英语六级写作parallelism的使用技巧 篇一
Parallelism, an important technique in English writing, refers to the repetition of grammatical structures or patterns in a sentence or paragraph. It not only adds rhythm and balance to the writing but also enhances the clarity and impact of the message. In this article, we will discuss several effective ways to use parallelism in English writing.
Firstly, parallelism can be used to express similar ideas or actions. By using the same grammatical structure, we can emphasize the similarity between different elements in a sentence or paragraph. For example, "She likes to read, to swim, and to play tennis" demonstrates parallelism by using the infinitive form of verbs. This not only creates a sense of harmony but also highlights the various activities she enjoys.
Secondly, parallelism can be used to create contrast or opposition. By using contrasting elements in a parallel structure, we can clearly present opposing ideas or actions. For instance, "He not only speaks English fluently but also writes it eloquently" shows parallelism by using the verb forms "speaks" and "writes" in the same sentence. This parallel structure emphasizes the contrast between his speaking and writing abilities.
Additionally, parallelism can be used to list items or ideas in a series. When listing multiple items, using the same grammatical form for each item creates a sense of order and coherence. For example, "The conference aimed to educate, inspire, and motivate the attendees" demonstrates parallelism by using the verb form "to" for each item. This parallel structure helps the reader easily understand and remember the main objectives of the conference.
Moreover, parallelism can be used to emphasize key points or ideas. By repeating words or phrases in a parallel structure, we can draw attention to important information. For instance, "We must work hard, we must stay focused, and we must never give up" emphasizes the importance of hard work, focus, and perseverance. This parallel structure reinforces the significance of these actions.
In conclusion, parallelism is a valuable technique in English writing that can enhance the rhythm, balance, clarity, and impact of the message. By using parallel structures, writers can express similar ideas, create contrast, list items, and emphasize key points. By mastering the skill of parallelism, one can greatly improve the effectiveness of their writing.
英语六级写作parallelism的使用技巧 篇二
Parallelism, a powerful tool in English writing, plays a crucial role in creating coherence, rhythm, and emphasis. In this article, we will explore different ways to effectively utilize parallelism in English writing.
Firstly, parallelism can be used to create a balanced and harmonious structure. By repeating the same grammatical pattern, such as using a series of gerunds or infinitives, writers can achieve symmetry in their sentences. For example, "Running, swimming, and cycling are all great forms of exercise" demonstrates parallelism by using gerunds as the subject of each verb. This parallel structure not only adds elegance to the sentence but also emphasizes the equal importance of each activity.
Secondly, parallelism can be employed to highlight contrasting ideas or actions. By using parallel structures with opposing elements, writers can effectively convey differences or contradictions. For instance, "She loved him not for his wealth, but for his kindness" uses parallelism to present contrasting reasons for her affection. This parallel structure accentuates the distinction between material wealth and personal qualities.
Furthermore, parallelism can be utilized to present a series of ideas or examples. By using the same grammatical form for each item, writers can create a sense of order and clarity. For example, "The benefits of regular exercise include improved physical health, enhanced mental well-being, and increased longevity" demonstrates parallelism by using the noun phrase "improved physical health" for each item in the series. This parallel structure helps readers easily comprehend and remember the various benefits of exercise.
Moreover, parallelism can be used to emphasize key points or arguments. By repeating certain words or phrases in a parallel structure, writers can draw attention to important information. For instance, "We must strive for excellence, we must persevere through challenges, and we must never lose hope" emphasizes the significance of excellence, perseverance, and optimism. This parallel structure reinforces the importance of these values.
In conclusion, parallelism is a valuable technique in English writing that contributes to coherence, rhythm, and emphasis. By using parallel structures, writers can create balance, present contrasts, list ideas, and emphasize key points. By mastering the skill of parallelism, one can greatly enhance the impact and effectiveness of their writing.
英语六级写作parallelism的使用技巧 篇三
六级写作当中,适当使用(其实一篇文章有那么一句,足矣,考试当中字数有限制)排比句,也就是我们常常说的平行结构 parallelism。可以使文章怎色不少,美国总统一向以演讲和讲稿的eloquence 著称。以下,列举美国总统讲稿中的parallelism 予以彰示。
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our
Its the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voices could be that difference.