高频英语习语盘点 篇一
1. "Break a leg"(祝你好运)- 这个习语常用于演艺圈,用来祝愿演员们演出成功。尽管字面上看似不太合适,但这个习语在演艺界已经被广泛使用。
2. "Piece of cake"(小菜一碟)- 这个习语用来形容某件事情非常容易完成。可以用来回答别人的请求或是形容自己完成某项任务。
3. "Bite the bullet"(咬紧牙关)- 这个习语意味着要勇敢面对困难或痛苦。它源于早期医疗手术时给病人咬住铅弹以减轻疼痛的做法。
4. "Break the ice"(打破僵局)- 这个习语用来形容在陌生人之间打破尴尬的沉默或紧张气氛。可以用于社交场合或新的工作环境中。
5. "Cost an arm and a leg"(价值连城)- 这个习语用来形容某物非常昂贵。它通常用于形容奢侈品或昂贵的服务。
6. "Cut to the chase"(切入正题)- 这个习语意味着直接进入主题或要点,省去冗长的废话或背景介绍。
7. "Hit the nail on the head"(一针见血)- 这个习语表示说话或观点非常准确,击中了问题的核心。
8. "Hold your horses"(别急)- 这个习语用来告诉别人要冷静下来,不要着急或冲动行事。
9. "Let the cat out of the bag"(泄露天机)- 这个习语意味着不小心泄露了秘密或机密。
10. "Pull someone's leg"(开某人玩笑)- 这个习语用来开玩笑或愚弄别人,不是字面上的意思。
高频英语习语盘点 篇二
1. "A piece of cake"(小菜一碟)- 这个习语用来形容某件事情非常容易完成。可以用来回答别人的请求或形容自己完成某项任务。
2. "Barking up the wrong tree"(弄错了对象)- 这个习语意味着某人或某人的观点完全错误,而且他们正在浪费时间或努力。
3. "Break the ice"(打破僵局)- 这个习语用来形容在陌生人之间打破尴尬的沉默或紧张气氛。可以用于社交场合或新的工作环境中。
4. "Cut to the chase"(切入正题)- 这个习语意味着直接进入主题或要点,省去冗长的废话或背景介绍。
5. "Hit the nail on the head"(一针见血)- 这个习语表示说话或观点非常准确,击中了问题的核心。
6. "Hold your horses"(别急)- 这个习语用来告诉别人要冷静下来,不要着急或冲动行事。
7. "Let the cat out of the bag"(泄露天机)- 这个习语意味着不小心泄露了秘密或机密。
8. "Pull someone's leg"(开某人玩笑)- 这个习语用来开玩笑或愚弄别人,不是字面上的意思。
9. "Spill the beans"(泄露秘密)- 这个习语意味着不小心泄露了秘密或机密。
10. "The ball is in your court"(轮到你了)- 这个习语表示现在是某人做决定或采取行动的时候了。
高频英语习语盘点 篇三
11. Bite Your Tongue!
Stick your tongue between your teeth (gently), and then try to speak. You can’t say a word, can you? To bite one’s tongue means to stay quiet: literally to hold the tongue still so it can’t make a sound. This goes along with:
把舌头放在上下牙齿间(轻轻地),然后试着说话。你一个字也说不出来,是吧?“To bite one's tongue”指的是保持安静:字面意思是让舌头静止不动,这样不会发出声音。随之而来的是:
12. Put a Sock In It
The idea behind this is that if you stuffed a sock in your mouth, you’d be quiet… so if you tell someone to “put a sock in it”, you’re telling them to shut up。
意思是如果你的嘴里塞了一只袜子,你就会安静下来....。。所以如果你对别人说“put a sock in it”,你是告诉他们不要说话了。
13. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
If a couple of dogs had been fighting and are now sleeping peacefully, it’s best to just leave them alone. The idea behind this one is to avoid bringing up old arguments so they’ll just be argued about again。
14. Foam at the Mouth
To hiss and snarl in anger like a rabid dog (whose mouth wo
15. A Slap on the Wrist
A very, very mild punishment. To be slapped on the wrist doesn’t hurt much, and isn’t a deterrent from misbehaving again。
16. You Are What You Eat
This is the idea that everything you eat influences your health and well-being. If you eat nothing but junk food, you’ll end up unhealthy and malnourished, so be sure to eat a well-balanced diet。
17. “It’s a Piece of Cake!”
…meaning that it’s incredibly easy. No-one has a difficult time eating a piece of cake, do they?
18. It Takes Two to Tango
A person can’t dance the tango alone, nor can they fight by themselves either. If an argument has occurred, there were two people involved, so two were responsible。
19. Head Over Heels
To be incredibly excited and joyful, particularly with regard to being in love. Imagine someone so happy that they do cartwheels down the street: like that。
20. An Arm and a Leg
When something is so ridiculously expensive that you might have to sell your own body parts in order to afford it, it’s said to cost “an arm and a leg”。
当有些东西贵的离谱时,你可能得卖到身体的一些器官才能买得起。这就是说成本是“an arm and a leg"。