小学五年级英语阅读理解专题训练及答案 篇一
Title: The Great Panda
The giant panda is a beloved animal that is native to China. It is also one of the most endangered species in the world. Let's learn more about these amazing creatures!
Giant pandas are known for their distinctive black and white fur. The black fur on their ears, eyes, and limbs helps to protect them from the cold weather in the mountains of China. The white fur on their face, neck, and body helps them to blend in with the snow. This unique coloration makes them easily recognizable and loved by people all over the world.
Pandas are primarily herbivores, which means they eat mostly bamboo. In fact, bamboo makes up about 99% of their diet! They have a special thumb-like projection on their front paws, which helps them to grasp the bamboo stalks and strip off the leaves. Pandas can eat up to 30 pounds of bamboo in a single day!
Despite their large size, pandas are very gentle animals. They spend most of their time eating and sleeping. Adult pandas can weigh up to 250 pounds and measure up to 6 feet long. They are excellent climbers and can easily navigate through the trees. However, they are not very good at swimming and prefer to stay on land.
Unfortunately, the giant panda is facing many threats to its survival. Deforestation and habitat loss are the biggest challenges they face. As their natural habitat continues to shrink, pandas are forced to search for food in smaller areas. This puts them at risk of starvation and decreases their chance of finding a suitable mate.
Conservation efforts are being made to protect the giant pandas. Many reserves and national parks have been established in China to provide a safe environment for these animals. Breeding programs are also in place to increase the population of pandas in captivity and eventually release them back into the wild.
In conclusion, the giant panda is a unique and endangered species that deserves our attention and protection. By learning more about these amazing animals and supporting conservation efforts, we can help ensure their survival for future generations.
小学五年级英语阅读理解专题训练及答案 篇二
Title: The Solar System
The solar system is a fascinating subject that explores the vast expanse of space and the celestial bodies within it. Let's take a closer look at our solar system and the planets that orbit the sun!
The solar system consists of eight planets that orbit the sun in elliptical paths. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, Earth, and Mars. These are known as the inner planets and are mostly made up of rock and metal. Earth is the only planet known to support life.
Beyond Mars, we have the outer planets, which are known as gas giants. These include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are much larger than the inner planets and are made up mostly of gas. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, while Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.
In addition to the eight planets, there are also other smaller celestial bodies in the solar system. These include asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun, while comets are made up of ice, dust, and gas. Dwarf planets, such as Pluto, are smaller than the eight planets but still orbit the sun.
The sun, which is at the center of the solar system, is a massive ball of hot gas. It provides heat and light to all the planets and is essential for sustaining life on Earth. The sun is so large that it accounts for more than 99% of the total mass of the solar system.
Studying the solar system allows us to understand more about the universe and our place in it. Scientists continue to explore and discover new information about the planets, their moons, and other celestial bodies. It is an exciting field of study that sparks curiosity and wonder in people of all ages.
In conclusion, the solar system is a vast and complex system that is home to our planet and many other celestial bodies. By learning about the planets and their unique characteristics, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of space. Let's continue to explore and protect our solar system for future generations to enjoy.
小学五年级英语阅读理解专题训练及答案 篇三
On the Phone
(A:Mrs. Charles B:Clerk)
A:Hello.This is Mrs.Charles.I'd like to buy a new car.Could you offer me a new type of the car,please?
B:Oh,Madam,buy what?
A:A new car.And I've got a small family,two children,and I haven't got a lot of money and…
B:Oh,oh,Madam,Madam.I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
A:Isn't this the car store?
B:No.It's Mike's Sporting Goods.
A:Oh,sorry.Do you know the number for a car store,then?
B:No.I don't.I suggest you look in the phone book.
A:I'm sorry to have bothered you.
B:No problem. Words List:
offer提供 madam夫人 store商店 goods 商品
suggest 建议 look in 查阅 phone book 电话簿
1. Mrs Charles wants to buy sporting goods. (YES NO)
2. The clerk can’t offer a car. (YES NO)
3. Mrs Charles has two children. (YES NO)
4. Mrs Charles dials a wrong number. (YES NO)
5. The clerk suggest Mrs Charles look in the phone book. (YES NO)
1.NO 2.YES 3.YES 4.YES 5.YES
A monkey and a turtle
One day, a monkey and a turtle ran a race. The monkey said, ―I am big, I can run fast. I will win." The turtle said, ―I am small. I am slow. But I will do my best." The monkey ran faster than the turtle. Then the monkey’s friend, the rabbit came out. The rabbit said to the monkey, ―let’s play!" The monkey thought he would win anyway. So he played with the rabbit. The turtle ran slowly. But he ran and ran. Finally the turtle won. The turtle shouted, ―I won!" The monkey was still playing with the rabbit. Then the monkey found the turtle. He was very surprised. But it was too late.
Write "T" for True and "F" for False beside the statements.
( ) The monkey is small.
( ) The rabbit is turtle’s friend.
( ) The monkey played with the rabbit.
( ) The turtle ran slowly.
( ) The monkey won the race.
1F 2T 3T 4T 5F
A Greedy Lion
A hungry lion discovered a sleeping rabbit under a tree. Suddenly a deer appeared when he wanted to eat the rabbit. He though a deer was much delicious than a rabbit. Then he chased the deer, but the deer ran too fast. The hungry lion was tired. At last the lion gave up. (放弃) He went back to look for the sleeping rabbit. But it was already gone.
Circle T or F. 给T或F画圈.
1) The hungry lion saw a sleeping rabbit. (T F)
2) A horse appeared when the lion approached(接近) the rabbit. (T F)
3) The lion thought the rabbit was more delicious than the deer. (T F)
4) The deer ran faster than the lion. (T F)
5) The lion ate the deer and the rabbit. (T F) .
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F