初中英语带音标单词表 篇一
In today's modern world, learning English has become increasingly important. It is a widely spoken language that is used in various fields such as business, science, and technology. For middle school students, it is especially crucial to build a strong foundation in English as it will greatly benefit their future academic and professional endeavors. This article will provide a comprehensive list of commonly used English words with their corresponding phonetic symbols to aid students in their language learning journey.
1. Hello /h??lo?/ - Used as a greeting to say "hi" or "how are you?"
2. Goodbye /ɡ?d?ba?/ - Used as a farewell to say "bye" or "see you later."
3. Thanks /θ??ks/ - An informal way of expressing gratitude.
4. Please /pli?z/ - Used to make a polite request or ask for something.
5. Sorry /?s??ri/ - Used to apologize or express regret.
6. Excuse me /?k?skju?z mi?/ - Used to politely get someone's attention or ask for forgiveness.
7. Yes /jes/ - Used to indicate agreement or consent.
8. No /no?/ - Used to indicate disagreement or refusal.
9. Friend /frend/ - A person whom one likes and trusts.
10. Family /?f?m?li/ - A group of people related by blood or marriage.
11. School /sku?l/ - An institution where students are taught various subjects.
12. Teacher /?ti?t??r/ - A person who instructs and guides students in their learning.
13. Student /?stju?d?nt/ - A person who is enrolled in a school or college.
14. Book /b?k/ - A written or printed work consisting of pages joined together.
15. Pen /p?n/ - A writing instrument used to apply ink to a surface.
16. Paper /?pe?p?r/ - Material manufactured in thin sheets from wood pulp.
17. Computer /k?m?pju?t?r/ - An electronic device used for storing, processing, and retrieving information.
18. Science /?sa??ns/ - The study of the natural world through observation and experimentation.
19. Math /m?θ/ - The study of numbers, quantities, and shapes.
20. History /?h?st?ri/ - The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
By familiarizing themselves with these words and their corresponding phonetic symbols, middle school students can improve their English speaking and pronunciation skills. It is important to practice using these words in context, such as through conversations, reading, and writing exercises. With dedication and perseverance, students will be able to communicate effectively in English and achieve success in their academic and professional pursuits.
初中英语带音标单词表 篇二
Learning English can be a challenging but rewarding journey for middle school students. In order to effectively communicate in English, it is essential to have a strong grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used English words with their corresponding phonetic symbols to assist students in expanding their vocabulary and improving their pronunciation skills.
1. Cat /k?t/ - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
2. Dog /d??ɡ/ - A domesticated carnivorous mammal.
3. House /ha?s/ - A building used as a place of residence.
4. Car /kɑ?r/ - A road vehicle with an engine.
5. Bike /ba?k/ - A vehicle with two wheels propelled by pedals.
6. Music /?mju?z?k/ - The art of combining sounds to produce beauty of form.
7. Game /ɡe?m/ - An activity for amusement or competition.
8. Food /fu?d/ - Any nutritious substance that people eat or drink.
9. Water /?w??t?r/ - A transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid.
10. Friend /frend/ - A person whom one knows and likes.
11. School /sku?l/ - An institution where students are taught.
12. Teacher /?ti?t??r/ - A person who educates students.
13. Student /?stju?d?nt/ - A person who is studying at a school.
14. Book /b?k/ - A written or printed work consisting of pages.
15. Pen /p?n/ - A writing instrument used to apply ink.
16. Paper /?pe?p?r/ - Material manufactured in thin sheets.
17. Computer /k?m?pju?t?r/ - An electronic device for processing data.
18. Science /?sa??ns/ - The study of the natural world.
19. Math /m?θ/ - The study of numbers and shapes.
20. History /?h?st?ri/ - The study of past events.
By familiarizing themselves with these words and practicing their pronunciation using the corresponding phonetic symbols, middle school students can enhance their English language skills. It is recommended to practice these words in various contexts, such as through conversations, reading, and writing exercises. With consistent effort and dedication, students will be able to communicate fluently and confidently in English, opening doors to numerous opportunities in their future academic and professional endeavors.
初中英语带音标单词表 篇三
live on phr. 继续存在,继续活着
relative ['reltiv] n 亲属,亲人
greet [gri:t] v 问候,向(人)打招呼
hug [hg] n 拥抱,紧抱
western ['westn] adj 西方的,西部的
traditional [tr'dinl] adj 传统的,惯例的
once upon a time phr. 从前,很早以前
special ['spel] adj 特别的,特殊的
at last [t 'lɑ:st] phr. 终于,最后
owner ['un] n 拥有者,所有者
barn [bɑ:n] n 谷仓,堆物房;马房,牛舍
give birth to phr. 生(孩子)
shepherd ['epd] n 牧羊人
be made in phr. 在…生产或制造
be made of phr. 由…组成,由…构成
brush [br] n 刷子,毛笔,画笔
writing brush n 毛笔
bamboo [bm'bu:] n 竹子
be used for phr. 用于
pan [pn] n 平底锅
jacket ['dkit] n夹克衫
metal ['metl] n 金属
stamp [stmp] n 邮票
wool [wul] n 羊毛,绒线
wood [wud] n 木头,木材
lock [lk] n & v 锁;上锁
store [st:] v 储藏,存储
widely ['waidli] adv 广泛地,广阔地
Britain ['britn] n 英国,不列颠
set [set] n 装置,设备
a TV set phr. 一台电视
Germany ['d:mni] n 德国
Frenchman ['frentmn] n 法国人
traveller ['trvl] n 旅行者
cotton ['ktn] n 棉花
silk [silk] n (蚕)丝
camera ['kmr] n 照相机
digital ['diditl] adj 数字似的
ordinary [':dnri] adj 普通的,通常的
aeroplane ['rplein] n 飞机
satellite ['stlait] n 卫星
rocket ['rkit] n 火箭
on show [n 'u] phr. 展出
dinosaur ['dains:] n 恐龙
display [di'splei] n 陈列
on display [n dis'plei] phr. 陈列,展览
natural ['ntrl] adj 自然界的,天然的
guide [gaid] n & v 向导,导游者;指导,引导
underground ['ndgraund] adj 地下的
desert ['dezt] n 沙漠
Gobi Desert n 戈壁沙漠
human being n 人
disappear [,dis'pi] v 消失
disappearance [,dis'pirns] n 消失
discover [dis'kv] v 发现,发觉
feather ['fe] n 羽毛
found [faund] v 成立,建立
entrance ['entrns] n 入口,进口,入场
exit ['eksit] n 出口
fragile ['frdil] adj 易碎的
park [pɑ:k] v (将车)停放
parking ['pɑ:ki] n 停车(处)
danger ['deind] n 危险
pause [p:z] v & n 中止,暂停
teapot ['ti:pt] n 茶壶
bowl [bul] n 碗
serve [s:v] v 上(酒、菜等),开(饭);服务
fill [fil] v 装满,填充
be filled with phr. 用…充满
object ['bdikt] n 物体
dig [dig] v 挖,掘
make sure [,meik 'u(r)] phr.确保,确认,查明
so that conj 以便,以致
hear of phr. 听说
run away ['rn ,wei] phr.流失,逃跑,逃走
drought [draut] n 旱灾,干旱
drop [drp] n 滴,水滴
soil [sil] n 土壤,土地
directly [di'rektli] adv 直接地
leaf [li:f] n 叶子,树木、草的叶子
in this way phr. 用这种方法
flood [fld] n & v 洪水,水灾;淹没,泛滥
prevent [pri'vent] v 防止,阻止
northern ['n:n] adj 北部的,北方的
wide [waid] adj 宽的
blow(blew[blu:],blow的过去式;blown[blun],blow的过去分词) [blu] v 吹
sand [snd] n 沙,沙子
towards [t'w:dz] prep 向,朝
farmland ['fɑ:mlnd] n 农田
point [pint] v 指,指向…
point to ['pint t] phr. 指向…
far away phr. 很远,遥远
thanks to ['θks t] phr. 由于,幸亏
the more the better phr.越多越好
correct [k'rekt] adj 改正
hand in phr. 交上来
more or less phr. 多少有点,或多或少
grand [grnd] adj 豪华的,庄重的,雄伟的
hall [h:l] n 大厅,会堂,会馆
notice ['nutis] n 通告,布告
audience [':dins] n 听众
slipper ['slip] n (常用复数)拖鞋,便鞋
height [hait] n 高度
beeper ['bi:p] n 袖珍无线电传呼机,电话呼叫机
someday ['smdei] adv (今后)有一天
printer ['print] n 打印机
print [print] v 打印
document ['dkjumnt] n 公文,文件
connect [k'nekt] v 连接,相连,联系
modem ['mudem] n 调制解调器
provide [pr'vaid] v 提供
monitor ['mnit] n 显示器
point at phr. 指示,指向
universe ['ju:niv:s] n 宇宙
man-made ['mnmeid] adj 人造的,人工的
satellite ['stlait] n 卫星
space [speis] n 空间,太空
spaceship ['speisip] n 宇宙飞船
send [send] v 送,寄,派(遣)
send up phr. 发射,把…往上送
receive [ri'si:v] v 接受,收到,得到
shut [t] v 关(门等)
shut down ['t daun] phr. 把…关上
woolen ['wulin] adj 羊毛的,毛织的
impossible [im'psbl] adj 不可能的
mind [maind] n & v 思想,想法;关心,介意
set one's mind to do phr. 一心想做…
put off phr. 推迟,拖延
worm ['put f] n 虫,蠕虫
activity [k'tiviti] n 活动
increase [in'kri:s] v 增加,增长
if [if] conj 是否
hour after hour phr. 一小时又一小时,连续地
multiply ['mltiplai] v (将…)乘…
multiply…by… phr. …乘以…
challenge ['tlind] n 挑战
beginning [bi'gini] n 开始,开端
at the beginning of phr. …起初,开始
square [skw] n 平方,(方形的)广场
hardly ['hɑ:dli] adv 几乎不
more and more phr. 越来越…
prefer [pri'f:] v 宁愿(选择),更喜欢
prefer to phr. 宁愿(选择),更喜欢
rather than phr.宁可,是..而不是
used [ju:st] adj 用过的,半旧的
beg [beg] v 恳求,乞求
beg one's pardon phr. 请原谅,对不起
worth [w:θ] adj 值得..的,有..的价值
secondhand ['seknd'hnd] adj 二手的,用过的
diagram ['daigrm] n 图表
discussion [di'skn] n 讨论
be busy doing phr. 忙于做…
chart [tɑ:t] n 图表
download ['daunlud] v 下载
path [pɑ:θ] n 路线,去路
Brazil [br'zil] n 巴西
excited [ik'saitid] adj 兴奋的,激动的
be excited about phr. 对…感到兴奋
leather ['le] n 皮革
wear out ['wr aut] phr. 把…穿旧,磨坏
yen [jen] n 元,日元
try on ['trai n]phr. 试穿(衣服,鞋),试戴(帽子)
online [,n'lain] adj & adv 在线,上网
ad [d] n 广告
Canon ['knn] n 佳能(照相机牌名)
shape [eip] n 形状,外形
decision [di'sin] n 决定
make a decision phr. 作出决定
screen [skri:n] n 屏幕
form [f:m] n 表格
credit ['kredit] n 信用
credit card n 信用卡
successfully [sk'sesfli] adv 圆满地,顺利地,成功地
interest ['intrist] n 兴趣
a place of interest phr. 名胜
forever [f'rev] adv 永远,总是
lend(lent[lent],lend的过去式和过去分词) [lend] v把…借给,借给
go over ['gu ,uv(r)] phr. 过一遍,仔细检查
make a mistake [,meik mis 'teik] phr. 犯错误
suit [su:t] n 一套衣服
drop off ['drp f] phr. 放下(某物),下车
opera ['pr] n 歌剧
Peking opera n 京剧
the Great Hall of the people n 人民大会堂
huge [hju:d] adj 巨大的
the Palace Museum n 故宫博物院
rewarding [ri'w:di] adj 值得作的
grateful ['greitfl] adj 感激的,感谢的
wag [wg] v 摆动,摇动(尾巴等)
tail [teil] n 尾巴,尾部
lonely ['lunli] adj 孤独的,寂寞的
success [sk'ses] n 成就,成功
Scotland ['sktlnd] n 苏格兰
make up one's mind phr. 下决心
vet [vet] n (口语)兽医
mostly ['mustli] adv 主要地,大部分
heal [hi:l] v 使(伤、病)痊愈
pig [pig] n 猪
education [,edjukein] n 教育,培养
countryside ['kntri'said] n 乡下,农村
treat [tri:t] v 治疗,对待
before long [bi ,f: 'l] phr. 不久以后
regard [ri'gɑ:d] v 看待,当作
regard… as phr. 把…当作,当作
exactly [ig'zktli] adv 准确地,严格地
keep [ki:p] v 饲养,照顾
experience [iks'pirins] n 经验,体验
injection [in'dekn] n 注射,打针
painful ['peinfl] adj 疼痛的,痛苦的
earthquake [':θkweik] n 地震
rock [rk] v 震动,摇动
as if [z 'if] conj 好像,似乎
at sea [t 'si:] phr. 在大海上
story ['st:ri] n (房屋的)层
two-story n 两层
grab [grb] v 抓取…,夺取
crash [kr] v 坠落,冲撞
mobile ['mubil] adj 可移动的
mobile phone n 可移动电话
at all [t ':l] phr. (用否定句)一点也不
least [li:st] n 最少,最小
at least phr. 至少,起码
beat [bi:t] v 打败,敲打
goal [gul] n (足球)球门,得分
by the time phr. 到…的时候
check-out ['tek,aut] n(购货时的)结帐台,收银台
realize ['rilaiz] v 察觉,领悟,了解
train [trein] v 训练,培养
training ['treini] n 训练,培养
captain ['kptin] n (足球队等)队长
deserve [di'z:v] v 应得,值得…
confident ['knfidnt] adj 有自信的,确信的
striker ['straik] n (足球)前锋
midfield ['midfi:ld] n 中场
midfield player n 中场球员
excellent ['ekslnt] adj 极好的,优秀的
shot [t] n (球赛中)击,射门,投篮,发射
nervous ['n:vs] adj 紧张不安的
lazy ['leizi] adj 懒惰的
carry on ['kri n] phr. 坚持下去,继续下去
final ['fainl] adj 最后的
amazing ['meizi] adj 令人惊奇的
be pleased with phr. 对…感到满意
performance [p'f:mns] n 演出,成果,成绩
teamwork ['ti:mw:k] n 合作,协同工作
baseball ['beis,b:l] n 棒球
never mind [,nev 'maind] phr. 没关系
boring ['b:ri] adj 令人厌烦的
spill(spilt[spilt],spill的过去式和过去分词) [spil] v 溢出,溅出,洒出
from now on [frm 'nau n] phr. 从现在起,今后
rule [ru:l] n 规则,规定
against ['genst] prep 与…对抗,对着
expect [iks'pekt] v 期望,预期
rough [rf] adj 粗鲁的,激烈的
necklace ['neklis] n 项链
steal(stole[stul],steal的过去式;stolen['stuln]steal的过去分词) [sti:l] v 偷,窃取
hands up phr. 举手
shoot(shot[t],shoot的过去式和过去分词)[u:t] v 射击,射死