英语哲理故事中英双语阅读版 篇一
标题:The Wise Old Woman 聪明的老妇人
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived an old woman known for her wisdom. People from far and wide would come to seek her advice. One day, a young man decided to test her wisdom and bring her a difficult question.
Man: "Wise old woman, I have a bird in my hand. Tell me, is it alive or dead?"
The old woman, realizing the man's intention, smiled and replied, "It's all up to you, young man."
Confused by her answer, the man thought for a moment and then came up with a plan to embarrass the old woman.
Man: "If you say the bird is alive, I will crush it in my hand and prove you wrong. But if you say it is dead, I will simply open my hands and let it fly away. So, what do you say?"
The old woman looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes and said, "The answer lies within you, my dear."
The young man was puzzled by her response. He realized that the old woman was not going to give him a direct answer. After some contemplation, he understood the wisdom behind her words.
Man: "You are right, wise old woman. The bird's fate lies within my hands. Its life or death is determined by my actions."
The old woman smiled and nodded. The young man thanked her for her wisdom and left with a newfound understanding.
This story teaches us that the power to shape our lives lies within ourselves. We have the ability to make choices and take actions that can drastically influence our future. The wise old woman reminded the young man that he held the power to determine the bird's fate, just as we hold the power to shape our own destinies.
英语哲理故事中英双语阅读版 篇二
标题:The Two Travelers 两位旅行者
In ancient times, there were two travelers who set out on a journey to a distant land. Along the way, they encountered a deep river that blocked their path. As they stood on the riverbank, they noticed a wise old man sitting nearby.
Traveler 1: "Excuse me, wise old man. How do we cross this river?"
The old man smiled and replied, "You need to have faith and trust in the river."
Perplexed by his answer, the travelers looked at each other. They couldn't understand how faith and trust could help them cross the river. Nevertheless, they decided to follow the old man's advice.
Traveler 2: "Let's put our trust in the river and have faith that it will guide us safely to the other side."
With hopeful hearts, the travelers stepped into the river. To their surprise, the water carried them gently across, and they reached the other side without any difficulty.
Grateful for the old man's wisdom, they turned back and saw that he had vanished. They realized that the old man was not just talking about the river but also about life itself.
Traveler 1: "The river symbolizes the challenges and obstacles we face in life. By having faith and trust, we can navigate through them with ease."
Traveler 2: "Indeed. It is our mindset and belief that determine whether we see obstacles as barriers or opportunities for growth."
The two travelers continued their journey, carrying the wisdom of the old man with them. They faced many more challenges along the way, but with faith and trust, they overcame them all.
This story reminds us that having faith and trust in ourselves and the journey of life can lead us to great heights. Just as the travelers trusted the river to guide them, we must trust in our own abilities and believe that we have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
英语哲理故事中英双语阅读版 篇三
The Tang dynasty from 618 to 907 AD was one of the great eras of Chinese history. In the capital lived one Pan Guo, whose skill as a martial artist earned him a post in the government offices when he was still very young. He was easy to get along with, so he made many friends among the other young men working there.
One day, a group of them was walking along by a cemetery. Among the tombs, Pan spotted a goat that a shepherd had forgotten. The goat was minding its own business, eating the grass. Pan and his friends surrounded it and dragged it off towards home. The goat started bleating. They were afraid the shepherd would hear and come after his goat, so Pan reached in and pulled out the goat's tongue by the roots. He was proud of his quick wits.
After they got home, they slaughtered the goat and roasted it. They washed it down with a lot of wine and had a good time.
In the following year, Pan was horrified to discover his tongue shrinking. As it got shorter and shorter, Pan lost his speech. He couldn't carry out his official duties, so he quit his job. He had to find some way to cure his tongue.
His boss, Zheng Yuqing, suspected Pan was just being lazy, so he ordered him to open his mouth to prove whether or not he was really sick. He was surprised to see that Pan's tongue had already disappeared. All that was left was a little stub at the root. He demanded to know what had happened. Pan took up a brush and wrote, "It must be because a bunch of us were stealing a goat last year,and when the goat started bleating, I ripped its tongue out."
Zheng Yuqing knew that Pan lost his tongue to balance the tongue he took from the goat. He ordered his subordinates to carry out Buddhist services to bring the goat fortune to compensate for its loss. He told Pan to copy the Lotus Sutra.
Pan was sorry for what he had done. He swore never again to eat the flesh of an animal, and to do his best to bring the goat fortune through good deeds, dharma services, and prayers.
After a year, his tongue began to grow back.
When he found his tongue was growing back, Pan was thrilled. He ran to the office to report to Zheng. Zheng was proud of Pan for his determination to correct his mistake. When he could speak normally aga
Zheng told the Emperor that perhaps he won his promotion to balance the fortune he had won for the goat that lost its tongue.