英语写作5大经典名人事例 篇一
第一位是威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare),他被公认为英国文学史上最伟大的剧作家之一。他的作品包括许多经典戏剧,如《哈姆雷特》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。莎士比亚的作品以其丰富的语言和深刻的人物形象而闻名,深深地影响了英语文学的发展。
第二位是简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen),她是19世纪英国最著名的小说家之一。奥斯汀的作品通常以女性为主角,描绘了当时社会中的爱情和婚姻问题。她的作品包括《傲慢与偏见》和《爱玛》,被誉为英国文学的经典之作。
第三位是乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell),他是20世纪最重要的政治作家之一。奥威尔以其揭露社会不公和政治腐败的作品而闻名。他的作品《1984》和《动物农场》探讨了权力和自由的主题,对当代政治和社会产生了深远的影响。
第四位是伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning),她是英国维多利亚时代最重要的诗人之一。巴雷特·勃朗宁的诗歌以其浪漫主义的风格和对爱情的热情而著称。她的作品《葡萄园》和《百日咳之歌》被广泛认为是英语诗歌的经典之作。
最后一位是欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway),他是20世纪美国最重要的作家之一。海明威以其简洁而有力的写作风格而著名,他的作品《老人与海》和《丧钟为谁而鸣》被广泛认为是现代文学的经典之作。他的作品深受读者和文学界的喜爱,也对后来的作家产生了巨大影响。
英语写作5大经典名人事例 篇二
第一位是约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck),他是20世纪美国最重要的小说家之一。斯坦贝克的作品通常探讨社会问题和人性的复杂性。他的作品《愤怒的葡萄》和《人鼠之间》以其真实而深刻的刻画而闻名,被认为是美国文学的经典之作。
第二位是奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde),他是19世纪英国最重要的戏剧家和作家之一。王尔德的作品以其幽默和机智而著称,常常探讨社会的虚伪和道德观念。他的作品《道林·格雷的画像》和《威尔德夫人的扇子》被广泛认为是英语戏剧的经典之作。
第三位是简·古尔德(J.K. Rowling),她是现代最成功的英语作家之一。古尔德的作品《哈利·波特》系列不仅在全球范围内取得了巨大成功,而且激励了无数读者对阅读和写作的热情。她的作品以其丰富的想象力和精彩的故事情节而广受赞誉。
第四位是查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens),他是19世纪英国最重要的小说家之一。狄更斯的作品以其对社会问题的关注和对人性的揭示而著称。他的作品《雾都孤儿》和《双城记》被广泛认为是英语文学的经典之作。
最后一位是简·奥斯汀(J.R.R. Tolkien),他是20世纪最重要的奇幻小说家之一。托尔金的作品《魔戒》系列和《霍比特人》系列被广泛认为是奇幻文学的经典之作。他的作品以其丰富的想象力和复杂的世界观而闻名,深深地影响了奇幻文学的发展。
英语写作5大经典名人事例 篇三
经典一:Bill Gates
Bill Gates,American software tycoon and cofounder of Microsoft, ranks as the richest man in the world. Childhood and School At the age of 13, Bill Gates developed his first computer software. When he was a 17 year old high school student, he founded a software company with Paul Allen, his high school friend. In his junior year at the Harvard University, against the strong opposition of his parents, Gates dropped out of school to focus on Microsoft, his second company. MS‐DOS When he was 25, Bill Gates, bought software developed by another company, made some improvements, renamed it MS‐DOS, and sold it to IBM. MS‐DOS was chosen by IBM as the operating system of its personal computers and thus became one of the most successful operating systems of all time Youngest Ever Self‐made Millionaire As a result of the enormous success of MS‐DOS, the company went public. Bill Gates, 32, became the youngest ever self‐made billionaire in the world.
经典二: Steven Jobs
Steven Jobs, is the American computer tycoon and cofounder and CEO of Apple Computer. School Days In high school, Jobs worked at Hewlett‐Packard as a summer employee. This experience proved to be tremendously
经典三: Alfred Nobel
Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist, inventor and philanthropist, is credited with the invention of a safe explosive and the creation of the Nobel Prizes. Nobel, in order to find a safe explosive, which was very much in demand because of the mining business and railway construction, carried out numerous dangerous experiments. In one instance, a major explosion happened, killing five people, including his younger brother. Nobel Prizes Before his death, Nobel, left the bulk of his fortune to create the Nobel Prizes to honor “inpiduals or institutions for outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology(生理学) or medicine, literature, international peace, and economic sciences.”
经典四: Marie Curie
Marie Curie, two‐time Nobel Prize laureate, is known for her integrity and devotion to science. Discovered Radium With tremendous patience (determination, perseverance, persistence) and years of hard work, Curie obtained 1 gram of radium from 8 tons of waste chemicals. Remained Poor for a Lifetime After the discovery of radium, the Curies could have become extremely rich if they patented the newly‐discovered chemical. However, they refused to do so, in the hope that the new chemical could benefit everybody freely. And they used the Nobel Prize money and other financial rewards to finance scientific research. Gave Her Life to Science Due to overexposure to radioactivity, Marie Curie developed severe cancer in her later life and died as a result. She gave her life to the scientific cause.
经典五:Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, led the rescue and put an end to the federal system in the great struggle against slavery. Although he only received a little bit in the border primary education, the public has little experience, however, his keen insight and deep awareness of the humanitarian, he became history's greatest president.