Clip 1:
Before the end of the year, the atmosphere in most offices usually becomes more intense. Various evaluations, reviews and personnel changes disrupt many office workers. It is during this sensitive period that one must avoid making three typical mistakes.
The first mistake is to go on holiday. Linda is an accountant.
L: Last December, my husband needed to go to Europe on a business trip, and his company allowed him to take a family member. I hesitated for a while, as that was the busiest time for our team. But this opportunity was so appealing that I couldn't pass it up. So I asked for a half-month leave. When I came back, I found I had been demoted two levels. Guess what? The home office did a spot check of our accounts and found a big loophole. No one dared to take responsibility, so they planted the mistake on me. When I came back, it was too late to try to remedy the situation, so I just suffered in silence.
Guan Xi Who's suggestion: 年末一般是大家最忙的时候. 这时你需要体现出自己的团队精神和专业素质, 帮助领导分忧, 而非卸下责任去度假. The end of the year is the busiest season for most companies. Rather than take a holiday during this time, staying at work and showing your teamwork spirit and competence are better options.
Clip 2:
M: 我原来在国企工作, 刚来这边很不适应, 你比如说, 领个办公用品居然需要部门领导以及后勤部负责人两个人的签字. 到了后勤部我就更郁闷了, 原来这里每人每次只能领到一支笔和一个笔记本, 这怎么够用呢? 可是再申请又要重新签字, 多麻烦啊! 于是我顺手就把登记表上的"1"改成了"3", 拿了3套文具走. 没想到, 过了后勤部一个小女孩打电话过来说, 他们头而现在对不上帐, 问我当时到底领了多少东西. 你说就这么不到100块钱的东西, 至于么.
Just like Mary, Kelly has encountered a similar problem.
K: This August I went on a business trip. When I came back, I totally forgot about the business expense reimbursement. Last week I was told all the invoices would be invalid next year, so I quickly claimed the refunds. As I lost some receipts, I intentionally exaggerated the numbers on the invoices that I still had. Everyone does that. Usually the manager just signs the paper without looking at it, but this time, he checked each figure carefully. You can imagine what happened next. The manager was very unsatisfied and asked me to redo the reimbursement. Although I told him I had my reasons, I didn't have any proof. I think I've lost his trust in me.
Guan Xi Who's suggestion: 年底正是公司资金链条最紧张的时候, 如果再加上业绩不好, 偏偏挑这个时候来报一笔费用不低的款项, 自然会招致领导的反感. Lots of companies have money shortage problems at the end of the year and bosses now feel a strong repulsion for those who doctor expense reimbursement requests.
Clip 3:
The last mistake that office workers are likely to make is waiting passively for their bosses to notice their achievements. Sara failed to get a promotion last week.
S: On what grounds did the manager promote Johnny and not me?! This is so unfair. Obviously, I am more experienced and qualified than he is. Also, I like to maintain a low profile while Johnny always boasts about his tiny contributions to others. That's annoying and shallow. What does the manager see in him anyway? I am the diligent and hardworking one who deserves the promotion. Why can't the manager pay a little more attention to me and give me some respect?
Guan Xi Who's suggestion: 管理好自己和领导的`关系是提高工作效率的重要途径. 消极等待不如找机会让老板明白你的想法, 定期发邮件或在会议中适当发言都是有效的交流方式. Compared to waiting for the boss to discover your competence, communicating with him is more efficient. You can regularly report your work progress via e-mail or state your achievements in meetings.