
高考英语必备u字母开头的英语单词 篇一

In the English language, there are numerous words that begin with the letter "U" that are essential for high school students preparing for their English exams. These words cover a wide range of topics and can help students improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills. Let's explore some of these important "U" words that every high school student should know.

1. Unique - This word is used to describe something that is one of a kind or unlike anything else. It is often used to highlight the special qualities or characteristics of a person, place, or thing.

Example sentence: "Her unique sense of style made her stand out from the crowd."

2. Ubiquitous - This word is used to describe something that is found everywhere or seems to be present in all places at the same time. It is often used to describe something that is very common or widespread.

Example sentence: "Cell phones have become ubiquitous in today's society."

3. Unanimous - This word is used to describe a situation in which everyone involved agrees on a particular decision or opinion. It is often used in formal settings such as meetings or votes.

Example sentence: "The school board reached a unanimous decision to implement the new curriculum."

4. Unprecedented - This word is used to describe something that has never happened before or is without any previous example. It is often used to emphasize the uniqueness or significance of an event or situation.

Example sentence: "The team's victory was unprecedented in the history of the sport."

5. Utilize - This word is used to describe the act of using or making use of something. It is often used to emphasize the effective or practical use of a resource or tool.

Example sentence: "She was able to utilize her knowledge and skills to solve the complex problem."

By familiarizing themselves with these "U" words, high school students can enhance their understanding and expression of the English language. These words can be useful in various contexts and will undoubtedly benefit students in their future academic pursuits.

高考英语必备u字母开头的英语单词 篇二

The English language is rich with words that begin with the letter "U," and high school students preparing for their English exams should be familiar with these essential vocabulary words. These words cover a diverse range of themes and can help students improve their language skills and comprehension abilities. Let's delve into some important "U" words that are indispensable for high school students.

1. Underestimate - This word is used to describe the act of undervaluing or underestimating the importance, value, or abilities of someone or something. It is often used to caution against making assumptions or overlooking potential.

Example sentence: "Never underestimate the power of hard work and determination."

2. Uniform - This word is used to describe clothing or an outfit that is worn by members of a particular group or organization. It is often used in the context of schools, sports teams, or military personnel.

Example sentence: "All students are required to wear a school uniform."

3. Unprecedented - This word is used to describe something that has never been done or experienced before. It is often used to emphasize the uniqueness or significance of an event, achievement, or situation.

Example sentence: "The company's success in such a short period of time is unprecedented."

4. Unison - This word is used to describe a situation in which multiple people or things are acting or speaking together at the same time. It is often used in the context of music or group activities.

Example sentence: "The choir sang in perfect unison, creating a harmonious melody."

5. Unambiguous - This word is used to describe something that is clear, straightforward, and without any ambiguity or confusion. It is often used to emphasize the importance of clear communication or precise instructions.

Example sentence: "Her instructions were unambiguous, leaving no room for misinterpretation."

By familiarizing themselves with these "U" words, high school students can expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills. These words can be applied in various settings and will undoubtedly benefit students in their academic and professional endeavors.

高考英语必备u字母开头的英语单词 篇三



  1、ugly 丑陋的,难看的

  2、▲umbrella 雨伞

  3、unable 不能的,不能胜任的

  4、unbearable 难堪的,不堪忍受的

  5、unbelievable 不可信的

  6、uncertain 不确定的

  7、uncle 叔,伯,舅;姑夫;姨父

  8、uncomfortable 不舒适的

  9、unconditional 无条件的

  10、unconscious 无意识的,失去知觉的

  11、under 在……下面,向……下面

  12、▲underground 地下的,地铁

  13、underline 曲线于……在下面,强调

  14、understand 懂得,明白,理解

  15、undertake 承担,保证,从事

  16、underwear 内衣

  17、unemployment 失业,失业状态

  18、unfair 不公平的,不公正的

  19、unfit 不合宜的,不相宜的

  20、unfortunate 不幸的


form 制服

  22、union 联合,联盟;工会

  23、unique 惟一的

  24、unit 单元,单位

  25、▲unite 联合,团结

  26、universal 宇宙的,完全的

  27、▲universe 宇宙

  28、▲university 大学

  29、unless 如果不,除非

  30、unlike 不像,和……不同

  31、unrest 不安,骚动

  32、until 直到……为止

  33、unusual 不平常的,异常的

  34、unwilling 不情愿的

  35、up 向上,在上方,起来,上面的,向上的,上行的,上升;上坡;上



  38、upon 在……上面

  39、upper 较高的',较上的

  40、upset 难过的,苦恼的,失望的

  41、upstairs 在楼上,到楼上

  42、upward(s) 向上,往上

  43、urban 城市的

  44、urge 推进,催促

  45、urgent 急迫的

  46、use 利用,使用,应用

  47、used 用过的,旧的,二手的

  48、useful 有用的,有益的

  49、useless 无用的

  50、▲user 使用者,用户

  51、usual 通常的,平常的



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