./adv.后面的,向后 n.背部,后面
25、background n.背景,后台
26、backward adv./adj.向后地
27、bad adj.有害的,坏的
28、bag n.袋包
29、bake v.烘焙,烤
30、balance n.秤,平衡
31、ball n.球,舞会
32、ban vt./n禁止
33、banana n.香蕉
34、band n.乐队
35、bank n.银行,岸
36、bar n.条,棒 vt.禁止,妨碍
37、bargain v.还价
38、barrier n.栅栏,障碍物
39、base n.基础,根据地
40、baseball n.棒球
41、basic adj.基本的
42、basis n.基础,根据
43、basket n.篮子
44、basketball n.篮球
45、bat n.蝙蝠,球拍
46、bath n.沐浴,浴室
1、提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 代替Improve
2、改变:Transform 代替Change
3、强调:Highlight、Stress、Address 代替Emphasize
4、培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 代替Develop
5、破坏:Impair、Undermine[这两个词指抽象意义上的破坏]、Jeopardize、Devastate 代替Break
6、保存Preserve、Conserve[保护资源用的就是这个词],protect这个词用在保护具体的东西 代替Keep
7、解决Tackle、Address、Resolve 代替Deal with
8、需要Require、Necessitate、Call for 代替Need
9、黏贴、附着Adhere、Cling 代替Stick
10、忽略Ignore、Difference 代替Neglect
11、避开Shun 代替Avoid
12、普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant、Universal、Ubiquitous 代替Everywhere
13、好的Beneficial、Advantageous 代替Good
14、有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 代替Harmful
15、富有的Wealthy、Affluent 代替Rich
16、贫穷的Impoverished 代替Poor
17、严重的Severe 代替Serious
18、明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 代替Obvious
19、便宜的Economical、Inexpensive 代替Cheap
20、重要的Crucial、Extremely important、Significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 代替Important
21、大量的、充足的Ample、Plentiful 代替Abundant
1、absurd .荒缪的
2、abundant .丰富的
3、acute .敏锐的锋利的
4、aggressive .侵略的好斗的
5、ambiguous .模棱两可的模糊的
6、ambitious .有雄心的有抱负的
7、appropriate .合适的恰当的
8、authentic .可靠的可信的
9、average .一般的普通的
10、barren .贫瘠的不毛的
11、bound .一定的
12、chronic .慢性的
13、commentary .实况报道
14、compact .紧凑的小巧的
15、competitive .竞争性的具有竞争力的
16、compact a.紧凑的,小巧的
17、competitive a.竞争性的,具有竞争力的
18、compulsory a.强迫的,强制的,义务的
19、confidential a.机紧的,秘密的
20、conservative a.保守的,传统的
21、consistent a.和一致
22、conspicuous a.显而易见的,引人注目的
23、crucial a.关键的
24、current a.当前的
25、current a.当前的
26、decent a.体面的,像样的,还不错的
27、delicate a.精细的,微妙的,精心处理的
28、destructive a.毁灭的
29、economic a.经济的
30、elegant a.优雅的,优美的,精致的
31、embarrassing a.令人尴尬的
32、energetic a.精力充沛的
33、equivalent a.相等的
34、eternal a.永恒的,无休止的
35、exclusive a.独有的,排他的
36、extinct a.灭绝的
37、extinct a.灭绝的,绝种的
38、fatal a.假的,冒充的
39、fatal a.致命的,毁灭性的
40、feasible a.可行的
41、feeble a.脆弱的,虚弱的
42、gloomy a.暗淡的
43、greasy a.油腻的
44、identical a.相同的,一样的
45、imaginative a.富有想象力的,爱想象的
46、inaccessible a.可接近的,易使用的
47、inadequate a.不充分的',不适当的
48、incredible a.难以置信的
49、indifference a.不关心的,冷漠的
50、indignant a.生气的,愤怒的infectious a.传染的,传染性的
51、inferior a.较次的,较劣的
52、inferior a.地位较低的,较差的
53、inherent a.固有的,生来的
54、inspirational a.灵感的
55、intent a.专心的,专注的
56、intricate a.复杂精细的
57、intrinsic a.固有的,本质的,内在的
58、irreplaceable a.不能替换的,不能代替的
59、literal a.文字的,字面的,逐字逐句的
60、massive a.大规模的,大量的
61、merciful a.仁慈的,宽大的
62、mobile a. ;活动的,流动的
63、naive a.言行自然而天真的,质朴的
64、negligible a.可忽略的,微不足道的
65、notorious a.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的
66、obedient a.服从的,顺从的
67、obscure a.模糊不清的
68、optimistic a.乐观的
69、original a.原先的,最早的
70、pathetic a.悲哀的,悲惨的
71、persistent a.坚持不懈的
72、potential a.可能的,潜在的
73、prevalent a.普遍的,流行的
74、primitive a.原始的,早期的
75、proficient a.熟练的,精通的
76、profound a.深刻的,深远的
77、prominent a.突出的,杰出的
78、prompt a.即刻的,迅速的
79、raw a.自然状态的,未加工的
80、relevant a.与有关的
81、respectable a.可尊敬的
82、rewarding a.值得的
83、rough a.粗略的,不精确的
84、rude a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的
85、sensitive a.敏感的
86、sheer a.完全的,十足的
87、shrewd a.精明的
88、stationary a.固定的
89、subordinate a.次要的,从属的
90、subtle a.微妙的,精巧的,细微的
91、superficial a.肤浅的
92、suspicious a.对怀疑
93、tedious a.冗长的,乏味的
94、trivial a.琐碎的,不重要的
95、turbulent a.动荡的,混乱的
96、underlying a.潜在的
97、versatile a.多才多艺的
98、vivid a.生动的,栩栩如生的
99、void a.无效的
100、vulnerable a.易受伤的
101、worth a.值得
novel① 新颖的,新奇的
novel② (长篇)小说
obscure 模糊的,晦涩的;不出名的
opponent 敌手,对手;反对者
patch 补丁;小块土地;斑,块;在…上打补丁
peak 山峰,山顶;最高点;最高的;达到顶峰
personality 人格,个性;名人
principle 原理,原则;信念
privacy 私事,隐私;隐居
procedure (办事)程序,手续,步骤
prospect 景色;前途,前景;(for)勘探,勘察
radiate 辐射,放射;散布,传播;散发,发出;表现
rank 排,横排;军衔;社会阶层;分等级;排列
recall 回忆,回想;收回
refine 精炼,精制,提纯
refrain 抑制,克制,避免
regulate 控制;调节,校准
release 释放;发布,发行;放开,放松
relevant 有关的,相应的
reliable 可靠的,可信赖的
remark 评论;(on, upon)注意到,察觉
repel 击退;排斥,厌恶;抵制;拒绝
represent 作为…的代理或代表;象征,表示;表现
reserve 保留,储备;预定,预约;储备物,储备金;保留用地
resist 抵抗;抵制;忍得住
respond 回答,答复;(to)响应
response 回答;(sing.)响应
retain 保持,保留
revenue 收入;税收
总需求aggregate demand
总供给aggregate supply
企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture
企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image
跨国公司cross-national corporation
创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit
外资企业foreign-funded enterprise
假日经济holiday economy
航空和航天工业aerospace industry
飞机制造工业aircraft industry
电子工业electronic industry
汽车制造工业car industry
娱乐业entertainment industry
信息产业information industry
知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry
国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
轻工业light industry
制造业manufacturing industry
垄断行业monopoly industries
市场多元化market persification
市场经济market economy
市场监管market supervision
购买力purchasing power
熊市bear market
牛市bull market
房地产real estate
业主home owner
个人购房贷款inpidual housing loan
经济全球化economic globalization
经济特区special economic zones (SEZ)
经济增长economic growth
泡沫经济bubble economy
关税tariff纳税人tax payer
宏观经济macro economy
货币投放量the size of money supply
流动性过剩excess liquidity
经济过热overheated economy
小康水平a well-off standard
缓和悲伤 to ease (alleviate) the sorrow
承受负担 to bear the responsibility
考虑到 to make allowance for
把握机会 to seize the opportunity
跑腿 to run an errand
树立楷模 to set a good example
接受教育 to receive education
提升生活的水平 to raise the standard of living
告辞 to take one's leave
有很深的了解 to have a deep understanding of
跟随流行 to follow the fashion
提钱 to withdraw money
存钱 to deposit money
良心不安 the conscience stirs
自立 to be independent; to stand on one's own
英文很好 to have a good command of English
有广泛的知识 to have a wide range of knowledge
喜爱艺术 to have a great liking for arts
扮演重要角色 to play an important role in
聊天 to have a chat with
有……才能 to have a talent for
选择 to make a choice
有很大的影响 to have a great influence on
予人……很深的印象 to make a deep impression on
愚弄 to make a fool of
找借口 to make an excuse
给人搭便车 to give one a lift
打电话 to give someone a ring
冒险 to take chances
怀恨 to bear grudge against someone